Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1062, your position is very good ...

Lin Hao stunned: "Ah?"

Yan Qian explained: "In Tengda, every employee consumes snacks. It is 3.2 packs, coffee and drinks. Can't stop from work to get off work. This is still in many employees to lose weight, control premise under."

"But late line of business is obviously a big gap, but also to make persistent efforts."

"How much to eat snacks, you can see the degree of investment in employee work, eat more snacks, indicating that employees work hard, strive to think, consume energy, so you need to eat a lot of snacks as supplements."

"So, I have to work hard this!"

Lin night's expression was slightly frightened.

Are you eating snacks?

Is this also a problem that needs improvement?

Still ..., behind this, there is a deeper information, can you take?

Lin Xiaobi browned, after thinking about a moment, suddenly the light is flashing: "I understand, I am not!"

"You said that these employees have just been in the job, do not eat snacks, actually reflecting their attitude towards the attitude, is still an old board, not relaxed enough?"

"And the game creation is an industry that needs inspiration, only fully relax, can make a good design; only in a relaxed atmosphere, the exchange between colleagues is more harmonious, smooth?"

"So the snacks eat less reflect the team's milling, the atmosphere is not active, which will actually affect the daily work status and the quality of the game finished products!"

"Seeing a micro-knowledge, only everyone can take a lot of snacks, can you let the entire team go to the right track?"

"Then I will send you a notice for a while, encourage everyone to eat more snacks! Play with 2 packs per day!"

Yu Qian was shocked.

He is just about the mouth, I hope that the employees of the late studio can eat less snacks, and the results did not expect Lin Ya's less than a second, so many things ...

Sure enough, is this the old employee of Tengda?

Yan Qian couldn't help but want to do the hand, what is the situation? How to cultivate such a strange strange employee ...

But now I can't explain it, and Yu Qian can only default, Lin Dynasty, immediately transfer the topic: "Let's talk about VR glasses."

Lin Night: "Go to the conference room, my brother is just also."

In the meeting room, Yan Qian saw the forest often looking down while playing mobile phones.

Lin Chang looked up to see Yan Qian immediately showed a smile: "Hey, ?


Isn't this aware of what?

Don't think I don't know, you are in your back!

Although I didn't think so much, I didn't think about it in two days.

According to reason, the building should be very popular, how is anyone else?

If all companies don't want to "shoot fire", this is actually a bit awful, because all intentional companies are respectful to Tengda to give up such a fat meat.

So, most people give them a ventilation behind them!

As for this person, it is actually very good, nothing more than Li Shi or Lin Chang.

Li Shi does not have such a large energy, his influence is limited to Jingzhou, and some of the domestic real estate companies is actually not on.

This elimination, the answer is obvious.

In this event that hinders the building, Lin Chang will definitely play a huge energy!

: "This is still a lot of Xie Lin's 'help'."

Although Yu Qian has been trying to say in the tone of yin and yang, Lin Chang still has no sense of notice, but some embarrassing hooks: "Hey, ," you are welcome!"

"In fact, I am also a hand of holding a few calls."

"Since the end of the late studio," I would rather selling this fund, this kind of pay can be used to measure! This is busy, I can't help it, I don't want to put it on my heart! "

: "..."

How can I not hear good? I am thank you?

If you don't have a system, I have a good mouth to vomit a lot!

Yan Qian is very speechless, just look at a chair next to the meeting: "Still talking about it. I heard that the R & D funds of VR glasses are not enough?"

Lin Night: "Well, yes."

"Before we originally developed funds, the game and VR glasses were 20 million. The game is absolutely no problem, definitely enough, but VR glasses ... I have encountered a problem."

"In fact, according to our original design, this money is almost, but in the specific design, there is a few editions after communication with the factory, and then I want to use some new technologies, so that I will go. The cost is going up ... "

The old Song is the product manager of the Shenhua Group responsible for this VR glasses project.

Investment in this hardware research and development, can be more, the up and down float is actually large, and the key to see what extent.

Don't say it is a device, even develop a small handle, Microsoft has entered the funds of hundreds of millions of knives.

But this is too much attention to the details, such as ergonomic design, durability, and unique appearance in the handle, all of which are repeatedly modified, repeatedly adjusted test.

But many domestic manufacturers will actually be a handle. The research and development of this handle is much lower.

Of course, good handles and poor handles, feelings and actual use experiences will also have a gap, but the gap will not be so big.

That is to say, the cheap handle "is not the use."

After all, a penny is a penny, very worth two points, in this physical device, the hand feels very huge every time the cost pays.

And in the VR device, the very sensational initial Oculusrift is only made of 250 million knives, which also include some of the money production and stocking.

Many domestic companies have developed VR glasses to use crowdfunding ways. For example, some domestic VR glasses raised 3 million knives for 8K, I have developed the world's highest resolution VR glasses, although the base station and handle are It is the ready-made technology, but it is also enough to explain that the research and development of VR glasses is can't spend so much money.

The current VR glasses do not have more high technical content, and the difference between traditional displays is only different.

Two lenses of VR glasses are based on different visual fields and to create a deep understanding of different images in local space. In the user's brain, a virtual reality field is formed, and there is a display effect of the traditional screen. .

In other words, information is still those information, nothing more than a form of showing these pictures to players.

The late studio has invested 20 million, which can be converted into 3 million knives. In fact, it is already a big investment. The general company does not dare to smash this money to do VR, afraid to lose their blood.

What's more, VR glasses are common to your mobile phone. For example, they all need a chip, they need a foundation AIR operating system, and these are undoubtedly the strength of Shenhua Group, which can save a lot of money in this regard.

Originally this money is enough, but the old Song as the product manager is a relatively generous personality. There are some new ideas in the process of design, and the research and development of the handle is indeed higher than the original expectations. So a few editions After the design, it was found that the funds were discovered to see the elbows, which reported to Lin Night here.

The old and the old and even wonderful thinking of a scenario of the body, but soon he fell.

Because there will be a few questions because it is a glove, it is difficult to solve with the current technical conditions, such as:

The size of the player's hand is very different. It means to do a lot of size, even if you have done a lot of size, it is not always adapt to the player's hand. And the gloves will be very uncomfortable. If it is the handle, you can make average code, all players can use it very comfortably.

Moreover, in order to complete the corresponding function, there must be a battery, inductor, rocker, and button on the handle, and the gloves plus these things will definitely be too bloated, heavy, and it will be very inconvenient.

So the gloves are not working in the current level of technology, even if you barely do it, you will not be good, or the old man's regression to the handle.

But even the handle scheme, because it is different from the existing VR handle, the money required to develop it is much more than the previous expectations.

Listen to this, Yu Qian came spirit, instant eyes: "I said that the money is definitely not enough!"

"You also said that 15 million can be made, I am worried that the money is not enough to add 20 million. Now it seems that 20 million is not enough!"

"Must add it again!"

Hearing here, Lin Chang hurriedly said: "No problem! Do you add how much you add, our gods, how much!"

Yan Qian glanced at him and a little speechless.

What do you put on this?

This kind of thing is still good to bear it alone.

But I think of the good things of Lin Chang dry a few days ago, I'm going to love him.

It is also living!

: "That line, Tengda, then chasing Ten million."

Lin Chang squatted: "Ah? Is it so much?"

Yan Qian and twice, said: "If the Lin always is not convenient, all the things are still there, there is no problem ..."

Lin Chang hurriedly said: "No problem! What can I have?"

"Shen Hua is also chasing more tens of millions, properly!"

"40 million, almost equal to nearly six million knives, this is more than twice more than the foreign VR glasses that caused a sensation ..."

"Is there any problem in this?"

Although it is supported by your own sister, Lin Chang is still a virtual.

Ten million to the Shenhua Group is not a big number, he is worried that after investing these money, if the project fails, it will cause huge blow to Lin Double.

However, since it is the bailout board decided to add money, then add it!

Lin Night: "This is absolutely enough! However, the summary, the funds over Tengda really no problem? If you still put money, these two thousand people have let me go out ..."

: "Tenda's capital is no problem, it is very good! You don't have to worry about this!"

"It's better to worry about this, it is better to put energy in the development of equipment and the design of the game, and strive to let the products come out soon!"

Anyway, the day of this product is not far from the blood loss.

Lin Night: "Okay, I will talk to the old Song. In this way, the design before him can be implemented, will definitely be very happy!"

"Take the balance, it's hard to come. Do you want to see the" Animal Island "now art conceptual map?"

: "OK."

After all, there is still a long time from the game Demo, look at the artistic concept map, and you can probably know the rough style of the game, the brain, the game screen.

Lin Xia took a laptop next to a laptop, find a few concept pictures of a game, showing and Lin often.

Yu Qian glanced at it, could not help but be a little surprised.

This Q version concept picture is very perfect!

Background of concept illustration is a sea island, is island vegetation lush, picturesque scenery. The body part of the picture is a variety of manned small animals, such as kittens, puppies, lions, dogs, rabbits, etc. Some holding a hoe in farming.

There is also a rubbed robot with a point of steam style, in assisting these small animals to manage farmland, engage in a set of steampunk farmland water systems, of course, is also q.

For the painters, the Q version is relatively easy to play with the real style, because if it is not a special talent, it will not be too ugly.

But the Q version wants to be very difficult, because the key to the q version is to extract the outstanding characteristics of the original image to create, how to let the Q version of the role enough to reserve the core essence, it is a very good There is difficult thing.

And these pictures are obviously the masters.

Yu Qian is very happy.

The master of the master means expensive!

It must be a good thing.

"This picture is a master hand, spent a lot of money?" Yu Qian asked with the mouth.

Lin Xia laughed and smiled: "I still talk about what the money doesn't have money. It is not a long-term cooperation price."

, instantly floating a question mark on his head.


"Is this the painting painting of Yan Guang?"

Yan Qian felt a little, because he remembers that Yan Guangjian seems to be mainly painted by the style.

Lin Night: "Yes, I can only say that big is big, Q version is so good!"


He suddenly remembered, and Yan Guangxian is much more popular, and does not mean that he will not draw Q version.

When Qian Qian was looking for a picture online, it was because they saw that Yan Guangjian's representative works were all Qingqi Q versions. Suspected that he did not realize the style, so he was looking for him ...

"Mission and Choice" did not just release, and Yan Guangjian ran to drive "Animal Island"?

, : "You are very good ..."

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