Yan Qian nodded: "Well, you are right, you really need to re-design the entire VR experience area."

"This, the host is still all in the shelf on the head, the power button is cited by a line. Then make the entire VR experience area into a compartment, the display is hanging on the front of the front, below Folded table panels, there are brackets on the table, hook keyboards and mice. "

"The table board is designed to stand up with the right height."

"VR header, the handle is hung on the sides of the sides, convenient to use."

In this way, there are two forms of the tableboard: putting flat or sticked walls.

When the player is used, the default is to flatten, and the keyboard can be operated to find a game on the computer, enter the VR mode. Then you can leave a space experience game after you can post the table.

Because the keyboard is fixed by a small bracket on the table, as long as the mouse is placed in the bracket, there will be no embarrassment in the air.

I can only say that if the players like to play computer games, then play.

Yu Qian feels that this player should be a few.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Ok, then I will arrange it according to this way."

"But ... Do you have any questions? Now I have a little more people who have been full of people. If you use half of the computer that touches the fish net coffee 1.0 withdrawal to VR, isn't it necessary to further intensify this crowd? "

"Then I can only open more branches."

? ??? ? ?

, open more branch, are you?

It seems that I don't change this VR game area, you will not open the store, more fresh!

Now that branch is like a dumplings, it is open, anyway, the VR experience area can make all stores' income falls a big cut, I don't lose.

: "Open, what you have said, I have said that I have opened the branch, I don't limit you, how to open it."

Xiao Peng is very happy to nod: "understand, ! Then I will start to prepare."

"If you want to do a VR experience area, it is not a small project, not one or two, after all, it is necessary to do a compartment, purchase equipment, etc.

"I plan to transform a batch, just before, let Liang Liang sail help the netfa to design, have not found a good time, you can do this with this opportunity!"

"Although this change is not small, I believe that the fish net coffee must be renewed, the turnover is new!"


Renewing a new consideration, but the turnover is still better.


Soon after Yan Qian left late.

Ye Zhou, Wang Xiaobin came to the meeting room, and the current main designer Cai Jiadong with Lin and Evening Studio will meet some of the design details of "Animal Island".

Lin Xiao took a few more information from the side, and then picked it out and let the assistant copied.

Soon, this information was sent in the hands of everyone.

These materials, each of which is a design plan for the new VR glasses, and the Lin is charting is the final plan.

Lin Xia said: "Just now, Yan has already taken a board, and Tengda and Shenhua will have more tens of millions of investments, which means that this VR glasses have reached 40 million."

"Therefore, the design of VR glasses can also be finalized, and the most expensive version is used."

Ye Zhou, Wang Xiaobin and Cai Jiadong picked up this information and once again looked again.

There were many ideas before the old Song, according to the different research and development funds and final price, organized a number of programs.

The most satisfied version is the most satisfying version is temporarily put on hold, and now it is in place, and naturally, there is no need to hesitate.

Lin Nate introduced: "This VR glasses will use all-in-one + wireless wired stream + binocular head 6DOF positioning system, the lens is 4K resolution, up to 120 Hz refresh rate, 125 degree angle, 5000mAh battery 2 a half hours of continuous game ... "

Although the current VR device is not much, it is mainly in foreign countries, but for the development direction of VR glasses, there has been a significant polarification.

One is that the pure VR header that must be connected to the computer and the positioning base station is displayed, and the other is a VR-shaped machine that the built-in chip can be used alone.

Two kinds of practices have their own weaknesses.

Relatively speaking, pure VR heads will inevitably experience better, higher, lighter, such as Ye Qian memory, a VR glasses with 8K, do 200 degrees and up to 8K resolution, Comparing the screen parameters of the VR all-in-one, it is entirely rolling.

However, the VR all-in-one also has its existence because it has more scenarios.

The VR header is also required to be used with high-cost computers, and there is a wire to connect, which means that it is not possible to see VR movies independently, can't leave the host too far, and relatively high price makes most players have no purchase desire.

The VR integration is relatively heavy, because there is a chip, there is a large piece of battery, but it can not need to connect, more flexible. Moreover, it can built-in programs, do not require computers, you can also play some of the relatively low VR games, similar to this level of mobile games.

If you want to play large computer games, the VR all-in-one can be solved in a wireless or wired stream.

This piece is actually the strength of the Shenhua Group.

It is also because it is very confident on the wired and wireless streaming technology of this glasses, so the old Song is more inclined to use the integrated plan.

These specific parameters, in fact, each item is finalized after repeated thinking.

The binocular head 6DOF positioning system adopted by the integrated machine is simply that there is no need to locate the base station, but there are two cameras in front of the glasses, shooting a realistic environment, and positioning according to the captured screen.

Although the accuracy will be slightly different from the base station, it is not obvious, and the general player can't feel.

Moreover, these two cameras have special use. In the player leaves the security zone, or some special circumstances, the glasses will no longer display the game screen, but the real picture captured by the camera.

Only this picture is relatively blurred, just like the picture seen by three or four patients.

And another critical parameter is the screen quality.

The resolution of the VR glasses directly determines the player's experience, and the initial VR glasses use 2K resolution, but 2K resolution is obviously insufficient, must be up to 4K.

In fact, even if 4K can't completely eliminate the gridization effect of VR, the cost of improving the resolution is too large, and it is difficult to achieve at present technology.

In order to get the best gaming experience, 120Hz refresh rate is also necessary. If there is only 60 Hz, there will be some carton feelings and cannot get the most smooth game experience.

If it is the main function of watching a movie, 60Hz is enough, but you want to play the game to be 200Hz.

The angle of view is the visual angle of VR glasses. If it is small, the player will feel like seeing things from the door, and the game is promoted.

However, the visual angle cannot be large, because the visual angle is, the larger the lens, the greater the lens, but also more than just the cost, the original resolution will also be stretched.

For example, 100 degrees of field of view can keep 4K, if pulled to 200 degree angle, the resolution may only have 2K.

The eyes of the human eye is 124 degrees, and the range of attention is 25 degrees, and the horizontal angle of the eyes is up to 188 degrees.

That is, after the VR glasses do 200 degrees, it will be an ultimate immersion sensation, and no black border will occur in the field of view.

But this is too extravagant, not the scheme that can be used at this stage.

Old Song is 125 degrees in the field of view, which is in line with normal eyes, although the light of the eye is still a black border, but there is no kind of feeling, and the feeling of seeing things across the door.

And such screen qualities plus one-in-one chip obviously makes it greatly improved, 5000mAh's battery is only 2 and a half hours.

The length of this battery life is actually more appropriate, because the VR game is different from computer games, the immersion sensation is too strong, and it is more difficult to play, and it is more reasonable to play two hours.

Of course, if you can play it, you can play it back, so there is no time limit, but the action will be less convenient.

This battery is not small, so the back design is used to balance the weight of the entire glasses, that is, the battery is partially pressed on the back of the player.

In this way, this VR glasses are priced at 4599.

Still exceeding the psychological bottom line of everyone.

In fact, I have just started to control the price efforts to control the price of about 3,000 yuan, so that the price of consumers is more close to the consumer, more beneficial to the popularity of the equipment.

But there is no way, a lot of parameters plus can't fall, and the price will naturally fall.

Everyone looked at the information and basically did it.

Because the specific parameters of this VR glasses will affect some things in the game.

The game design can be said to be a "wearing a dance", because all the times of the birth of the game, its specific content is subject to the limit of hardware parameters.

How to do best as possible under a limited hardware condition, this is the test of all designers must face.

Everyone did not immediately entered the topic, but a few words left.

Lin Yaowei asked: "How is the situation there?"

Wang Xiaobin smiled: "It is very good," fitness battle "is successful, just started to worry that the refund mechanism will cause income plummeted, but there is no, but more exciting players' recharge enthusiasm."

"In addition to continuing to" Fitness Big Battle "out of new props, there is basically no other work."

Lin is asked again: "What would the next new project?"

Wang Xiaobin shook his head: "Unclear, wait until the mission. We have some ideas, but it is not very mature."

This topic is over here. Lin is finishing the information and prepares to enter the next topic.

But at this time, the Ye Zhou sitting next to suddenly looked up, it seems to realize what.

"Wait, I suddenly thought of a thing!"

"Maybe I have always implicit us next new project?"

Wang Xiaobin and Lin are all surprised: "Ah?"

Ye Zhou suddenly excited, saying about Wang Xiaobin: "Just now, we have touched it in the door, and how do you always say?"

Wang Xiaobin works to recall: "Hey ... Yan Zi said, let us fully cooperate with the work of the studio, it is really not, the things there are ."

Ye Zhou said: "Is this not right?"

Wang Xiaobin is still confused: "How is it right?"

Ye Zhizhu suddenly, explained: "The things of the Ocean game can be put first, it means that we don't have to drive new projects, think about new games."

"Fully cooperate with the work of late studio, obviously not only helping design games. After all, we will cooperate again, design work is also the designer of late studio."

"But our cooperation is not necessarily limited to this, we can also do something that is helpful to VR glasses!"

"For example, we also develop a VR version of" Fitness Big Battle "?"

"I suddenly discovered that" fitness battle "and VR do this are not the meaning of Tianzhu?"

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