Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1073 Lin Jiaqiang's video

May 26th, Saturday morning.

Hong Kong City.

Lin Jiaqiang is sweating on the smart fitness drying rack.

If Meng Chang sees that Lin Jiaqiang, Lin Jiaqiang will definitely be very surprised, because when I took the smart fitness clothes, Lin Jiaqiang was significantly thinned!

Quantitatively, it is a two-week thin 4kg.

Although the weight of Lin Jiaqiang's two hundred pounds, 4kg is not much, but in the two weeks, it is so fast.

Weight loss can not be found fast, 1kg per week is basically safe, healthy, and there may be some health hazards.

Although 4kg is not much in the weight of Lin Jiaqiang, his shape change is quite obvious.

Because Lin family's weight loss is a large amount of strength training in the intelligent fitness drying rack, it is not a way to lose fat, while the weight is declining, the muscles have also increased.

Muscle growth, also causes the rise in weight.

From the density, muscle is three times that of fat density, that is, if a 200 pound of fat man practicing 200 pounds of muscle male, although weight has not changed, the body is completely different.

Lin Jiaqiang lost a lot of fat, and practiced a lot of muscles, so the weight is not much more, but it looks quite obvious.

Moreover, his color is also healthy.

"Don't be too tired, pay attention to rest. I went up and see the children."

Lin Jiaqiang's wife took a bottle of sports drinks in Lin Jiaqiang's hand, and then went upstairs.

This staircase is not a staircase of a luxury villa, but a normal duplex staircase.

Lin Jiaqiang's house in Hong Kong is a small complex. The upstairs is high and very short, lives with his two daughters. There are almost no many places in the room, and there are few places after going down the bed, and the two children have to write homework.

The distance between the bed to the ceiling is also very short. Now the two little guys can reach out, but if they grow up, it may be a bit more encountered.

Downstairs is the living room, balcony, master bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, the area of ​​the upper and lower layers is about 80 flat, and the overall function is all available.

This is a fairly spacious residential in Hong Kong.

After all, the per capita live area of ​​this side is only 15 square meters, and this data is still averaged by many of the might of buying villas and luxury homes.

Lin Jiaqiang came out early. At that time, he waited for a few brothers who were just red, and filmed some money, so she bought this house. If it is a general family, I can't afford it.

But even so, Lin Jiaqiang is a hard work.

When it is red, it is okay, and it is still a pressure on the mortgage, and you can go out three differently five. But later his career worse, it can only be forced to settle, and life has become quite aim.

For a poorest period, Lin Jiaqiang as long as it is a commercial performance, no matter how the price is high, it can only rely on Zhang Zu Ting's access to several old friends.

But now it is fine.

The intelligent fitness drying rack is placed on the balcony. When this thing was just sent to home, his wife almost lifted with him.

Although this thing is white, it is placed!

The residential area of ​​Hong Kong is generally small, so it is almost extremely extreme in space, one inch can't waste. This smart fitness drying rack accounted for 3 square meters of the balcony, so that the stenosis balcony snow, it is no wonder that the wife wants to be angry with him.

After listening to this thing, the seats folded, and after the clothes can be used, the wife will finally accept it.

But just accept, you can accept it.

Lin Jiaqiang's wife felt that Lin Jiaqiang did not use several times, so he was taking the time to sell or handle it ash.

As a result, it didn't expect that Lin Jiaqiang didn't hold it!

Every day, I will exercise the characters in the game. After the exercise, I can get the Calories coin lottery, and even the pictures of exercise are very cute, full of blind.

Slowly, the wife also has an interest, I also like it after a few times, but also I originally built a new number yourself.

Seeing Lin Jiaqiang did practicing the effect, the wife will no longer sell the intelligent fitness clothes hanger, not only to practice, and study this stuff in the clothes, and dry the drying rack and Artificial intelligence reminds the function of the clothes.

Originally, my wife also wanted Lin Jiaqiang to go to the gym, but later still reminded.

Because the gym away from home is inconvenient, the near gym is more expensive, and the high-end gym monthly fee will be thousands, and it is not a private education fee.

The monthly fee for the gym is a long-term expenditure, which is also a small expenditure for their current economic situation.

Now the price of intelligent fitness drying hangers is similar to the price of the fitness card, not to mention the white delivery, the fitness effect is good, so there is no longer considering the gym.

Finally, Lin Jiaqiang ended his fitness and took a shower.

I just came out, I received a call.

"Mr. Lin Jiaqiang is? Hello, I am the official personnel of the Iried Island website, now invite you to settle in our Alit Island website. Your good friend Zhang Zutan is also within the invitation. ..."

"If you prefer, please register a account on our website, we will give you an official certification, and some recommended resources. Of course, it is best to send a video, say hello, so that it is easy to drain ...... "

Lin Jiaqiang carefully heard the introduction of official personnel, and rushed: "Of course, thank you very much!"

In the past two years, the Alit Island website is also among the largest barrage video sites in the Mainland.

In order to drain, some star settlement is also a routine means.

Originally Lin Jiaqiang is a little too much, and the priority of the invitation is not so high, but his previous blood war song advertisement was repeatedly ghost about the netizens, he and Zhang Zutan were "the blood brothers five people group" ghost animals and animal groups. .

Coupled with his recent endorsement of intelligent fitness drying racks, once again appeared in the field of view, a number of netizens, spoofing, so I got an invitation of an Aliance website.

For Lin Jiaqiang, this is of course a matter of seeking.

Although the Idi Island website has not much practical benefits, the attention and heat can bring business cooperation, and can also try again by this opportunity.

Lin Jiaqiang did not think more, immediately agreed.

Just, he is just a criminal: What is the first video?

If it is a comparative practice, it is nothing more than a greeting with everyone, I hope everyone will give a concern.

But such content is more void, no dry goods, and final playback and praise are certainly very small, this account is also easy to be forgotten.

Like some music circles, they are introducing themselves when they send the first video, and then write a song on the spot, which is particularly popular.

"Do you want to say a few words in the classic lines in the movie, or ridicule yourself, talk about the blood of the blood song?"

"I can sing my own ghostism, but I am not full, I am afraid that I will drop powder."

"And, these methods seem to have already used it."

Lin Jiaqiang wants a few ideas, but I don't feel very satisfied.

The Iried Island website will give some recommended resources. After all, it is an invitation to settle, and must give a face.

But most of them will only be given.

There are so many videos of the Iili website, limited resources, and it is impossible to give it without restriction.

So, this first video is too important. If the effect is not good, it will not attract enough attention, then it will be a lot of people to pay attention to it; Snowball, accumulate fans.

Lin Jiaqiang scirked his brains and did not think of a good way.

His wife is cleaning up the house, seeing Lin Jiaqiang's face entangled expression, asked "What happened?"

Lin Jiaqiang briefly said that the Eli Island was in the case, and then asked: "Do you think I take a video better?"

His wife thought about: "You don't have a video of fitness card? Take a picture of those video, give you a look at the results of your exercise, isn't it very good?"

Lin Jiaqiang suddenly: "Oh, yes!"

During this time, he used the video recorded by the smart fitness drying rack, and the changes in weight and body weight were also recorded.

This is actually just a conventional punch, in order to make the fitness this more ritual and sense of accomplishment, it makes it easier to stick to it.

Now this is the first video of your own account in the Aliance website, isn't it very suitable?

Turn these video data, make a short video of a five-minute, plus self-introduction is no more than ten minutes.

Will not let the netizens feel boring because it is too long, and it is full of goods.

Others must have lost weight recently? Even if you lose weight, it is impossible to lose 4kg, which is so obvious.

Moreover, Lin Jiaqiang has always played a fatigue. This face is very identified. He is very gains in weight loss. It must cause a large number of netizens' continued attention.

Not only the first video of the video is there, the heat of the video is not low, because everyone is very concerned about the latest progress of Lin Jiaqiang to lose weight.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiaqiang immediately came to the computer, all of which came out of the video information to shoot, each with a small segment, and clipped into short video.

In addition, he also has a little selfish, hoping to make publicity to the smart fitness drying rack.

After all, there were many money to this product, and they were eating and drinking in Jingzhou. When the advertisements were shot, but they didn't sit hot, and they had a little more than a time.

Now I can help promote publicity and propaganda, it is also a little bit thin!

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