Everyone hurriedly got up and greeted the . Hu Xunbin gave the most central location to the total.

After Yu Qian landed, the eyes swept a circle, but did not see Baoxu.

"Baowu is going to travel?" Qian asked casually.

In his impression, Baowu is really uncommon to be in the company, not in travel, just on the way to travel.

But I think about it, I don't seem to have any travel activities recently?

Excellent staff selection is in February and August, and now there is still two months from the next selection, and there is no event in the near future.

What about the young people?

Hu Xianbin quickly explained: "Some, Bao Ge recently helped in the snack market, and what happens, I am not very clear. Is this meeting need him to participate?"

Yan Qian immediately shook his head: "No, I just asked casually."

This package, runs to the snack market, what?

Yan Qian is a little fee to unpack the motivation of this behavior, it seems that he is not like a person who likes multi-tube idle?

However, this doesn't matter, Baoxu is not a gourmet.

Let him go to the disaster market, the harmfulness is a small amount of the gaming department.

Anyway, the next selection is estimated that Baowa is still the fate of the accompanying, he is already like this, and you will dry it out.

Everyone has dropped, and the meeting continued.

Hu Xintin said: "Some, we have received the task of adapting" Yongfeng Reincarnation ", and the first time will read the original novels in the organization department. Now they deliberately come, just want to roughly finalize this DLC. Specific content. "

"But everyone's opinion is not particularly unified, this DLC specific form has not been finalized."

"Just, I will give you a guidance to you! How is this DLC to do?"

Everyone looked at the summons in his eyes, and his eyes were full of hope.

"Looking back is the shore", it has also been developed by DLC, there have been some new weapons, new props, and it has been reincarnated and random mode, but the situation is not the same now.

The previous DLC only added some gameplay, the content is not particularly rich, the price is also fixed, just to give "back is the shore" old player to do things.

This time, the DLC involves the copyright development of "Yongfeng Return". Look at the general meaning, it is obviously to show the essence of the novel as much as possible, do a component of DLC, it is impossible to make it simple and confused. .

But the problem is that if you want to change the content of the same novel to the game, you don't just need to eat the story of the novel, but also need to make it in the game, specialize in design.

These changes may have conflicts with the original gameplay of the game, and they need to be hidden.

In this way, everyone can't reach an agreement quickly.

Just, I have long!

As the father of "turning back is the shore", I will definitely come up with a perfect solution!

:: "Hey ... I will simply emphasize two things before saying the game."

"The first thing, I have already notified before. Everyone must keep a confidentiality of the copyright developments of the workshop works, do not leak."

"The second thing is within two months, it is July 1st, everyone can prepare for DLC development, but do not formally develop."

Pre-preparation is not equal to the development of the project.

The concept of pre-preparation is relatively broad, for example, in the mind thinks about the specific practice of DLC, or a few drafts, even in advance, put some art resources small repair, this is a preparation.

In this way, it will not be considered a new project by the system without affecting the settlement.

Once it is formally established, the development schedule is discharged, which has a clear plan for the release date of the game DLC, and it will affect the settlement.

Yu Qian emphasizes this main way to ensure that the settlement is unaffected.

Hu Xunbin, I nodded: "I understand, I'm:" Yong Yu Retrieving "This large DLC requires a lot of content, so that we must deeply explore the insequence, after the preparation, after two months, then sedate, then then Formal development, don't be too impatient, right? "

: "... it's almost."

Obviously, Hu Xianbin and others have a bit deviation with the original idea of ​​Yan Qian, but since the result is not bad, then it will.

Yan Qian said: "As for the design of DLC ... Hey, what is your discussion?"

"I can give you a little opinion as appropriate, but it is finally decided by you."

Originally, Yan Qian did not intend to design the DLC design. He is now very much, and the DLC of the district game is not concerned.

But Yu Qian suddenly thought of a thing, changed his thoughts.

So far, "Looking back is the shore" is not free!

According to the system, a single game is sold for more than 10 months, and the current month's income has fallen to one-fifth of the monthly income of the month, it can be free.

But the problem is that the income of "back is the shore" is still very strong, every time, it is necessary to fall to one-fifth of the month's income, and always rebounded in the miracle!

In this way, the sales of "back is the shore" is always repeated jump, but how to jump, it is not a free standard!

This makes very much, and it is also very puzzled.

Who is still buying "back is the shore"!

This game is sold for two years, why are you still making money?

I want to be free of free, too pit!

Yu Qian feels that these people have come back to abuse, or because the difficulty is not high enough.

According to reason, it should be able to persuade a large number of players with the difficulty of "turning back". However, after Qiao Lao wets very detailed, after detailed Raiders video, many people only need to move forward with the video, safely advancement, a slightly suffering.

Many new players come here, relying on these Raiders videos, insisting on playing customs clearance, and constantly contributing to the "back is the shore" source.

This situation can no longer continue, be sure to make difficulty!

Yu Qian intends to engage in a tone.

Other games are behind the DLC behind the body, and the players generally experience the game content of the body, and then experience the DLC.

But this time, Yan Qie wants to put the DLC in front of the body.

For players who have already passed the "back is the shore", if it is a player who has not played "back is the shore", after he enters the game, you will experience the content of DLC, and then experience the "back is the shore" body content.

And the DLC is a special screening mechanism: must open the contents of the previous chapters can be paid to purchase DLC; and there will be a seven fold for DLC. If the payment is "back is the shore", there will be seven folds.

I don't affect the old players, but for new players, they will definitely be greedy, thus causing the number of people who buy "back to the shore" to reduce the number of people, so that the sales volume of "returning is the shore" is reduced, and system requirements Have you left later?

As soon as possible, do less earning less!

Of course, in order to take care of the players' emotions, there will be corresponding instructions before the "turning back" is free, and players who spend money in the short term can get the protection refund service.

This plan is very perfect, but there are two main problems in front of Yan Qian.

The first is the difficulty problem, "back is the shore" difficulty is very high, still relying on "Pudu" this weapon to play, if you add difficulty, how do you customs clearance this game?

The second is a plot problem. Before you put the DLC before you first experience the DLC and then experience your body content, you have a reasonable reason.

And these, Yu Qian has not thought about it.

He has never seen the story of "Yong Yu Retriever".

Therefore, Yu Qian intends to ask if you ask everyone to discuss, and then put forward your own point of view.

Hu Xianbin handed over: "Torry, this is the story of our previous finishing ideas and" Yongfeng Round ", you look."

"What we are now considering, starting with the status of the protagonist."

"According to the story of" Yonghao Returns ", the whole story happens in the world that has not yet collapsed in the world. The protagonist is a strong human warrior, his skills are extraordinary, walking in the world, hinders yourself, become A generation of martial arts. "

"But the powerful people will also usher in death. In his later years, he wants to make every means to escape the fate of death. Forced the workers to create a magic sword that can be scratched to the soul, let it be covered with sorghum. And let the witch make a pill that can let himself enter the brief, floating in the yin and yang border. "

"When black and white is incompetent, this martial art will use the magic sword to kill black and white, and drive the next way to the murderous sword will come to pick up your own ghosts, step into the government, let the whole six The reincarnation is collapsed. "

"But at the end, he woke up, realized that he was cast in a big mistake under the driving of the magic sword, the demon in the whole hell is ready to move, so he is going to have a deep hell, and The first Jajac. "

"Our current idea is to arrange an NPC in the initial village. After the player witnessed the killing of the jail, I won a props. After handing it over to the NPC, I can cross the DLC, experience the story of" Yongxuan Remote ". "

"And the game's combat system continues to use, just add some new weapons and props actions, such as special combo skills, devices, etc., highlight the identity of the protagonist 'Wu Sheng', and" look back is the shore "ontology The protagonist forms a contrast. "

Yan Qian silently, did not respond immediately.

It can be seen that for Hu Xianbin and others, such an extent of this have been called quite "bold".

After all, this is just DLC, not a sequel, nor a new game.

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