Yu Qian immediately opened the mobile phone to search for "cold face".

However, there is no useful information, all are all such as "cold noodles - thousands of Baibo", "cold noodle mythology end", "entrepreneurial view: cold face girl business plan", etc. content.

These contents are basically stayed before a few months, without any time effect.

"Garbage thousand!"

Yan Qian silently spits a sentence, decided to be a little more straightforward, call the cold side girl now!

Since I took a cold-faced girl, Yu Qian has always avoided too much intersection with cold girl.

In addition to approved the Booth Food Competition, Yan Qian did not reach any clear instructions.

Not only that, Yan Qian found that the fish of Yu Yak's touched fish is expanded to the emperor, but also specializes in the rain, the store is opposite the door, just to let the fish touched the cold side girl all.

Yan Qian also did not pay more to the cold girl, and opened a branch, but the expenditure of the expenditure to maintain the low level required for normal operation of a store.

In doing so, it is obviously because of the first car of the fish taking the fish.

When I first touched the fish, I have been losing, and Yu Qian has always given it to expand. As a result, it expands to the end, and it will cover the entire Han Dong province. Suddenly a garbage classification, all finished!

Moreover, considering the powerful observer effect on himself, Yan Qian is also very scared, in case he will reach a directive for the cold girl, Qi Yan is under understanding, then bursting out?

Although the cold-faced girl's store has been losing money, but Yan Qian still endures, I have to continue to invest more branches.

Have to say, enduring quite hard.

But it is also precisely that Yu Qian actually gives a cold girl!

It is because I hope that this burning tree can grow up smoothly, can't come out, so I can't dare to give it too much attention to it.

But now, the cold noodle girl that has been stocked is actually turned over.

How can this be?

Yu Qian is completely unable to accept this fact.

Can Li, this information is definitely not sent to no reason, and it must be a problem!

The phone is quickly connected.

"Target?" Qi Yan's voice is very surprised. It is obvious that it will take a few months to receive a few months to make her surprises.

Phone background sound, some noisy.

There is a tips for the electronic sound of the customers, and there is a customer to move back and walk back, the voice talking, is quite busy.

"", realize that the problem is large.

Colden girl's store should not be ~ very cold, do you have any people?

But after all, it is just a sound. I didn't see the specific picture, and there is a lucky psychology in the heart.

"The cold noodle girl ... What is the situation?" Yu Qian asked,

At this time, it is already ten o'clock in the morning. In the store of the cold face, the seats in the store have satiated the seven or seven eight eight. The people who queued to order the long dragon, and they often have fish takeaway. Takeaway little brother has done.

Looking at this busy situation, I heard the general problem, and Qi Yu could not help but feel warm.

Sure enough, I have never forgotten the cold girl!

The time, Qi Wei and cold girl's employees often fall into self-doubt.

There is no color in the store, and the public opinion on the Internet will not be improved, and the total is not allowed to arrange any task for the cold girl.

Do you always give up the cold girl? Is there too many industries, do you not catch up?

But after the Rumei Morning, Qi Qi and Qi, Qi Yan finally understood that Yan is always ignored the cold-faced girl, but has been in silent arrangement, waiting for the right time!

Now, the snack market has driven, under the driving of the fish takeaway, the candidate girl's reputation and Feng also reversed, the people in the store also have more people.

I always call the situation of the cold face for the first time. What is this explanation?

Explain that the always has been paying attention to the situation of cold noodles, and then calls inquiry, verifying, and confirming, and confirmation!

Qi Qi immediately replied: "You can rest assured, everything is in progress!"

"The cold side girl has increased significantly from yesterday, and the two days are basically full of state!"

"I randomly interviewed some customers, they all expressed satisfaction with new meals, as a fast food, I have been very delicious!"

"And I also prepared a few TVs in the store, playing a documentary of" Standhouse Power ", and the way to the Beijing snack market has been promoted."

"In short, according to the current situation, the cold side girl can quickly turn into the money!"

It's like a sunny day, and Yan Qian has not said it.

He very much.

Don't you have a cold noodle girl?

How can I suddenly be suddenly fired?

It's just that you have this!

More speechless is that ...


Yan Qian hangs.


I thought this was a burning tree, I was completely wrong!

Yan Qian is a little regret, I know that I will be in this situation, I still don't have more than a few stores, I can still lose money!

However, it is not a matter of thinking, it is wrong. If you open a store earlier, don't you make money together now ...

Now there is only this store, even how to earn again, earn some foreign fast food brand, a net profit of a store is nothing more than a few hundred thousand.

After all, the turnover is high, but the gross profit margin is relatively low, raw materials, rent, water and electricity, and personnel salary are fixed.

Earn more than a month, it is no more strange problem for the scorpion.

Near the settlement, then there is no sense to die with the cold noodles, or hurry to see the industry that needs care to care!

On the other hand, Qi Yan looked at the black screen of the mobile phone, doubts: "Total?"

What hangs like this?

If it is not a cold, the cold girl is very good, Qi Ji thought that it is anger.

"Sure enough, for the summary of the cold, the cold, the brightener is expected, asking the situation, you can understand the situation, no need to have more time."

"It is a big entrepreneur with big breasts."

"But this also shows ... Everything is in the Poly Plan, I have thought of a lot of things, but I didn't give birth to a surprise."

"It seems that I have to continue working hard, the cold-faced girl is still not enough to let the . Or continue to implement the total planning, continue to operate the brown girl, and open more Multi-store! "

Qi Wei silently sets his determination.

Talents in Tengda are too good. First, I know the rain in the morning to take the fish, and I know Zhang Yahui, Baowu, and Liang Sailing on the snack market.

Everything is too good than yourself.

I have to work hard to meet the identity of Tengda's person in charge, and live up to the expectation of the profession!


After hung up the phone, Yu Qian sat slightly, went out to have a lot of brunch, and then took the bus to the Tenda Experience Store in Jinsheng Square.

According to the previous arrangement, the big screen outside the store today should have been completed, and Jinsheng Square will definitely promote this, the traffic of the person will inevitably improve.

What will it be on the improvement?

Yu Qian is not too dare, can only go to see it.

There is a little small plug on the road, so that Yu Qian once again feels the traffic in Jinzhou.

But fortunately, the traffic jam is not very serious, very fast, Yu Qian took the car in the door of the Taiwan earth.

Then I saw the population of the Wu Central.

It's just a carriage!

Many people wearing a team of GPL leagues, holding tricks, and even in the face printed, one full of smiles.

"Which team do you look at?"

"That is also said? It is absolutely ek! Jiang Huan is absolutely to take the total champion!"

"Hey, unfortunately the H4 club has a little pulverant in the late Spring season, otherwise the Spring season will repeat the scene of the World World game, Jiang Huan and Huang Wang's confrontation, definitely very exciting."

"What about you, which team you support?"

"I don't support the two teams of the finals, I will always support DGE!"

"Yes, no matter who holds the champion, victory will always belong to DGE!"

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