Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1134 Clarification Announcement

July 2nd, Monday.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Yan Qian turned off the alarm clock, slammed from the bed, preparing for the spirit of shaking the new week.

I bought the house on the weekend, and I have a heart, as for the decoration, you can come back later.

Clean up the multi-threaded tasks in your brain, you can focus on the last month's settlement.

Yan Qian brushed his teeth, and opened the mobile phone to see how the online water army was completed.

Have to say, Hu Xiao's hand-in the efficiency of the water army is still quite high, Weibo, Game Forum and many other media can see discussions about VR glasses and games.

"It is said that Tengda's new game is a VR game! It is definitely the kind of work, and Joe is the game!"

"VR game? This type of game is still very uncomfortable?"

"It doesn't matter, I always fought in my own, what is I worried? He is always able to hold any game type in Hold!"

"The current VR is not a good line, I have tried several VR glasses abroad, the clarity is not very good, it looks particularly vague."

"It is said that this Tenda's treasures were developing VR glasses. At that time, it should be able to crush the VR glasses on the market, absolutely a completely different experience!"

"Really fake? That is too excited! It's just such a big thing, but there is no such thing as a whispered? Isn't it reasonable?"

"I feel that it is more than the spectrum. When is Tenda to do a VR project? Think about it, the Tenda Game Department there is still the next year of" mission and choice "," Yong Yu Returning "is still owed. As for the ocean game, they are also continuously updating "fitness battle", including a variety of new clothes, new roles, and new gameplay, where is the time to be a 'epistemal VR masterpiece'? "

"Gull Tu Technology is also busy with new mobile phones and smart fitness clothes hangers, can't take out time and do a VR glasses?"

"I think you want to play Tengda games, I want to be crazy, even the VR game is full of brain! I think, or if it is sick, or it is true that the unreliable trail is really!"

"Just, I really have to have Tengda new games every month to play. I am so busy, the production team's sow can not yield!"

Seeing these discussions, .

Well, basically consistent with your expectations.

At present, there are two kinds of sounds on the Internet. The first voice is that the water army is blowing with brain blow, but it has not been subseins the studio, but the main language is replaced with "Tenda", and I want to do this to blow this new new Glasses and new games.

The second sound is some sporadic questioning sound. The direction of questioning is also a five-flowers, and the most convincing question is: Tenda's two game development department is currently busy. I can't take time and people. Develop such a large VR game.

In fact, these two kinds of sounds have some contents, but there are also some content that is incorrect.

And want to let online public opinion, as long as you can emphasize the content that is helpful to your reverse propaganda.

Yan Qian is embarrassing, the timing is almost the same.

So, I have been blowing down, paying attention to high, this heat is afraid that it can't stop, and it is unfavorable.

Now, there are some heat, and the sporadic flame has just burned. When there is a question, a pot of cold water is poured down, the effect is best!

Yan Qian immediately closed the account of Tenda official microblogging, and made a screenshot of the clarified announcement that had been prepared before.

This propaganda program, Qian did not follow the end of the living room with Lin night, but he had already greeted, let Lin Nate, they don't scramble, these propaganda programs have special purposes.

So, after this Weibo sent it, it is not afraid that the end of the studio will take the station.

During the cycle of the entire propaganda program, the late studio will not send a word, and it is silently to bear all.

After the prompt is successful, Yu Qian has opened the picture of this Weibo and read it again.

Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

"Clarification Announcement"

"Recently, there are some untrue rumors on the Internet, in order to clarify the truth, and in order to prevent players to produce unrealistic expectations, the present announcement is as follows:"

"The network version of VR glasses projects are exist, but the works of any sectors of Tenda Group, VR glasses projects and game items are independently developed by late studio."

"Tenda Group and the latecomer studio have only simple investment relationships on the organizational architecture, and there is no clear affiliation."

"The game project in Tengda is still in the project, it is expected to officially start R & D next month, so stay tuned!"

The following is the stamp of the deposit, time, and the company.

This clarification announcement is written in very formal tone, but also covered the chapter of Tengda Group, and then published in the official account, and credibility is self-evident.

Yan Qian was waiting for a while, soon, there was a large number of players under Weibo.

"Wipe, what does this mean?"

"Take a clear relationship?"

"Thanks I also expect this game and VR glasses, I have been in a half-day!"

"Why do everyone disappointed? Is this not to be hammerled with glasses and game projects?"

"How can it hammer? See clearly, this is not developed by Tengda! A small company that is not a famous company, what is the product made?"

"I have blown it online before, I feel that I have to do something. I didn't want to do a good product. I thought I went online to buy a water army blowing ... I don't think it is, this product is sure! "

"Don't you say that Tengda is in investment?"

"You won't know who Tengda is cast? The dream of dreams is that the people do not refuse, the company has more, which can't prove whether the company is reliable."

"I think Tengda's attitude is very clear, obviously do not want to see this small company to smash yourself, so I will send this statement. And you have a good product, 'In order not to let players do not have any practical The expectation ', means that the company's products have not yet been blowing so cow, don't be deceived! "

"At the same time, it is also clearing. It means that this company has nothing to do with Tengda. Tenda is just an investment, casting this company."

"And the announcement finally said, Tengda did have a new project, but it was only developed next month. That is, it is nothing to do with the VR game."

"Before Joe is wet, what is going on in trying Tengda game?"

"Most of them are fooled by this late line of life? People tell Qiao Lao Wet, this is the game of Tengda investment, Joe is old and stupid."

"Indeed, Tengda's investment game, the game developed with Tengda, is not a concept!"

Looking at the discussion of netizens, Yan Qian couldn't help but be happy.

Take a look!


This clarification announced, immediately put the relationship between Tengda Group and the late line of stays, and also made the propaganda effect of the water army to blow.

Of course, it is obvious that it is so obvious, of course, there is a water army activity.

However, if you have rhythm, please have some high-end water troops, and it is not a trace.

Through this simple version of the "desire to suppress the premium", the image of the late studio has been initially established in the minds of the players: love marketing, likes the heat of teng, Tengda is clearly related to it.

The first step is that it is successful.

I have to take hot iron and take the chase.

Yan Qian immediately sent Meng Zhang to send information: "How is your side ready?"

Soon, Meng Chang replied: "Everything is done according to the plan. Tomorrow, Weibo, the next day, the promotion film!"


July 3, Tuesday.

Meng Chang is busy in the shooting scene of the propaganda film.

"Very good, this feeling is a bit right, but I have to be inexplicably inexplicably. Yes, put a few more meaningful POSE."

"What Pose? You think, how do I know. You are an actor, imagination should be rich."

"To the right, this is good, then one."

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