Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1153 Establishs VR Game Specifications!

This is the difference between the Stars Fitness and other gym mode.

Other gym equipment is mixed, it is difficult to assess the number of specific carriers in the gym. For example, there are hundreds of people in the gym, and how many people in the front should use dumbbells, how many people want to use the pullback back?

It is not enough to estimate that it is difficult to accurately determine the full level of the gym, it is difficult to guide customers.

However, in addition to aerobic regions in the aerobic area, the starbird fitness is a smart fitness drying rack. The time of exercise on the drying rack, the drying racks can be statistically.

In this way, it can be inferred that the current carrying capacity and state of the gym can even be substantially alive.

Through the app, you can take a slightly in the peak group, which can improve the customer's experience and optimize the configuration, and improve efficiency.

Guide the fitness with big data, isn't it?

Cheung is thinking about the beautiful future of the star bird fitness, Li Shi is here.

"Li is always!" Cheung always welcomed it.

For Cheung, is always the root of the starless fitness. If there is no intelligent fitness drying rack and VR glasses developed, there will be no such model of Star Bird's fitness now.

But to say the most thanked, definitely is Li Tong.

If it is not Li Pu, this model is put forward, and the bridge allows the Star Bird Fitness to talk to Tengda Group, absolutely impossible to develop so smoothly.

Therefore, Che Rong is also grateful to Li Shi.

Li Shi hooked at the state of the star bird's fitness flagship store, smiling and said: "The business is not bad! I will say that the total arrangement is absolutely no longer, there is no need to worry."

The car is a nod: "Yes!"

"Total Li, yesterday, I also came back, but I came in a circle."

"I originally wanted to say hello, but I always walked too fast, I didn't get it."

Li Shi stunned: "Is it always?"

"That looks, I always care about the star of the starless birds. It can make the industry to see the industry, but there are not many."

"You didn't say hello is right, I'm always busy, I can't talk about it. And I don't like the cold, he likes people who do practical things."

"You mainly concentrate on the development of starfire fitness."

Cheung nodded: "Well, I think so too!"

Two people came to the seating area and chatted while drinking tea.

Li Shi said: "Yesterday I went to the old industrial area to run a trip. Now I bought the house in overall decoration, considering the nature of the home, renting out."

"You can rent, you can rent a short rent, and it is also a person who is playing from the field to this side, providing a benefit of accommodation."

"After the news of the subway, the house here inevitably want to increase the price, so in our time, it is more early, did not give the speculation too many opportunities."

"In order to prevent some people from hoarding these houses high-priced rental people, we have to hurry to provide quality accommodation services, and it is also a small busy."

"Also, Stars Fitness, you must stare more, the next few months, the heat will only get more and higher."

The car has robbed: "Can the heat continue for a few months?"

He is slightly surprised. After all, the VR is a fresh thing, but there are mostly half of the heat, it will be fast.

It is not to look for the development trend of future games. The key is that DouBtvr glasses will now make two Tenda games, as for other apps and games, are made.

In the "Animal Island" and "Fitness Battle" to maintain a high temperature for a few months? It is a bit unrealistic.

Cheap, this kind of hot is mostly one or two months, and the heat will fall.

However, for the starfrium fitness, it is enough for more than one or two months.

During this time, you can use a lot of drainage. After the heat has passed, those who truly fitness have also habitually habitually, the star birds can naturally be stable and profitable.

How can I maintain a few months like Li?

Li Shi Wei shook his head: "This is the limitations of our imagination and the eye!"

"I just started the same idea as you, until I saw this video."

Li Shi handed the mobile phone to the car, the top is a video of the Iried Island website, the title is "Animal Island - the virtual reality game era"!

The name of the UP master is "Qiao Ni Wet".

Che Rong said: "Qiao is wet? I seem to be a bit impression, and there seems to be a little famous in the game area."

Li Shihe smiled: "Where is the 'a bit famous? You are completely an outline. But you don't pay attention to this field, I don't know if it is normal."

"He rely on the successful interpretation of the fire. The interpretation is not just the game launched by Tengda Group, and includes various game-related products, and even corresponding marketing means."

"I have seen him at the hostel before horror, although it doesn't seem to be a special place, but it is definitely one of the most people in the world!"

"His video, I will see every time, although I don't understand the content of the game, but it is still very helpful from the middle school to a lot of business thinking. It is very helpful for understanding the generals of understanding !"

Cheap is a bit shocking: "Really? That is I have a look, I don't know Taishan."

"What is this video talk?"

Li Shi: "Talking about how this glasses and these two games will open the VR era!"

The car has nodded slightly, but the consciousness thinks this is a little exaggerated.

Although this glasses and two games are doing well, but I want to say "open the VR era", there is no one to say it early?

Just like the arrival of the era of mobile games, it has been completed after several years.

First, the hardware equipment is reached, and then the mobile game continues to expand, develop, evolution, and one explosive game continues to expand the player group, and finally let mobile games have the current volume.

Now that the market share of VR devices is basically the niche in the niche, with the host, computer, mobile phone and other platforms that cannot be compared.

This statement is really a bit like title party.

However, since Li always looks like this, it will show that the video is still more than enough.

There are not many rid of the car, and I will open the video to watch.


"Dear audience dad, everyone, I am still your 'game called Father' Qiao Ni Wet. Welcome to the second half of the video, witnessing DouBtvr and" Animal Island "how will I open the VR era!"

Or that iconic sound line, but recently may be a bit too much, so it sounds slightly hoarse.

This video is also a Qiao Liang, good in the inspiration, the water to the street, so the ship is faster.

The last video was issued on Thursday. The new video was sent in the morning on Sunday. For some days, there may be no, but for Joe's wet, this pigeon is already high yield, such as mother pig.

"Seeing this title may say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

"Non-also, the people of you can listen to my thin way."

"I said that DouBtvr will open the VR game era, this is not a prophecy or judgment of future, but is just an objective evaluation of this product."

"We all know that the VR era will not come, when can you come, this is not a person, a company, a game can decide. If the hardware level is not reached, Maybe the future five In the past ten years, it will not come. "

"And the hardware level can be achieved, this is a complete unknown thing."

"In this case, why should I say that DouBtvr will open the VR game era?"

"The reason is very simple: DouBtvr and" Animal Island "are not only a fun, practical, agreed VR product, but more importantly, they also establish a normally for the next VR game!"

"Just like the initial FPS game established 'left button, right-click on all FPS games, using WASD mobile' rules; just like the earliest RTS game established the 'left button selection, right button Move, war fog 'and other rules; like the earliest MMORPG game established a' massive task, multi-person team copy, large and rich world view, DouBtvr glasses and "Animal Island" It also establishes the rules of basic operations for future VR games, and popularizes the basic concept. "

"If the VR technology is flying in the future, the specification established by DouBtvr and" Animal Island "for VR games will continue, and it is constantly carry forward."

"And if VR technology is stagnant in the future, then DouBtvr is very likely that you can buy the best VR products you can buy for a long time." Animal Island "will be you for a long time. The most interesting VR game that can be played. "

"So, whether it is the above situation, DouBtvr will be a VR game era that cannot be missed, and the product!"

"As for how it is with your own power, let the VR games in the VR game into everyone, how do you establish a basic specification for future VR games?"

"Please listen to me in my fine."


The discussion of the beginning of the beginning, the car was shocked.

He didn't expect that Qiao wet would open this way!

And it sounds very reasonable!

If the VR era will come, it will not come.

If it is inferred in accordance with the general instines, as long as VR technology can continue to advance in the future, the resolution gradually reaches 4K, 8K or even higher, and the frame rate is also increased to 144 Hz or even higher, and the price can be lowered to 3,000, then VR The market will be further expanded, and the so-called VR era is also coming.

If a huge technique breakthrough, a mature use of universal treadmills and even more fantasy neural connection technologies, then the VR game may complete the full revolution of all existing game types.

But the problem is, if the VR technology is stagnant?

If the resolution of VR cannot be done, the price is high, there is no great improvement in the game experience. It will always be a small thing, it will only become more and more shrinking, and what VR era ?

Joe's wet cock thief is that he assumes two situations, then draw conclusions: Whether it is the case, DouBtvr and "Animal Island" will be a strong colorful in VR game history!

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