Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1179 This platform is not reliable, disturbed!

Old Liu took his mobile phone handed over: "This is our game, if you are interested, you can try it."

He left the Yangyang game, which was already more than two years ago.

At that time, the wind and rain of the ocean game were shaken, and the old Liu's situation was wrong, and the speed was quickly.

Although Jingzhou has not a few similar gaming companies, the professional professionals in the game industry are also small.

Old Liu is a master plan, and the resume is still very nice, so I will find the next home soon.

Later, I heard that the Ocean game was acquired by Tenda, and the old Liu did regret it, but it will be relieved soon.

After all, he still remembers that Tenda's young boss has visited himself and does not like himself.

So, even if you stay in the ocean game, most of them will be opened by the boss, the result is the same.

Lao Liu also didn't finish this matter, but the practice continued to do new projects in the new company.

During the past two years, Tengda Group had a giant change, from the small company that did not see the passed, became the largest game giants in Beijing and even the country, and games were more than one.

Even the younger brother before Liu Liu, also mixed the wind in it.

Old Liu did not deliberately pay attention to these news, but the official platform and some game media have been interviewing Huang Sibo, so Lao Liu is also difficult to avoid it.

This makes him very acid, even a few times, and got to participate in the idea of ​​Tenda recruitment exam.

But the difficulty of Tengda Recruitment Exam is too high, his expertise should be no problem, but the written test can't.

I think that the boss of Tengda doesn't like himself. It will be brushed out immediately, or wear a small shoe, even the younger brother who used to be bullied, turned on the head ...

Lao Liu also gave up this idea and turned to other game companies in Jingzhou.

Fortunately, in the nearby year, the game environment is getting better and better, more and more, so the history and salary of the old Liu, it is also in steadily growth.

He is more satisfied with the status quo, and he will no longer think about Tenda.

After all, there is no one!

About eight months ago, the old Liu yard has now a new company, and has made a new game. The results are not bad.

Lao Liu is doing page guides, but the boundaries between page guides and mobile games are actually blurred, so they are also adapted to be very fast after transition of mobile games.

Now this game is a biased mobile game gold game, "British War".

Yes, I'm watching the cottage version of "Blood War".

Many people think that when they see this game in the first eye.

But old Liu felt very embarrassed.

Because the initial version of "Blood War" is really designed!

Yourself, you can call the cottage?

Of course, "blood war songs" was originally a very garbage game. It is a big change in the Ocean game, reset, art resources, and even game mechanisms have changed, which makes it rejuvenated vitality.

But for the old Liu, the "blood war song" after the big change, still have a lot of content to make him feel like it.

So, the cottage is another similar mobile game, although I can't make too much money, but as long as the quality is still going, the paste is absolutely no problem.

The fact is true, "Yingjie Wars Song" monthly flow can have eight or nine million, which is quite good for a mobile game company.

Lao Liu has also been awarded the appreciation of the present boss, and it is on his body with the task of cooperation with the new channel.

For this game, Lao Liu or confidence is full.

What's more, it is also a game that can make money!

It is no way to match Tenda's game, but for a new game platform, how much it is not easy to find a game that can make money? Still can't supply it well?

Today's cooperation should be very smooth.

However, Tang also licked the mobile phone, stopped and stopped for less than five minutes, repeatedly, and looked up his head.

"It seems ... Cart."

Lao Liu is surprised.

"Well? Card?"

Can't you.

This is obviously a stable version running on other game platforms, has been tested in several rounds.

Although the official version of the game is also inevitable, there will be some bugs, but this is a probability problem, and most players can't encounter.

How can I be so clever, when I am showing it?

Old Liu took back to the mobile phone, I found it really bug!

The characters on the picture are inexplicably movable, and the card is crazy in the original place, even if the new part is not running yet.

"Ah ..."

Lao Liu scratched his head and a little words poor.

To say other content, you can also get a little more.

For example, the gameplay is unreasonable, it can be said that it is a game character; a beautiful film is not good, can say aesthetics is subjective, some players like this style, or it can be said that this is a temporary resource, follow-up will be replaced.

But bug is BUG, ​​and it is impossible to explain that the company's hard strength, the test team is not reliable, and the player gaming experience is extremely affected.

It's really not very good.

"Director Tang Dynasty, this should be very couples. After all, you have also seen it, our game has been in other game platform, the current word of mouth is still."

"Some sporadic bugs, there is no way to avoid it, as long as it is controlled within a certain range."

Lao Liu restarted the game, fooled, the progress of the newbie guidelines, no need to play from the beginning.

Otherwise, in the same place, I can't crack it on the spot.

After determining the BUG where the past, Lao Liu has handed back.

Tang also reached out.

"Don't do this, if I encountered the bug in half an hour, we will sign the agreement, arrange the game to enter the first batch of tests in our platform."

"Here is an agreement, let's take a look."

Tang also said, take out the previously prepared agreement, handed over.

The agreement stated in the division of the two sides, and some other provisions have also been written. For example, all games have a trial period. If it is under the trial period, the manufacturer still gets half of the income, and the Dynasty game platform will Back your own half to the player.

Tang also played the mobile phone, and the old Liu took the agreement.

In fact, Tang also is also very self-known for himself. For her existing BUG physique, it is often dinner. However, as long as the quantity is not a lot, the impact on the players will not be too large after the shelf.

Old Liu, did not expressed his objection.

Half an hour three bugs?

Not too possible.

This is a stable version, although the known bug is absolutely more than three, but not every 100% triggered. What's more, how many game content can you experience half an hour? That is, the part of the beginning turns one turn.

So Lao Liu did not think much, began to seriously see the specific provisions of this agreement.

The more you look, the more you think.

How can I do it!

Can the player vote directly to the game? Isn't this a pulver?

Many reputation of the golden games can be very poor, and the players have a blood of the dog, but do not hinder the money.

Give the player such a big right, isn't this a shake money cutting home?

Moreover, the biggest effect is not the game developer after the next shelf, after all, can get 50% of income, not a white busy. Instead, it is the same for the game platform, and the five completions have been refunded to the player. I have made so many resource promotions, and the results have pushed a loneliness.

This game platform is afraid to eat jujube pills!

Previously, Liu also felt that this little girl is just a bit, since it has become the company boss, a game platform, should be at least some common sense.

But now, you think more.

This little girl doesn't have a good sense of common knowledge!

Do you really pull the player?

Cooperate with this platform, can you have a good?

Old Liu fell into a deep suspicion.

"Ah, flashback."

This time, Tang also didn't hand back the phone again, but again play the APP icon of the game and continued from the head experience.

Lao Liu: "..."

After another three minutes, Tang also stopped again, and handed back the mobile phone.

Lao Liu took a look and found that the game screen spent, it seems to be a little problem of art resources.

Old Liu Chilai speechless.

What is this?

A good game, how do you suddenly dropped the chain?

This hasn't been over ten minutes, there have been three BUG!

Although these bugs are indeed a bug in the game, even old Liu has long known that some of them will occasion in very small probability, but in general, the probability is very low, should it affect the game experience?

It's really rare to connect three bugs like this ten minutes.

I don't know, I thought that this game is full of BUG!

Tang also said: "It is actually nothing to do. BUG is inevitable. Do you want to go back to fix the bug, then sign the agreement?"

"You can rest assured, as long as the bugs encountered in half an hour, we will sign the agreement."

Lao Liu also speechless, nodded: "Well, then I will come again."

I thought I came to cooperate with this new game platform, I can put it hard.

As a result, this script is completely unsatisfactory!

Old Liu Qi said.

After leaving the office location of the Dynasty Game Platform, Lao Liu did not intend to come again.

Change bug? Change a hammer!

This game has long been measured many times, although there are some residual small bugs, but it is not a play, why bother to find a modification?

What's more, Lao Liu carefully studied the agreement of this game platform, and found that it is not reliable at all!

Such a game platform is absolutely evolved, and it is necessary to sign an agreement. It is estimated that there will be no more users, and if you don't have any money, you can't adhere to the probation period of a week.

There are many game channels. What is the BUG that is not serious for a small cost of the small channels that have just been established?

It seems that there is nothing necessary.

As far as the boss said, this platform is not reliable and gives up.

Old Liu hits my mind and takes the bus.

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