Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1180 and persuade a company (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Walk away the old Liu, Tang also returned to his own station.

"What is the situation?" Li Yada asked.

Tang also hesitated: "This game's bug is a little bit a little ... so I let him go back, change the bug again."

Li Yada is slightly surprised: "Ah? This game is not online? How will there be a lot of bugs?"

"Is this not reasonable?"

Tang also also paired the opponent: "This, I, I don't know."

Li Yada nodded: "It may be that the company is not as good as Tengda in all respects, so the test team doesn't give it. Nothing, you are doing it."

"The game has one or two bugs are normal, but BUG has more influenced the normal game process, which can only explain that the company's work is not in place, the test department has no duty, and internal management has problems."

"If bugs get more, if you affect the player's normal experience, it doesn't have to go up, but to modify it to no bug, advise them are correct."

"Nothing, this is just a company, let's take a look at another."

Although I said that, Li Yada has a bad sense.

Because the first company is good, it is a game that has already been put. According to a reason, BUG should be relatively small.

The game of the second company can be in research and development.

Although this game called "The Blade of the Empire" has been done, only the final end of the end, the test work is already in progress, but the integrity is definitely not in the project that has been launched.

The big probability, the BUG is more than the "British Wars Song" of the "Blood War" before the previous.

Then there is a problem.

In the end, it is not lucky. The game encountered is just a bug. Is this an accidental phenomenon?

Or is the game company outside?

Li Yada didn't have to work in Tengda, so there were not many experiences in other companies.

In her impression, Tengda's game doesn't seem to be troubled by BUG.

During each R & D, BUG is like a spring bamboo shoot in the rain, and the test department is a strong BUG, ​​and the development department is also revived. Generally, BUG is basically completed before the game is online.

After the online, even if some follow-up modifications are needed, the workload is often not very big.

So, she always thinks that it is nothing more than a personal effort. If the BUG is online, it can only explain the attitude.

Even this kind of physical activity is not good, not what is the attitude question?

But now it seems that the outside of the company, it seems that it is really not too good?

"Forget it, don't want this. It may be just a chance before, how may it be repaired for each company."

Li Yada felt that he was more, so he shook his head and no longer thinking, but continued to do his own things.


Tang also waited for more than an hour after the station, the boss of the second company was on time.

Tang also also followed the previous process, please invite him to the conference room.

"Director Tang, hello, hello."

"My name is Yan Qi, about our company's information and my personal resume, I have already sent it."

Tang also nodded: "Well, I have seen it, please take it."

After Lao Liu walked, Tang also watched the information given by Li Yida again. This time is very full, so I have remembered.

Yan Qi and his company, basically can be seen as the epitome of many mobile game entrepreneurship.

He has worked in a game company in the Magical, a successful project, but the boss is too shovel, and the pure income is six or more months. The whole project team did not send a penny bonus.

The boss is famous: to take the money earned to advertise, earn more money.

It is also in the way, saying a cake, saying that the game earned after a few months of advertising, maybe you can turn a few, and you will send a lot of bonuses.

Yan Qi is also mixed with a workplace for two or three years. If you don't know how much this cake is painted, so it is a decisive run.

He knew what he did that day, because the boss was just holding some oral, salary and bonus did not mention.

It can be seen that this boss does not care about the employees.

This is a normal phenomenon. After all, the game has been made, and the steady operation can earn millions every month. Does the employee run without running, important?

I ran a master plan, and I will recruited it later. Anyway, this line is not missing.

After resigning, Yan Qi didn't want to give others a senior work, so I have the idea of ​​opening the company.

He itself is the capital, I heard that the development of Beijing in the past two years is very good. The game entrepreneurial environment is not bad, so she watched a few industries came to Beijing, and set up a new mobile game company, and from Beijing Some local investors have got hundreds of millions of windsuits in their hands.

I have been doing a half year, the game is made.

He did what the game called "The Blade of the Empire" is an ARPG mobile game, which is a moving game.

It is reason to say that this type of game type threshold is relatively high, not suitable for entrepreneurs, but benefit from the official editor and the work experience before Yan Qi, the development is still smooth.

Of course, it is limited to investment, and it is definitely not particularly excellent, but Yan Si thinks that his game is still in good quality. After the shelf, earn some small money, and the health company should not be a problem.

For most mobile games, the idea of ​​a night's fur is too unreal, and what should be considered to live.

The game was developed fast, and Yan Qi also contacted a lot of game channels.

For small companies, the channels must be a lot of benefits, as for the proportion, don't think too much, how much is people who give people. Small companies basically have no words.

So, I heard that in Beijing, there is a new game platform, and it is quite close to the office of your company. It is very happy to be very happy.

"This is the internal test version of our game. There is only a small number of players in play. But Director Tang Director can rest assured, BUG is already very small, basically will not affect the normal game process."

Tang also nodded and took a mobile phone.

"Okay. Strict, this is an agreement, let's take a look."

"If you are satisfied with the conditions of the agreement, and the number of bugs that appear in half an hour does not exceed three, then we can sign today."

Yan Qi took an agreement and it feels a bit surprising.

It's that simple?

He also discussed with other channels, and even these channels were more than a uncle.

Some give it a very low, some demands to change the game, anyway, all give the conditions, but some are particularly too much, some are relatively good.

In this way of Dynasty game platform, only the number of BUGs can not exceed three, and he has never seen it.

half an hour? Three bugs?

Strictly feel that there should be no problem?

Although the game "The Blade of the Empire" is still not officially launched, BUG is a lot, but these bugs are basically concentrated in some middle and late large levels and depth games.

Half an hour, basically hit the previous period.

This game is when developing and tested, because of the optimization of newbie guidance, the previous content has been modified many times, bug is the least.

Strictly feel that as long as I don't have a special back, I should meet three bugs in a row within half an hour?

These two people try to play games, another look at the protocol terms, and the session will be quietly quiet, only the fight sound effects in the game.

Yan Qi just saw a beginning, seeing the division of the two sides is divided into five or five, Tang also has encountered the first BUG.

The newfriend is directly calibrated. There will be a gray mask on the screen during the guidance process. When the player wants to click on and instructs the arrow. After the result is the button, the mask is not normal, the screen has been maintained. In the gray translucent state.

"Ah ..."

Strict is a bit awkward.

I don't say what is strange to encounter BUG. The key is that this is too fast!

Moreover, the newbie guides this situation, don't say that he has not met, even if the test team of their company has never encountered.

Strictly did not explain, Tang also closed the game process very proficiently, re-entry.

"Nothing, you continue to watch the agreement."

Yan Qi also has an ominous hunch, but it is impossible to say anything, can only continue to carefully read the agreement.


After half an hour, Yan Qi had already seen the agreement twice, and the number of bugs found on the Tang also finally landed.

Within half an hour, Tang also found a big and small bug!

There are four bugs in this, and once the appearance will cause the game process to continue to advance, and the remaining bug, although the consequences are not so serious, but there is also a very bad impact on the game experience.

Strictly can't hung up.

This bug is too much, what is the situation!

He even doubted that the program on his mobile phone was installed, no stable version, but brought the development version.

Otherwise, how can the stabilization have so many bugs in the early stage?

This is unreasonable!

Tang also seems to have already been expected to be such a result, hand it back: "Nothing, strict, the game has a very normal thing. You go back to modify the modification, as long as you can put the bug within half an hour. The number is controlled within three, we will sign the agreement. "

"Right, the content of the agreement you have seen? Do you feel satisfied?"

Strictly point: "Satisfaction, can you be unsatisfactory? This condition is very good for us."

"You can rest assured that the few bugs you have encountered, I have already remembered, let them hurry to change the time to modify!"

"Change Bug This is our own thing, and even we have to thank you, if you don't have encountered these bugs, we may not know that there is bug in this place."

"If these BUGs are officially launched, that is big."

Yan Qiqi, I'm grateful to Tang Yixian, holding a mobile phone.

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