Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1282, a grasshopper on a rope

After listening to Zhou Ri, Sun Xi couldn't help but hit it.

Total Zhou, you can't do it with people's things!

I heard that it was a salary tour. The first reaction was to refuse; the result is now seeing this documentary, I found that it is to let employees suffer, but the fart will promise!

Sun Xi's only idea is to regret.

Why do you have a lot of mouth!

Now think about it, in fact, Yan Jingjing is really not a Versailles, which is completely persuaded from the heart!

I have long said that this suffering is not a good thing. It is just a label on the surface, but it is actually "paid hard"!

It is also a salary, they are essentially different!

Sun Xi became a bitter melon face, and he couldn't speak.

He is indeed nothing to say, now there is too late to repent ...

Zhou Weiyan looked at Yan Jing Super: "Yong brothers, as the main designer of the project, must also go together, and cultivate the cultivation with the team."

Yan Jingchao has changed at the time: "This is very no need!"

"Week, I have to go back to Tengda after this project, I have too many such opportunities in Tengda. This opportunity is still leaving colleagues in the Tianhuo studio!"

Zhouqi Yan put his hand: "Hey, how can it be, Tenda is Tengda, Tianhu is a flavor, how do you in Tengda? It is the general thing, but in my side, the treatment must not be awarded "

"Salary travel is the benefits of all people of the project group, how can you give you a single order? This is to let Yan Zi know, you can't say that I have a different, I have a good, thank you?"

"Don't spend, although the Tianhu Studio is not rich, this is still there!"

: "..."


Originally, I wanted to have a disaster. As a result, I have never thought, turned into a fire!

Zhou Xiangyan left, Yan Jing and Sun Xi saw each other, all saw desperate from each other's eyes.

Oral, this is a lot!

This can only be described in one sentence, and when it is reported.

Both two people are a little careful, but now, the two are planted together, turned into a grasshopper on a rope, and it does not move.

Yan Jing super cough two, asked: "What is the way to remedy is ... What do you think of the total personality, how can he cancel this trip?"

Sun Xi is also desperate face: "Since he has decided, I am afraid that there is no way to cancel ..."


He suddenly became a flash: "Maybe there is a way, it is the price!"

"If the pricing of suffering is particularly high, it is high to take it out ... I will give up in that week!"

"Or, you will look for other relatively parked alternatives."

"But the premise must be high, and it can be seen in the past."

Nowadays, the official website of the pain now has updated promotional videos and documentaries, and has not been introduced for specific factors such as price and stroke selection.

What is the price is particularly high?

Zhou Wei rock is counted, giving the entire project group several tens, and the hundred people are all arranged, the price is particularly high, the cost is particularly high, he will naturally consider giving up, or replacing the replacement item.

If there is another paid tourism project, even if the content is still a wild survival, it is also much more comfortable than this.

This is simply in-depth hell's 18th floor and the difference between the Naiyu Bridge.

: "The words are reasonable!"

This is called urgency, and I heard that I have to be arranged to have been in the pain, I think of a way.

And this method is really feasible.

Zhou Wei Yan is not like a summary, although he is also generous to the employee after the project is made, but it is still a person who is fine.

The generous of the bonus is also based on the basis of intensive calculations, and how many points of the bonus are very fixed.

If you find that you have a bitter trip beyond the budget, you will cancel this trip or change your other travel companies.

And the price of suffering ... Don't say, definitely very expensive.

Understand the understanding of the suffering of suffering, not only the training, but also carefully sample, make a full set of security programs, and do your own special training base in the future.

These all arrange, the overhead is very huge, the price is unlikely.

Moreover, Yan Jing is also able to find a way to knock on the side of Baoxu, let him further increase the price.

Of course, I can't tell the price, but can be the quality of him to improve the treatment!

The quality of service is put on, which is naturally high.

I think that the silence of this approach is a desperate survival.

"This method is feasible! We have saved!"


This is not anxious. After all, even if you have to suffer, you have to be "bomb marks 2" research and development, you have to have a few months.

During this time, I watched the wait and see, I chose a most suitable timing, I won't let myself expose too much, and I was stared at it.



October 29, Monday.

Flying yellow studio.

I have been very lively and very flying yellow studio. Now I seem to be a bit cold, and many labor are empty, I hope to go, such as holiday.

In fact, because Huang Sibo is still suffering in Shennongjia, Zhu Xiaote is to take a group of people to the "successor", so the remaining people in the flying yellow studio do not count, one of them. It is responsible for anime project.

The "Paper College" is also in the list of the adaptation of the end of the Chinese network, and the requirements of Qian Qian are to buy an anime studio to make.

I didn't think too much at the time, and I just felt that the acquisition of anime studio spent more.

Later, Yu Qian was busy, and there was no more to manage this matter, but he handed over two people from Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaote.

They are also very busy, one is suffering in Shennongjia, a busy shooting "successor", so this is also got to a veteran employee for anime in the hand, Wu Chuan.

There are a lot of animation studins in the industry, but not every family can be acquired. Some animation studios do their own day, very hot, why bother to sell people?

As for the anime studio that can be acquired, there must be some problems inside or less, and it must be decided after carefully examining.

This workload is very huge, so since I started to receive this task, Wu Chuan began to understand the situation in the industry, all over the country, to understand the specific situation of these studios.

Later, some reports were also submitted, but they did not get a message.

Because Zhu Xiaote does not understand these content, you can't take a board, you can only forward it to the summary, and the general is not necessarily to see ...

Coupled with the things here in the anime studio belong to the priority of the priority, so they have not too concerned, and they drag it slightly.

However, it doesn't matter, the time is completely, and there is no harm in the investigation.

Now, Yu Qian finally took a time to fly the yellow studio, and touched this.

In the conference room, Wu Chuan handed himself a good research report to Yan Qian.

"The whole, this is the situation of several anime companies I have inspected."

"These animation companies are generally operating, and they can consider the choice of acquisitions."

"In addition to this, there are some industry outstanding animation companies to be included. Although we can't buy it directly, we can use them as a direction they need to ask them, they are produced" Paper College "."

"Do you want to know which studio, I can answer."

Yan Qian fellually turned over the refurbished research report.

It is a lot of homework, and the above information is quite detailed, including the establishment of these studios, representing the work, etc.

Moreover, Wu Chuan is correct, the acquisition is not the only choice, and you can choose outsourcing, that is, do not buy a studio, simply focus on anime.

In this way, although the control of the studio is greatly reduced, the cooperative studio is definitely the first-class industry in the industry, the top studio, as long as the money is enough, the quality of the project is more secure.

I quickly swept the representative works of these studios, and Yan Qian couldn't help but frown.

It seems too reliable!

There are many studios of the studio that he has heard of him or have seen it. It is a very reliable choice to know that in the circle of domestic anime.

That is the acquisition, plus the name of Tengda, it has been it?

Although Yu Qian felt that the script was very general, it was equipped with the bonus of these anime studio, and it is impact that it is a fire.

This risk is still present.


Wu Chuan slightly nodded, and there was a high demand.

Such a multi-industry studio is actually "each problem", enough to see the unique and sharpness of the total eyes.

The problem is ... There is no other choice.

Wu Chuan said: "The summary, the result of the current research, there is no better choice if it is not satisfied."

"If you don't, I will find a foreign company, but foreign companies cooperation will definitely be more troublesome."

: "There is no such thing."

"I mean, simply we start to build an anime studio from scratch."

Originally, I want to buy it directly, it is best to buy a lot of money.

But after investigation, I found that this good thing is not too easy to pick up, and the risk is still a bit high.

In this case, what is it?

Overall is still a field that needs to accumulate, requires professional talents. It has been made up of a workflow that has been running out. It is not a chance to fail.

Wu Chuan hesitated and said: "But the quarter, just as you start, we have no technical accumulation in this regard, I want this studio to go on the right track, afraid that it will be more effort."

"Many things can be solved simply."

, isn't it just right?

Can not use money to solve problems, only to burn the money!

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