"My buddy, you still have to know, I think you must be tested!"

The teaching assistant took the money, then handed over the brochure.

Wu Bin is out of hand, standing in place.

Because it is the last test to join these Tenda mental test questions, so there are not many topics, a total of soant.

The objective question of Tenda recruitment exam, full of 100 points, the topic is about 120, so the scores of each question are 0.5 minutes to 1.5 points, some questions will also answer the number of people, and the scores are slightly float.

This booklet is a regular publication from the teaching agency that has been doing Tenda recruitment exam. It is just to watch the 5 dollar pricing behind the book. Wu Bin feels that his IQ is ignored. tax.

Look at the teaching assistant, I don't know where to run, it is obviously a shot of a place.

Wu Bin is very speechless, and the routine is simply everywhere.

I have to say that this teaching assistant is also very intelligent. Although this brochure is a regular publication from the teaching agency, it is easy to be ignored when I bought it. After all, many people have not attracted enough "special questions". Pay attention.

And the teaching assistant is to see this, so they will sell this secondary trafficking, and those who have ignored this point and want to have a gun.

Slightly use a little, you can sell it, and the pit is one.

Although I was pitted, I was not big, but Wu Bin mainly wanted to see the content on this booklet.

I have turned over the topic and the correct answer, and Wu Bin found that these topics were indeed the original question, and the correct rate of the answer reached 80%.

Because there are more questions at this point, the rules for multi-selection questions are the wrong answer, and select some of the scores in some of the correct answers. All selected.

Obviously, the people who have not been able to completely determine the rules of this score, and some places have added brain supplements and have some deviations.

But in general, it is very powerful to ensure the right rate of eight and nine percent.

However, the words come back, this is just the top question, this time is so much.

Reversing the standard answer by score, this difficulty is not high, the key is whether parsing is correct, can maintain a relatively high correct rate when encountering new topics.

Wu Bin directly turned directly to the resolution part behind the brochure.

"For Tenda Recruitment Examination, the author does not have a particularly clear head. Because these topics do not exist in any other exam, it seems to be the original topic of Tengda Group."

"However, after summarizing the answers to these topics, the author discovered a certain law, although it is too reasonable, but everyone can pay attention to the following laws."

"'Non-Overtime" seems to be one of the correct passwords, as long as the' non-overtime 'option, as long as it is not a particularly important urgent task, it is basically no brain option. "

"Although it sounds a little strange, these topics seem to encourage employees to be lazy, water, touch fish, play games, so if there is no hair, according to the heart of lazy and touch, it is better than hypocritical. better."

"This statement violates common sense, but also does not match the state of the entire Tenda Group, but it seems to be able to understand it from the standard answer of the topic."

"So everyone must keep in mind when encountering this type of topic:"

"You can don't work overtime, you will not work overtime, salted fish rules must be remembered;"

"Leadership requirements, mandatory overtime, and cross-level reflection."

"Emergency situation, you must work overtime, you have to overtime pay;"

"Work task, some heavy, timely, out of the pot."

"Welfare treatment, conscientious enjoyment, snacks caravéed;"

"If you encounter problems, please show your neighborhood, some people are waiting for lie."

"As long as everyone is in mind, it should be very hopeful in this edition."

Wu Bin saw his tongue and stunned.

It's good, you are not bad, and you are really not expensive to sell five dollars.

But what is your content?

Trouble, absolutely misinter!

How can I explain this?

How can I explain the sacred Tenda spirit as a fish, water?


Wu Bin's interpretation of Tengda is itself in a relatively open attitude. Everyone can have their own interpretation, nor, saying that he is interpreted is the only standard answer.

The problem is that the resolution on this brochure is not only wrong, but also has a comprehensive dwarf and destruction for Tenda's spirit. The key is to use it to choose the answer!

As mentioned on the brochure, I want to be a salted fish you don't want to do anything, then go to the answer, and I'm really correct answer!

This is a big harm!

If the interpretation is wrong, then select the wrong answer, the candidates will naturally realize that they are all right, they will not believe.

Can be interpreted is wrong, but I chose the correct answer. Isn't it even more powerful?

Wu Bin can't sit a bit, this is a good!

If this brochure is really spread, all new employees join Tengda believe that it is true.

This Tengda's spirit will run from the source.

Can you find a way to clarify it, correct it?

It doesn't seem to be too good, because Wu Bin's own Tenda is also a one-sided, incomplete interpretation, the real Tenda spirit is in the general.

Change a change test? Let the right Tenda spirit can choose, the wrong Tenda spirit is not right?

This difficulty is too high.

After all, Tengda's spiritual test is all from the general person. Wu Bin does not change the ability, because once change will change.

This problem is obviously very important, can't ignore, to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise it will inevitably virus far away, and it is endless.

Wu Bin didn't have a remarkable, and I thought about it, I decided to ask questions immediately.

Only by profession mastered the most correct Tenda spirit, it will inevitably think of the most appropriate way of handling.

Although Wu Bin is still an examiner, it is no longer responsible for specific invigilation, mainly for overall management.

So he immediately got up and prepared to find a total report.


At the same time, Yu Qian is in his own office, and the list of seats will be held.

"Don't know, I am scared."

"It turned out that there were so many people at the candidate, and the lights in Tengda were in the middle of the two and three, and the two and three were not complete."

"Not saying, there is also Yan Guangjian, Qiao Liang, the outside of the enemy."

This list makes very much.

He now understands why there is always a fish fish, because there is too much fish, the net is too small, it is difficult to leak.

Responsible people have arranged a batch, but there is another batch of substitutes, in addition to this department, there are still some backbone employees that have harmful, all can not let go.

Not to mention those "I thought that I didn't take them as a friend."

This group of people like Yan Guangjian, Qiao Liang, Li Shi, Lin Chang, Zhou Wei, Xue Zhebin, etc., don't you arrange your own hate?

Of course, it is a bit higher than that of these people, can't come hard, can only be deceived.

But first, listed on the list, you can't run away at the beginning.

This makes it difficult to choose the second phase of the patient's second phase.

It is tangled, and the office is knocked out.

Looking up, it is a long time, I have no impressive Wu Bin.

Wu Bin is not the person in charge of the human resources department. It usually has fewer opportunities to report directly to the total report. It is instead of the explanation of the spirit of Tengda to the network authors.

"Torr, there is an emergency to report with you."

"You look at this brochure, too much!"

Wu Bin handed this booklet to the summary, and then briefly introduced the whole party's original committee.

Of course, he did not mention his interpretation of Tengda's spirit, after all, in front of the front, the door axis is too stupid.

It is only to say that the human resource department has a few "very shallow" test questions in accordance with the understanding of Tengda, which is used to conduct preliminary screening. Do you really want to determine if a person meets Tengda's spirit, or after the end of the interview, enter the company's Tenda's Tenda test link.

But it is now just that this "preliminary screening" will be misinterpreted by some teaching assistants, thereby producing some consequences, how should we dispose, please indicate.

Yan Qian turned over the brochure, almost laughed out.

Is there such a good thing?

Which talents are this, can you so accurately take me?

It's okay, I am encouraging employees to touch fish!

It is a pity that it is not at this point and down all the employees, but I feel that I am encouraging them to work hard.

This talent in the teaching aid is correct!

Sure enough, it is not the same.

This person did not join Tengda, there was no influence of the environment in the environment, and the brain also maintained a reason and a normal person.

Obviously, your human resources department has a big problem for the interpretation of Tengda!

But this kind of thing is , will be warned by the system.

It is also because it is not possible to say that Yu Qian secretly patted a Tengda mental test, and the results did not meet the effects they want.

Now, the outer teaching agency gives a god-assisted attack. After two layers of misinter, the two brain circuits are magically pair!

This is very out.

It must not stop.

Not only can't stop, but it is still necessary to deliberately, it is best to make it big!

It is difficult to understand the correct seedlings of Tengda's spirit, but it can not be illegally annihilated.

Yan Qian smiled: "There is no need to intervene, and the interpretation of Tengda is a variety of ways."

"Moreover, I think this brochure is quite right about Tengda's spirit, it is still right in many places."

Yan Qian can't say that it is "completely correct", but in some extent, it is sure that its correctness is still no problem.

Wu Bin was shocked, and the total response was really out of his expectation.

Quite right?

How can this? This is clear that it is completely distorted the essence of Tengda!

Although it is the same thing, the kernel can become a positive struggle spirit, and become a sluggish touching spirit!

It seems that it is the greatest.

But I always seem to be angry, but I am very happy?

Wu Bin is very confused.

It seems that he has returned to the initial understanding of Tengda's spirit.

At that time, he was only in the second job, and it was directly hung in contact with Tengda.

After that, he carefully drilled, carefully tried, and the understanding of Tengda's spiritual understanding continued to improve, think he had already walked in the right road.

But now, he found that he didn't understand it.

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