Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1293 is a side image side of each live broadcast platform

After coming back there, Zhao Ximing immediately returned to his office and launched a plan.

This program is longer, mainly Zhao Xuming has been tangled, no way to completely finalize the big direction, some details of the problem are even more impossible.

Now that since total, then these details are very simple.

The entire program is Zhao Ximing proposal, and Yan is only a small change in the program, so it is very fast.

When Zhao Ximing quickly smashed the plan, he deeply died in the deep intention of this change.

"I have not changed the content of the program, indicating that my understanding is correct, and I always agree with this."

"Only there is some little flaws in my program, and I will point out by the summary."

"I have to analyze it."

Zhao Ximing started from his original purpose, combined with the total adjustment plan for the total, comprehensive analysis.

First of all, the purpose of this program is definitely to give up some short-term benefits, and exchange more long-term interests.

More specifically, it is to use a part of the money in the short-term sold to the GOG competition.

If the rabbit is lived, it can be separated from some heat, then it is better.

Zhao Ximing is made in this idea.

In the long run, how can the heat be higher?

Obviously, the more live broadcast platforms, the more people who can see the game will naturally.

There is a small number of viewers who are used to a platform, once they change the platform, they may be less habit; and some viewers may only forget the date of the game officially started, or not much attention before, but in their own I saw it on the platform, naturally I will take it.

So, in order to maximize the heat of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, it is best to have live broadcasts, and put it on the home page, that is best.

If you really sell the exclusive power, only one platform can broadcast, so short-term, you will be more affirmation, but the heat will have some effects slightly.

Of course, this is nothing wrong. After all, it is just necessary to see the World World. It is just necessary to change a platform. Even if you sell a exclusive, you will not necessarily drop a lot of heat.

This heat and money are specific. It is a complicated issue. Each company has different answers, and these answers may not be wrong, just a problem.

But in the long run, the future, the future is clearly prioritized in short-term profits.

So Zhao Ximing puts forward this solution.

The central idea of ​​this program is to reduce the threshold as much as possible, so that the small platform can also get the transfer of the event with relatively tolerable prices. Under the premise of ensuring a lowest value, small platforms are small, and the big platform is more, the price is within the scope of everyone.

Moreover, let each platform use promotional resources to discount, and use short-term revenue to change long-term heat.

Many people think that the live broadcast platform has spent a big price to buy the power of the game, will definitely put the best publicity resources all right?

This is really not necessarily.

Because the live broadcast platform is also more complicated in terms of recommendation, it will be affected by many factors.

Although the heat of the game is high, it has a heat to the platform, and it is not necessarily a real income. Give a recommended position, cost performance is not necessarily high.

If the same resources give to a platform you want to hold, you can drive the audience's rumble, say that you can bring more value to the platform.

And it is recommended to have a marginal declining effect. For example, there are three great recommendations of the homepage. The first big recommendation gives GOG's game may be very good, but give a second, third, the effect may decline .

If these resources give different events, or some major anchors, it may be better than the benefits.

Therefore, after the live broadcast platform bought the game's transfer rights, it would not necessarily recommend that the resources are full, but will be adjusted in conjunction with the actual situation of the platform.

Some platforms will even have a resource.

Because they think that the game players are just needed, just like the group of people buying appliances in the mall, since they come in, even if they are in the top floor, they will also go.

The players of the galaxy are also the same. It has been on this platform, just put a entrance at the front of the home page, as long as you can find the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, you will take it in.

Therefore, the best recommendation is a little excessive to the GOG Global Invitational Tournament. It is enough to give a scrolling banner. Other recommended bits just give this opportunity to give other anchors, give the website to win, holding themselves. People.

If GOG is a big bigent, but now there is IOI, and the World World of Game is playing in the same period.

There will be some competition on the live platform, which leads to the recommended resources that GOG can get.

Now this solution, you can write the requirements in the contract, after all, the problem of Tenda has made a step on the problem.

If it is a hammer of the classified price, it is a little name to be unfair than the top of these platforms.

Zhao Ximing made a very satisfaction with the idea of ​​the entire program.

I am very great to think of this program in such a short period of time!

Of course, he has not forgotten that this is still because of the total tips.

At the beginning, Zhao Ximing's idea did not open, and the three programs proposed were all conservative, mid-a-standard schemes.

After the summary of the inspiration, Zhao Ximing's idea was opened, this wanted to have such a special program.

Now Zhao Ximing is a little understanding of Tengda's person in charge.

Because every plan, you can get the general guidance, which is all the teaching!

The daily month is tired, this increase is not a trouble.

Of course, now the entire program has a place where Zhao Ximing is temporarily uninhabilized, that is, the change pointed out: the rules of the charge are required to change the rules of the fee, and the charge is based on the platform event. The heat charges are charged.

This will now have a vulnerability: Some platforms may deliberately lower the heat, so you can pay less.

"Maybe it is quasi-final, these live platforms will be swollen and fat, I would rather save more, but also adjust the heat?"

"Well, there is this possibility."

"After all, these big live broadcast platforms are the best face, the higher the heat, the better the financial report, and it seems that the platform is now thriving."

"Who wants to take the initiative to lower the heat, the lost face can basically be equal to the actual loss, because there will be a lot of negative impacts to the outside world."

"But just this?"

"Those big platforms may be face, but the small platform is not necessarily!"

Zhao Ximing thinks this may be one of the reasons, but it should not be all reasons.

Because this strike has a certain binding force, it is not necessarily for small platforms.

The small platform is not too hot, and how is it broken? Anyway, the GOG Global Invitational Power is said to be said.

"I didn't think of this? Or don't care about the whiteness of the small platform?"

"That should not."

"The always gives the competitor, it is not soft, and will not be opened by the other party, and the hand is in the hands."


"This requirement is not only for those big platforms with head, but also have binding on small platforms that don't look heavy name!"

"This thing should not be specifically to a small platform, but should be expanded to the global comment!"

If it is just from a small platform, it is nothing more than a little, it will change a little one, and it will change the power of GOG. It is less than a lot of money. It is unavoidable.

But if you pull the angle, you will see it from the global, that's it!

Because this transfer is too wide, almost every platform has a copy, then there will be certain competitive relationships between platforms and platforms.

The small platform has lowered the heat data, but it is not only to lose face, but more importantly, it will lead to a chain reaction.

First of all, everyone will definitely take this opportunity to carry out a horizontal contrast to the situation of each platform through the heat of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament.

Before everyone falsified, they are wearing leggings.

But now take the initiative to lower the heat, it is equivalent to the initiative to drop your leggings!

Your game is low, then you indicate that your entire site is low, you can't row on the live circle. This will directly affect the audience and the anchors of the first impression of this platform.

Second, this heat will trigger the audience 's questioning between other live broadcasts.

If the platform is lowered by the GOG invitation, the heat between other live broadcasts is raised, and this data is too obvious.

Everyone is not believed in the heat of other live broadcasts, and now I don't believe it. Even doubt that the entire platform is cold, and the heat is all fake.

In other words, this is not just a face problem, which will have a significant impact on other live broadcasts of this platform, and in ranking with other platforms!

The big platform is hot, equal to the heat of the heat; the small platform is hot, it is equal to cool!

Zhao Ximing continued to dig in this idea, and suddenly found that ,,

And this two difficulties have highly valuable information on the selection of this two difficulties!

"In addition to this, there should be another purpose, that is, try!"

"I should always take this opportunity to test these live platforms."

"When the live broadcast of the rabbit elongation, it can be targeted for the style of these live platforms."

If the live broadcast platform chooses to swollen face and fat, I would rather save more heat, then this platform is very important.

And if the live broadcast platform deliberately lowers the heat, it means that the platform is relatively short, or the economic situation is really worrying.

This is very valuable!

Under normal circumstances, the live broadcast platform will not make this difficult decision, even before this kind of thing really happens, the platform does not know how to make a decision.

These information, Tengda naturally cannot be obtained.

But in the face of this choice of money, the choice made by the live broadcast platform is absolutely true.

These can be used as tactics when they are hostile to a platform.

This is equivalent to a video side writing to all live platforms.

Just like the talents compete with IOI, why do Ioi's soft ribs? Always engage in various promotions, fight the price war?

It is because it is regarded as the Qiake Group behind IOI, and the internal opinion is not uniform, and the perseverance and determination of burning money is far less than Tengda.

And this time, it can be said that it is a touch of all live platforms.

According to their behavior in this event, they can determine the temper of these live broadcast platforms, and they will divide their threats to rabbit-tailed threats, and prepare for future preparation.

Zhao Ximing didn't know what kind of backhand of ... .............................................................

There is an inexplicably in front of him.

In the jungle, a lion, a tiger, is looking at the wound on his body, while the side is right, ready to launch an attack to the other party.

And around them is the bodies of the Cheetah, Wolf and various other animals.

More far, some small animals are shaking in Sitse, they or brought hurt, or are born young, and they are all inseparable from this cruel competition.

But in a small animal, a small rabbit, there is a bunny that is hidden, but behind a hidden old hunter who is reflected in the gun.

"I have a little bit of this trick."

"Maybe this is the power of the total?"

"I want to make such a decision, first of all, it is necessary to make determined to give up much interesting interest."

"The average person can't do it, it is precisely because of the interests of the eyes, the inertial thinking is controlled."

"And the whole, but it can be completely unaffected, the head of the mind, the decision of decision-making is all I have never seen."

Zhao Ximing thought, the more I felt that I was too terrible.

It seems that you don't care, you don't care, but I don't understand anything in my heart, and I have already thought about it in the morning.

So, the problem is coming, this program, is it prepared to preparation, or temporarily?

No matter which one, it is terrible ...

Zhao Ximing is a bit a bit fortunate, fortunately, it is now in Tenda.

If you continue to stay in Longyu Group, after IOI Global Finals, I am afraid that there is a big black pot to be back!

Zhao Ximing can only feel silently: "Don't blame me, I am not solemn ..."

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