Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1295, , one shot, playing on the dead!

November 6th, Tuesday.

Magical, Longyu Group.

Two of Kletian and Jin Yong are also busy preparing things for IOI Global Finals.

Although this IOI Global Finals are in Europe, there are still many jobs in China, such as national service open operations, organizing online viewing activities, communicating with each live broadcast platform, live broadcast, etc. Wait.

Relatively speaking, they are actually more tired than Eric and Zhao Xu Ming.

Because Zhao Ximing is reported directly to the summary, many things can be paid by themselves, save a lot of time to communicate.

Two people in Kletan and Jin Yong are to report to finger companies, Longyu Group and even the Ayak Group, and many normal programs have to go through the process.

Some programs can only be handled safely, and some programs must be completed as soon as possible.

At this time, the two men just finished the things of the hand, and there was a chance to touch it.

Kletan asked: "Is there any new news on GOG?"

Jin Yong shook his head: "Nothing to say."

Kletian said: " always really sinks."

"Every time I'm going to, I still have a water, and I have not yet been sent out, and even I heard that the things of the transfer right have not finally finalized."

"I always feel that there must be anything behind this."

Jin Yongxuan said: "Not necessarily, it may be that there is too much, and there is too much thing to be busy. I didn't take care of the GOG's global invitation."

Kletti is safe and does not believe: "That's impossible."

"Who is busy, I can't get busy."

"It is absolutely unrecognizable under any circumstances, otherwise it will bear the most serious consequences!"

"This time I am 100% determined, I will have a big move for us."

"From the Time Arrangement of the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, you can see it ..."

The time of the GOG Global Invitational and IOI Global Finals last year was confident.

The GOG was started in September. After September, I was finished in September; and IOI was played at the end of December and hit it at the end of January.

These two large events have been nearly three months.

In fact, the original finger company is also intended to hold the World in the World in 9.0, but at that time, did not consider the big exercise at all, just think about finding a general venue.

I didn't think that GOG didn't even have such a big fight.

So fingertorium will overthrow the original plan, after the postponement is postponed, the time is scheduled for December.

On the one hand, the preparation time is more adequate to make a larger scene, covering the GOG; on the other hand, it is also true as possible to the GOG's global invitation, avoiding the remaining temperature of the subsequent heat, and differentiation.

It turns out that IOI's global finals have really reached the expected heat, but most of the heat will be won by the FV team ...

And this year is different.

For fingers, the global finals will be a little too late to play at the end of December, and they are hit by January next year. Is this a global finals?

So this year's time must be advanced.

September, October, November, these three months were more suitable, and the latest won't drag them to the end of December.

They want to be fast, but after all, there are also various regional events before the global finals.

The situation in GOG and IOI is almost the same, which is all the rest of the world this year, so the start time of each of the competitions is uneven.

Some distortions are late, can't you cut half?

If you forced compression, it is not very good.

Therefore, the time of each competition is combined, and eventually finalize the global finals in November.

I have been waiting next year, this time must have worked hard to tune forward, adjust to around October.

What is the accident is that the GOG's global invitation is also dragged to this time!

From the surface, GOG encounters the same problem, it is necessary to wait for the competition.

But Crestena feels that things are absolutely not so simple.

I deliberately row together, this is what I want to let IOI die!

It seems that always pays full of GOG and their own global invitation, and must be preparations for a small action.

Therefore, Cletan did not dare to neglect and observed.

But observed for a long time, there seems to be no big movement, especially the domestic business, has always been calm and water wave.

From the news coming from the live platforms, even if the transfer rights of the GOG World competition has not been finalized.

This is a bit plenty of, after all, IOI has already told the live platforms here, and the transfer of the IOI World Tournament is sold.

What are you waiting for?

I don't know this, Cletan is still difficult to sleep.

Last year, the World Competition was hosted by him.

Although this year's Worldfall is not hosted, but let him recall the fear of compression of the total IQ by Zi.

If you have a little abnormal, you are worried that it is not a bad idea.

The two are talking, suddenly, Jin Yong's mobile phone rang.

His face changed slightly, got up to the outside.

After a while, Jin Yong rushed back.

"I have a trick, I have made a lot!"

"The news from the live platform, said that Zhao always came to day today, and signed a contract with more than a dozen live broadcast platforms in China. The big and small live broadcast platform is all, no miss! "

Kretian listened, the brow was wrinkled.

Seeing that there is no, this is the efficiency of Tengda!

Even Zhao, this kind of person, has become so efficient to Tengda, which is really surprised.

This is also more comfortable before the idea of ​​Cletan and others: Tengda has been dragging, obviously not because always pays attention, but in the dark poke, waiting for the right time!

Otherwise, it will not be so thunder.

Jin Yong continued: "More terrible is that Tengda's signing conditions with these live platforms is very strange, it is to allow these live platforms to use the recommended resources on the platform to convert the transfer rights charge!"

Kletian stunned: "Can you still do this ?!"

He didn't want to ask if the source is accurate, because the probability will not be wrong.

Longyu Group has a certain influence in China and has its own news channel. Moreover, this time Tengda's big flag is looking for so many live platform signing, can't keep confidential, and it is clearly not intended.

Of course, the contract content itself is confidential, Jin Yong and Kletie can't see the specific details of the contract, but the rough content can be understood as long as the oral is oral.

Cletian can't sit a bit, standing up and gotting two laps.

"Take this trick, or as always, there is always a dangerous!"

"The consequences can be imagined, and it is definitely that other platforms will put most of the platform propaganda resources to GOG. On the homepage of major platforms, the layout of these two worlds will have a huge difference ..."

"This is a murderey!"

"The key is that we can't do anything."

"We have signed with the contracts of the live platforms, and the money is already said, and there is no need to recommend the recommended position."

"Now I want to supplement agreements, I am afraid that it is very difficult."

Cletian and Jin Yongnan, all have a handless.

Because IOI has already signed with each live broadcast platform, when they sign, they did not consider the recommended position.

The live power of these live platforms is spending money, how can I have a lot of recommendation? Otherwise, isn't that spend money to buy loneliness?

Although there is a GOG's global invitation, there are so many recommended people on the live broadcast platform.

Cletian thought that there were so many recommended positions, even the best all gave the GOG, left IOI, and it is almost.

For example, the hot page rolling banner, you will be a page, although you are in front, slightly better, but in general, our face is also going.

But I will do this, but I am not your page.

At that time, the scrolling banner is directly canceled, and all the promotion materials in the GOG Global Invitational Tournament are possible!

After all, the bigger the recommended strength, the more money.

Although these live platforms also spend money to buy IOI's transfer rights, you have already spent all, where is it like GOG, can you turn money again?

Jin Yong said: "The balance is obviously waiting, waiting for us to sign all the live platforms, it can't change it again, then sign this contract with these platforms with the Thunder, and it is directly blocked. Our back! "

After the two people have analyzed, they don't say anything.

Kletian tried to ask: "Can you talk to these live platforms? Tenda is not in the agreement, don't you have to be required?"

Jin Yong shook his head: "Enough."

There is indeed no compulsory requirements, but how much is recommended, this can be a flat price.

In this regard, will definitely be unlikely.

The contract with the IOI and live platform has been signed, and the recommended bits will have a certain impact on the live broadcast platform, but how do you think that it is not possible with the real gold.

Cannot posing for the live broadcast platform from IOI, let them give up the money of the general commitment?

Who is this money?

Long Yu Group? Is it a Dawak Group?

Who is not realistic!

The key is that IOI has been sold out, and the money to get the hand, because the bail is always, it will spit again.

I am afraid to think too much.

Key this matter, Eric is not counting from Jin Yong, and they are also very clear, even if they report this situation, give suggestions, mostly the stone seaside, the high level will never adopt.

Things involved in spending money, the high level can pass that there is a ghost.

Tori, this shot, it is accurately playing in IOI!

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