The two are taught, each stands up, ready to leave.

Meng Chang suddenly thought of a thing, hurriedly said: "Take a moment, there is another thing."

"I suddenly remembered, the protagonist of the propaganda film was still not fixed."

Tian Mu has some accidents. I don't understand why Meng Chang tells this thing: "The protagonist of the propaganda film? Please a star? This I will definitely help."

Meng Chang shakes his head: "I just started to ask a star, but I suddenly realized that I suddenly realized that it was not suitable."

"It is more troublesome to explain it, but the star does not meet my needs in many ways."

"I now need a person who is good at temperament, but I can't get the extent of the star. It is best to be more attractive in ordinary people, but it seems more active, sunshine, front, men and women."

"If there is really a similar industry experience, you can grasp some emotional details during the shooting process, and try to show a true sense, then it is better."

Take this propaganda with a star, it is definitely not in line with Meng Chang.

Because Meng Chang is a controversy, it is a real sense, and it is necessary to leave a room that will be sufficiently reversed.

With stars, it is too high in the initial heat, and the second is also difficult.

Because I used a star, I naturally gave people a "this is a very positive commercial propaganda film" impression, and I wanted to explain the connotation of this propaganda film from a number of perspectives. It is difficult.

Meng Chang needs the real sense, it is grounding, so the film taken can be closer to the reality, the future can only use a lot of angles to interpret, the is completed.

Moreover, the image cannot be too good, the acting is not too good.

If the image is good, the acting is good, it is easy to really touch the audience.

Meng Chang's result is that there will be room for the movement of the audience, so that someone will question the problem behind this movement.

Therefore, this propaganda film is seven-point, three points and false, the acting does not excellent, otherwise it will make the balance to break, lead to the direction of the direction.

But these are not very good to explain with Old Miles, even if they explain, Fitian estimates don't understand.

After all, the is a very special and very profound learning, but it is not three words.

Meng Chang learned so long, but he just learned a fur, not to mention Tianmer.

But fortunately, Tian Mia did not have the habit of the root of the roots, but in accordance with Meng Chang's request, think carefully.

"If you want to say this ... I really have a candidate that seems to meet your requirements."

"You still remember that I have two business hours before I have been in the intermediary store, one is a colleague to give me?"

"There is a lot of sister to give me a lot of care, although I can't be particularly beautiful, but it is also sunshine, cheerful, cute."

"I have just contacted her recently. She is not at that intermediary store now. I am thinking about dugging her to the sales department."

One side of Tian Mia said, while finding a photo to see Meng Chang.

Meng Zhang swept a photo, nodded immediately: "Yes! I am going back to prepare, immediately arrange the opening!"

Tian Mia also sent the contact information to Meng Chang: "Her name is Ding Xi Yao, I told her, look back, contact her directly, the sales department has not officially arranged for her."

In fact, Tian Mi has remembered Ding Xi Yao, and the reason until now, it is mainly to have a good opportunity before.

At the beginning, he had a little mysterious person in charge of the sales department. It feels that it may be fried with squid. Every day, the work is full of unreal, so it is not very good to pull someone else.

The work of his good buddies is very poor, so Tian Mima goes to the people, there is no burden, but Ding Xi Yao is very good at this line of real estate intermediary, more popular, Tian Mo is not good to rank Excavate people.

Later, Tianmer's own work was also a lot, and he had been busy experience the work on the store, nor did it show it.

Until recently, it is slightly stable. Plus, plus the special intention of the sales department, can be expanded from the friends, relatives, and do not need to take the normal recruitment process, Tian Mi started to screen it very carefully. People, I feel that people who meet the total requirements.

He is afraid that people who will recruit non-compliance, so they have to pick up the selection, and they will be determined to pull Ding Xi Yao into the sales department.

As a result, I only knew that Ding Xi Yao was also tired of working in that store and was preparing for work.

The needs of the two are just right, Ding Xiyao immediately entered the job.

Meng Chang is very happy, is this not just caught up?

The photo brokerage is just like this!

"OK, then you told her, I will go back to arrange shooting. The content of the shoot is very simple, there are not many lines, there are several simple lenses, the true color is playing!"


After returning to the advertising marketing department, Meng Chang began to enter the high speed working condition.

First, I quickly wrote a simple script, and then found several suitable venues as an exotic.

The scenes of Meng Jumei are more representative, with a small, specialized intermediary store, and the scenes in the house.

In addition, you have to find a few representative group performances.

There is a good resolution in the rental house. You can do it in the template of the lazy apartment. You can do a lot of actors who have worked before, or there is no big problem with the internal staff.

Alone is this intermediary store, you need to arrange it.

It's also good to do it. In accordance with the "real estate intermediary simulator", you will take a picture directly. It is nothing more than a front desk. Two high-level chairs, computers, coffee tables, sofa, etc. are very common. .

I don't seek perfect recurrence, I am like it.

Meng Chang is arranged to arrange the selection of people, arrange the set, and then I have given the script of the entire propaganda in front of the computer, and ensure that the plots of every scene meet their needs and carefully buried. Many volts.

I have been busy to go to the afternoon, and the script is almost the same.

Because Meng Chang has a clear idea when he is chatting with the field, now it is just written this idea, so it is very efficient.

He inspected from his head to his tail and quite satisfied with this script.

Of course, what is the thing that is moving is perfectly expresses the content you want to express in the script, which is still not good to say.

It is also possible to have some adjustments to the contents of the propaganda film on site.

Meng Chang gave it a phone call and learned that the set of the surfacked apartment has been arranged.

Other sets are still arranged, the restaurant's set of shop is still holding, you can take a part, wait for the lens that is lazy apartment, then take another part, and finally the last clip can be.

Meng Chang felt that he was full of motivation. On the phone, I said: "Well, Put and shooting things you continue, I contact the actor, I will officially start shooting tomorrow morning!"



November 8th, Thursday.

Ding Xi Yao came to the tree lazy apartment model between the shooting of Meng Chang.

The entire model has been resembled, which is arranged as Meng Chang's requirements. The camera, lighting and other equipment have all been in place. Many staff members are busy entering and exiting, and it seems efficient.

Ding Xi Yao is a little panic.

Just when listening to the faders before listening to the consequences, Ding Xiyao did not dare to believe.

Even if you do sales, even the protagonist shooting?

This is too strange!

Ding Xi Yao is very clear about his conditions. Her longitude can only be considered an ordinary person, and the star is not enough.

Many people see it in reality, I feel very beautiful, and the lens is not enough.

This is also a lot of people saying: no mirror.

Many people who are very thin, very small face, and the lens may also be bruised, at least three points.

In your own conditions, can you shoot a propaganda?

This makes Ding Xi Yao feel particularly unhappy.

However, Tian Mailu swayed that this is absolutely reliable, Ding Xiyao received a telephone number of Meng Chang, the head of the advertising marketing department, and the letter will be suspicious.

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