Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1311, is subject to the second phase of the patient

November 12th, Monday morning.

Yan Qianzhi often came to the office and started a new week.

Last weekend homes watching GOG and IOI World World Terminal, lively is very lively, but in fact, there is nothing particularly worth memory.

After all, these two games are still in the group stage. In order to take care of the world's various events, there are many new teams, new faces, horizontal, and the competitive level is inevitable. Some decline.

Of course, the words come back, although the group match may not be as good as the GPL and ICL of the domestic league, but after all, it is a collision between the different sectors. Look at the abrasions of their team, it is not a pleasure.

Originally, Yu Qian is still worried, the fingers should not save money, even the world is very cold?

After reading the game, Yu Qian found himself, they didn't stupid it.

Obviously, Daxak Group and fingers also know that the World Arts is a facada problem, absolutely can't be vague, so this specification is almost flat with the GOG Global Invitational Tournament, and even last year, the accommodation conditions are also completed.

In short, now I have just started, in addition to the online viewing activities, the game time schedule and other aspects have obvious advantages, elsewhere, two competitions have not opened too much gap.

Yan Qian also didn't ask about IOI to be overchald, maintaining the state of the current, until the end of the game, then do everything, you can burn it.

The first thing after I went to work, that is, I started to count the second phase of the painful travel.

The first phase is about to end. The responsible people must returning, and they have to hurry to completely finalize the second list completely. Although it is difficult to do seamlessly, after all, Baoxao has to rest, and other responsible people have handed over, but the collection also takes time, but overall, the faster, the better.

This kind of painful travel is a good place, you must always suffer, that is the maximum use of resources!

There is already a list on the computer, it is the first draft of Qian Yuling.

But now, this preliminary draft can make some small adjustments and modifications.

The first list of suffering travels is: Hu Xi Bin, Xiao Peng, Yu Yuchen, Ye Zhou, Shen Renjie, Gu Cheng, He Zi Sheng, Chen Yufeng, Ma Yun.

The second list is originally set: Zhu Xiaote, Zhang Yuan, Wang Xiaobin, Gull Tu Technology's frequent friends and Jiangyuan, useful app for Yu Ping'an, the live broadcast of the rabbit, the cold side girl, Hao Yun, Human Resources Department, Hao Yun, Take over Li Ya Ling of the fitness.

Compared with the first list, the biggest feature of this issue is more than three women.

Women can also top half of the sky, why can't you take hard?

Get equal men and women!

Of course, considering the difference in physical conditions for men and women, or take care of it to a certain extent.

Therefore, Li Ya Ling will be arranged.

According to the reason, Li Yaling is just in DGE as a coach, and the players who have given the other clubs in three worsteads will be in class, and will not make any money to the company. It is not harmful.

But after all, she is a professional fitness coach. This time I followed the hard trip to turn one turn. If I adapt is better, I will directly give her a pain to suffer from the opposite side, and specialize in arranging women.

After all, the DGE club didn't really need her, and Ya Ling has talented to arrange the most needed place.

The training content of the male and female person can be as not exactly, but the suffering spirit is still a benevolent!

Soon, Qi Yan and Hao Yun should celebrate his list in the second issue.

Because this is the first time to take a woman to suffer, will definitely pay attention.

After waiting for a while, Baoxao and Li Ya Ling have grown a suitable difficulty of women suffering, I am afraid it is more sinful.

These two women are also very vigilant.

After a series of incidents, the cold face, now has entered a high-speed development period, especially with the touched fish, is also happy, take-out little brother, the menu is shared, plus good The taste and propaganda, the branch is fast.

Yu Qian seems to have seen the possibility of re-emergence the tragedy of the fish.

But I have no way to see it, I can only want to converge a little after you have suffered.

As for Hao Yun's Human Resources, Yu Qian always feels a bit wrong with this department, and has a little difference with himself.

Especially in the misinterpreetment of your own spirit, the Human Resources Department can be said to be the culprit.

With regard to the specific candidate, Yu Qian was tangled in Hao Yun and Wu Bin, but he turned to think, who made Hao Yun is the person in charge, Wu Bin's pot, there must be some points to you. You are not strict!

This time, you will first suffer first, and then arrange Wu Bin next time.

In addition, Zhu Xiaote, Wang Xiaobin is that Yan Qian has always wanted to send, and the priority on the list is very brought.

Zhu Xiaote is always hiding behind Huang Sibo, can be ignored now.

Wang Xiaobin is also almost the same situation, Ye Zhizhou has been there, and below must be his turn.

The Gulls Scientific, the ever-destructive power of Changyou and Jiangyuan is quite strong, just pack it together, there can be a photo on the road.

As for the useful app, I was very satisfied with him, but I recently felt that his road was a little bit, I have to send a bitter trip to wake up, and if there is a change, it is not worth it.

Chen Yufeng ... Although the live state of the rabbit is a good state, it is mainly because of

Instead, Chen Yufeng is a huge instability, and it is necessary to take pain to treat.

There is a special case here, it is Zhang Yuan.

Originally Zhang Yun is the person in charge of DGE Club and Evolutionary Division, who is not able to run without anything in the GOG Global Invitational Tournament.

Therefore, Qian Qian arranged him in the second place in the list, second only to Zhu Xiaote, and visited him.

But after reading Zhang Yuan yesterday, Yu Qian changed his mind.

Suddenly I feel that although this brother is a bit unprepared, this attitude towards the public seems to be better than other person in charge.

You can give him a list from the list, delay, observe the observation.

Of course, in addition to Zhang Yuan, there are still some person in charge that is not appearing on this list.

For example, Chen Kanguo, Hao Qiong, the wind logistics of the hostel, Liang Li Mingliang, the lazy apartment, and because of the causes of the reason for the initiative or passive becoming peripheral staff, such as Qiu Hong, Yan Jing, Li Yada and others.

These people either give me a lot of sweat work, or it is important to replace the position, and some have already sent it out, not in front of the eye, the priority can be postponed later.

Of course, this list is a strong subjective factor, such as Chen Kanguo, which is convincing, and Yan Qian feels that he is rushing in the ghost house every day. Although there are few less, it also earned it, but sent to suffer. The priority may not be as high.

Yan Qian took the roughly the situation and found that there were too many people who had to arrange, and the light was arranged, and they did not finish the two phases.

This is to count again in the core membership, backbone members, and hierarchy of various departments?

Good guys, unimaginable.

This bitter travel seems to be normalized, otherwise it will not be able to rise at the speed of Tenda talent.

After the considering, I decided to take Zhang Yuan, Yu Ping, Li Yuling from this list.

Zhang Yuan is a mentality to encourage, and the harm of Yu Ping is still not so big.

Li Yaling is still going, but it is no longer a member, but as a staff member, it is mainly responsible for training, take care of the female person, and arranges training according to women's physical conditions.

In this way, three locations were empty.

, you can fool a few people from the outside world.

Like Qiao Liang, Yan Guangjian, Li Shi, Lin Chang, Xue Zhebin, this is an old enemy, and the Yao Bo of Jinding Group, and he did not help but he did not help him.

These people can all be arranged on the list.

Of course, they have little possibilities, but they can flicker a few, and fill in the remaining three places.

Yan Qian tidy the list and nodded with satisfaction.

Now you can start preparing. After the first person who is struggling to travel, you will immediately join the second batch!

Anyway, the first month is in Yangzhou for indoor training, and the Ba Xu is tired, but he is obviously happy.

Just saved the list, I came to knock on the door outside the office.

When Yan Qian looked up, the people came to Li Yada.

"What's wrong? Is there anything over there?" .

But if you want to think about it, even if there is anything on the game platform, what is the people who come to Tang also?

Li Yada explained: "Some, I am not for the game platform this time, but I want to report a gaming project's investment plan."

"It should be reported to be reported, but I went to the dream of venting there after I found it ... he was still in Shennongjia."

Yan Qian is a little surprised: "The investment plan of the game? I have a look."

Li Yada handed a investment plan, as well as the risk analysis report of this game.

""? "

Yan Qian saw the title of this game, I feel a little small, it seems that it is not like a type of buckling.

However, for the game recommended by Li Yida, I will be a little vigilant.

After all, it is also the three generations of Tengda game, Li Yada's eyes, Yu Qian is not very trustworthy.

After turning over these information, Yu Qian felt a bit big.

It is also enough to write this information.

It looks like a game with "back is the shore", and then the system has changed an unfair? Confucianism, four auxiliary systems, chaos war, monsters, and more than dozens of endings after the combination of this arrangement ...

It is a bit cloudy hood.

More critical is, whether this program is still written by Li Yida, using the words more refined, the content is quite full, but not so detailed, many content are brought.

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