Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1317 The game and the new book have not completed the sediment?

On November 15th, Thursday afternoon.

The responsible people who participated in the suffering travel will return to Beijing, all have a sense of separation.

Everyone is so fast, can't wait to return to their respective jobs.

Hu Xianbin looked at the back of everyone left, and the mood was a bit complicated.

You said, everyone is all good, how can I give alone?

After silently sighing, Hu Xianbin returned to Shenhua Haojing Building, intended to see the situation of the game department, packed up the power, and then went to the rabbita live broadcast.

At the same time, it has just got his own commitment from Xin Xin, immediately sent it to his own readers, and issued a book review area of ​​his book.

Finally, I don't worry, I still worry that there is a reader who can't see it, I specially sent a single chapter.

After one through, open the reader group, and want to look at the response of the readers.

Sure enough, after flying this picture, the group was brushing the screen.


"[Black question mark]"

"What the hell?"

"Hey, the dog is not a new book in order to touch the fish, in order to lie to our old readers, don't hesitate to fake!"

"Fake, look at it is fake! I have never heard of Tengda and an appointment."

"One to write the novel to the game department for help, I will help the main plan? Hey, this is not a score, the novel does not dare to write this!"

"The forged official is a breakdown! Dog, I advise you to go to you, and strive to fall from light!"

Seeing the feedback of group friends, in the flying.

Good guys, don't care what kind of evidence is given to you, do you all don't believe it?

This is really the appointment of Tengda! It's a chapter of Tengda!

Yu Fei had to have a very helplessly explained it again: "I know that the forgery is illegal, I am committed? This is true!"

"And the total person is batch, and there is also a notice in the company."

"Don't believe you to ask for friends who work in Tengda, there is also this in personnel changes on the internal notice."

"Why is helpful for three months to help the main plan? I also want to know, you asked about it!"

I took a long time, and the readers in the group did not easily accept this fact.

Mainly, Tenda has independently filed, and all internal employees can see and can be evacuated.

This, the attitude of the crowd has a large turn of 180 degrees.

Finally no one has a renovation of the book!

"Dog author is busy! Lying, a small work is written as the main plan of Tengda game? This Nima is refreshed!"

"It is recommended that the dog author invades the garbage creativity before himself. It is not necessary to write, no future, and the new book will write" about me for three months "."

"This theme is good, I strongly support!"

"Dog Author Talks about the inside of Tenda Game? Is there a photo? What is the working state? It is said that all employee computers are top with ROF, and they are full of games, is it true?"

"What type of new game? Give a little bit!"

"When the new game is online? How much is the completion?"

"" When it is the shore 2 "when it is developed?"

"I beg you to say it over the side of GOG, strengthen happiness, male, he is really hard now!"

"Hu said, happy Men can still play games, just the passers-by. Again, this hero should be directly cut into the sewer, after all, playing this hero, has harvested the ultimate happiness, winning and no winning Relationship? "

"Dog Author, seek an internal push? My ultimate dream is to go to Tengda game department!"

Before everyone is reminding the new book, but now? Not reminded.

Even many people think that this new book is not open, it doesn't matter.

Now there is something worth careful!

Some helplessly, explained one by one.

"The internal can take two photos to you, in short, the photos taken online are almost."

"Sports? Oh, it's not invoking to go to work, it is the 'clothing crown of the person in charge of the game department to other departments."

"" Looking back is the shore 2 "temporarily no development plan ... This is to see the general meaning."

"The content of the new game and the online time cannot be disclosed, this is secret."

"I can only say that the new game is still in a stressful development stage, there are still many follow-up work, optimistic estimates, and get two months old."

"Everyone is patient, etc., after all, to ensure the quality of the game."

I have heard that I have been waiting for more than two months, everyone is very optimistic, I feel that this efficiency is already very high.

"Yes, isn't it for more than two months? It can wait, I am going to pass the" Yong Yu Returning "clearance ten times."

"So ... Since it is still in a stressful development stage, why are you still in the water? I am going to develop games!"

"That is! Going well, I can't touch the fish in the head of the Tenda Game Department!"

"Touching the fish at work, our players are the first to not promise!"

"The game is very hard, but the new book can not open! Top is allowed to write less, um, don't follow you, I have been 10,000 for a day, now nine thousand!"

"The game is not finished, the new book is not open, how do you think about the water? Hurry to work!"

Seeing that these no conscience readers actually talk so much, the old blood spurted out in the flying.

Good guy, I just just reminded the book, now it is good, even the game is also reminded!

This is not the same as the script!

Everyone should not understand my hard work, very tolerantly means a new book to write, update one or two thousand words every day?

Sure enough, people can't rest! This group of black-hearted readers don't have a sympathetic heart!

Under the murderer.

Just intended to start working, just see Hu Xintin.

Hu Xianbin compared to some when I was just coming last month, I was slim, and my spirit was very full, there is a feeling of retaining new students.

"Hu Gich is back?" Yu flying blonded color.

But let's think about it, but also surprised a fart?

Before I expected the stars, I hope that Hu Xintin is coming back, I think it is to complete the work, I will go back to write a book.

The result is now good, Hu Xunbin has been transferred to the rabbit elongated, and his own appointment book has also been down, and now it is not a substitute, it is the Tenda game master designer in the preparation.

Others in Tengda game also noticed Hu Xintin.

"Old Hu! It looks good!"

"Go to eat a groud at night, I am going to order the child, and the family must be able to order."

"How is the experience of suffering, tell us?"

After all, it is going to turn. This is still to eat, this is the tradition of the department.

Strictly speaking, this tradition should be passed down from Yan.

Regardless of the bad feelings, as long as there is authority, you must have a meal.

Each department has special funds, specifically for similar activities, and the game department is of course no exception.

Hu Xianbin almost wants to cry with everyone to have a non-human torture and abuse in suffering.

But let's think about it, don't be angry.

Who is going on in real?

He said after a moment of silence: "The things that are bitter travel, wait for the evening to eat, talk to you."

"I first picked up something to the live broadcast of the rabbit."

After a simple and narrow, Hu Xianbin took the water cup, laptop and other private items, prepared to broadcast the live broadcast of the rabbit.

Although the company's computer is highly ROF, but occasionally needs to work at home, or to deal with some important things, most of the employees have another notebook.

According to previous conventions, some less important private items remain in a station, and the use traces of computers on the station will not change.

It is an idea to leave in the game department.

It is said that it is reported that the Shenhua Haojing and the live broadcast of the rabbit live are not far away, and it will arrive at more than ten minutes.

Hu Xianbin's mood, there is still a little bit.

Because he didn't quite told this horse.

As far as he knows, this horse is always the right arm, the status is quite high.

At the beginning, it seems to have been in Tengda's game for a short period of time, but Ma Yang has been transferred to the fish net before Hu Xi Bin.

Later, this horse was responsible for the multi-sector of fish netfa, dreaming of rabbit, rabbit-tailed live, and there were significant contributions at each stage.

Especially in the dream venture vault, the investment in IOI earned five hundred millions of investment to Tengda, and has always been a matter of Jinjin.

I don't know what kind of request for this horse will have it.

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