He has a mentally written words, let Yan Si's tongue.

what? Do you always have seen it?

And also highly recognized?

Originally striped is shocked by Li Yada's energy, but it is not a matter of thinking, this may not be a big relationship with Li Yada.

Even if Li Yada has a vision with the congratulations, such a large investment involves hundreds of millions of funds, he can't do the Lord, and you must ask the whole.

That is to say, Li Yada is as a soundtrack with the congratulation, and they don't decide anything, and finally rely on the total hammer sound.

The boss behind the dream venture has been in the past. This is what everyone knows, so I always see this design.

What makes Yan Qi surprised is that there is no smile, but it is still very serious, not only highly recognized, but also take the initiative to add budget!

What kind of trust is this!

After all, Yan Qi has not seen the total roots, and each other does not understand, and the light is based on a game's design.

Such strict feelings of a romantic spirit.

Just like ancient times, the two poets have different thousands of miles, they don't meet each other, but they read each other's poems will naturally have a sense of accompanying.

And in this matter, it is obviously the romance of the game designer!

It can be said that the summary of this investment, at this time, the real identity is not an investor, but a big designer who is full of caring for the sector, there is a kind of "up to the best".

This money, I always have to develop the game is not fragrant?

In terms of the super high success rate of the total development game, how can it be more cost-effective than a small studio.

However, there is no such thing as that, but it is very generous to give money to Yan Qi, showing full trust and expectation.

Although Yan Qi did not see the peak of this decision, he can roughly make up.

I always have a warm smile on my face, just like God overlooking the world.

For domestic game circles, the general is the savior!

Yan Qi could not help but be encouraged, and immediately pleaded: "He alwayss you can rest assured, I will do this game will be done, and I will never let go of the general trust and look forward!"


In the afternoon, the advertising marketing department.

Meng Chang continued to look at the reaction of the propaganda film.

Three days have passed, the dispute on this prominent film is basically constitutive.

It is barely reached the effect of Meng Chang, but the best effect is far away.

First of all, this prominent surface seems to be how hard, how it is not easy, but most people are really difficult to make this.

Secondly, because Meng Chang deliberately used some special techniques when shooting this film, the audience will always feel a bit not taste after the details.

Currently, public opinion on the network can be said to be, small.

Many people are analyzing why this film feels unsatisfactory, and then attracts all kinds of chaos in the intermediary industry, but I really want to say that the dog is blooddown, and I have not yet to That level.

After all, this film is taken in the context, and it has not yet caused an anger.

But Meng Chang also does not have a good way. Now this subtle balance cannot be broken by him, because it is too deliberate, it is easy to appropriate.

Just then, Yu Yao suddenly said: "Meng Ge, you will have a publicity video!"

Meng Chang stunned: "Well?"

He just busy opened the link to Yaofa, and found that the home group did send a video, and more than the video he did!

"Home Group is committed to providing high-quality renting life for young people ..."

"The professional intermediary team of the home group, always stand up, analyze the actual needs of tenants, provide massive real estates, and make countless young people who come to the big city to fight for the place ..."

With the consistent clean, neat background picture of the promo, a low, elegant male voice.

The entire video is relatively long in promotional video. It is more than 7 minutes, which is roughly divided into three parts.

The first part is to describe the growth rate, market share of the home group, and how many tenants and landlord signed, as a large number of large groups in the industry, which is obviously very good.

The second part is to tell young people in the housing group, especially the "Affindian" project, from the selection of the house, see the house to sign the contract, and the application of their own home is a real listing, patient service, whether it is an intermediary and butler It is a team of professional training, so that young people can fight outside the worries.

The third part is similar to Meng Chang shooting the propaganda film, the main feelings, highlights the intermediary of the home group and the people of theists in daily work, not being understood after work, but still keep positive energy This high-top attitude is attitude.

Before the Sports Group saw Meng Chang shooting the propaganda film, I used the phone to the late line of walking, and I didn't entang in the end of the rejection, but I chose myself to shoot the propaganda.

Obviously, the home group is also very clear, the heat is slightly passed, and it must be seized the opportunity, so come up all night, and make this promo have made this propaganda in a short period of time.

However, Meng Chang did not know that the Sports Group used to find a late studio to seek cooperation, so I saw this promo's surprise.

Meng Chang smashed the smile: "Coincidental?"

"No, this is obviously ready!"

Meng Chang smart and instantly understand the intention of the home group.

During this time, Meng Chang has smashed a lot of publicity funds for the publicity video to shoot. It has a sense of existence in front of netizens. It doesn't matter to any brand on the surface, it is simply reflecting the mediation life.

Therefore, this heat is equivalent to an unconcentrated heat.

The home group obviously saw this opportunity. In this feature, if you also take the opportunity to promote, can you absorb these temperatures to yourself?

After all, this promo looks quite pure, and there is no danger.

As for being embarrassed, the home group was awkward, they were actually not afraid.

As long as the big propaganda is smashed, the heat will lead to the home group.

Sure enough, there is not long after the video is sent, and it will be a group, and the propaganda film far from Meng Command is even more fierce!

"Rely, the whole of a fraud!"

"Isn't really irony? Real listings? Patience service? Do you want to comply with which?"

"Oh, the home group, build a professional pit people's intermediary team, always stand the pit people, distort the actual needs, use the good-looking photo to deceive tenants, use a massive garbage house to get a number, monopolize the rental market, phone harassment, countless The first class of young people who came to the big city and felt the sinister society ... "

"The things of the formaldehyde are turned so soon? If I want to see, it is too small, the punishment is not enough, so there is no company, the company, the company, the company, will be closed on the spot!"

However, the comment area is not one side, and there are still many people who speak for the home group.

"Almost, all said that the formaldehyde room is coming out, now fined, and the rectification is also remembered. At least now the service of peace of mind is mentioned, but also caught it. It is not too much. ? "

"Said that the housing group in the rental company I encountered is still not bad, at least the intermediary is still responsible, those small intermediary companies are really no discussion, hate you, do you eat dry together!"

"Normal propaganda, not so big? The keyboard man is in the sky, you can also go directly to buy a house or find the landlord, who is forced to rent the house of the group? There is a platform to you Service, also pick three pick four? "

It can be seen that there is a sign of conserved evaluation and water Army activities, and a lot of comments that are very high-awaited. If you don't matter, this video is growing very fast.

The video of Meng Zhangfa, many people feel that it is not right, but it is very cute in the small sister, and the video does not have a special fire content, and there is no full output.

But this time, the video is the home group, then it is not the same!

The anger of the previous backlog is all quoted.

However, the resident group is obviously not careless, the higher the heat, the better, I will control the anti-theater to guide the wind, and the negative heat is also given me the name. Several netizens will be two sentences in the Internet, what climate can I become?

Meng Chang looked at the message below, and his eyes suddenly looked up.

Good cooperation!

When the heat is not enough, when the topic is not enough, the home group is unhappy, and the urgent is urgent!

In Meng Chang, the decision of the home group is not wrong. If he is before, it will choose this at the position of the home group.

After all, he thought that the so-called marketing was the maximum heat from all costs.

But now, after Meng Chang has learned the Bay's publicity law in-depth, it is not so much.

Even Meng Chang suddenly realized that the , seems to be a marketing method for this kind of death?

Not only will the end of all the heat will be recovered, but also form a desired blow from a higher dimension, let the other party will not return, but also let the opponent's blood!

The Meng Chang at this time suddenly has a feeling.

Now, he is like the total;

Now the home group is like him.

"I turned out, I was so unbearable in front of I, I didn't even take the initiative, just a very simple trap, the other side came in ..."

Meng Chang suddenly became the spirit, because he realized that this is not only a major advantage for this propaganda program, and it is also a great opportunity to practice the Tricks of the "!

Now the home group has been hooked, then the next question is how to stabilize, accurate, jealous, and catch a big fish as much as possible when the hook is hook!

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