Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1332 is such a good game, how can the publicity do not give?

The so-called simulation is definitely the more real, and even the ultimate goal is true, and it is more real.

In a sense, this game is obviously this.

Finally, the characteristics of VR games are given to this game extra points.

The same subject matter, if you make a PC game or mobile game, the inquire will be greatly reduced.

After all, in the PC side, players playing games when playing games, there is a screen, mobile, conversation, interaction, there will be an unrealistic separation.

But after getting the VR platform, this game will play the VR's immersion and generation, players can walk back and back in the virtual room, freely observe the corners of the room, and can also communicate with NPC.

Compared to other simulated games, it is more real.

Many of the PC may be very boring game, but it has become full of fun in the VR side, such as the action of rubbing the oily in the kitchen.

If it is in the PC side, the player can only be a movement of the mouse to complete the wiping, while in the VR side, the player is actions that can be truly wiped.

Other actions including open windows, open doors, and mobile rooms, etc., etc., it is also to be completed by the player, only in the VR side, these actions can be fun.

Even players who don't play games like Ding Xi Yao can experience its fun, and to play this is not tired, it is enough to see the skills of the production group.

Just, the more you understand the fun of this game, Ding Xi Yao is more confused to a question.

Such a good game, how to promote the work, so pull?

The original Dingxi Yao does not know the specific content of this game, so it is not good to evaluate this propaganda program.

But now it seems that I want to promote this game, I can use a lot of other ways!

For example, put a small video in a small game, show a huge change before the transformation of a house; or open a conference, let some well-known anchors will try.

The most unjust, even if you are a beautiful publicity CG?

The advocacy of Meng Chang is to take a real person's propaganda film, and the focus is completely not in the game content, but has used a lot of space to express the hard work.

Finally, even the name of the game didn't mention it, until now there are still many people think that this is the propaganda film taken by the homes.

The game is a good game, and the promotion funds have not spent some flowers.

Although Dingxi Yao can be on the heroine of this propaganda film, Meng Changgong is not, but this does not affect Ding Xi Yao feels that Meng Chang's propaganda program has failed.

"Forget it, this is not what I should worry about, the person in charge of the various departments of Tengda is very professional, maybe there is a special plan."

Ding Xi Yao is not too tangled. After all, she said it is not counted, and I am worried about these, it is better to push more game progress after the VR glasses are completed.

I can only say that this game is fun!



On November 28th, Wednesday.

The "property intermediary simulator" has been sold for a day, and everyone who is late in the studio has always paid attention to this game.

Many game forums can see the players' discussion on the "real estate intermediary simulator".

"This game is too fun! It's too poisonous! I have been playing over for more than four hours yesterday, and the glasses have no electricity. I can't stop!"

"Don't say it, I will buy the liver piece."

"It's really addictive, I will talk to yourself five times, I will go to rest, and I will have a new home-type house after I talk about it, and I will unlock new furniture. Qian is enough for me to learn new knowledge ... I don't know how to pass! "

"I have a routine of this game after a whole day, I feel that this game should call 'black heart intermediard simulator' is right! I want to make more money, the best way is to choose the room type, Choose a customer, then find a way to let the tenant ignore the hard injury of the house, find the words of sales, so making money! "

"You are so embarrassed to call your own black heart? This is to learn me, in fact, the furniture in these room types can be free to replace, can drag to the warehouse, or give other households Use. My way is to put these furniture, each type only retains the least amount of furniture, a slightly uniform furniture, so you don't have to buy new furniture, you can save a lot of money! "

"I chose some of the professional and identity of 'high quality tenant'. You can follow this list. These people expect the psychological price. They choose even the price, they still have a head. Some ' Don't choose anything else, it is a waste of your own time! "

"I summed up a list of room types, there are some common problems in the room type, although the rooms in the game are automatically generated from the database, but there is also a commonality, this form should be able to bring some reference."

"Is there a big can develop a MOD, automatically highlight the interaction options in the room? For example, the windows, the dirty stove, this can be repaired, save me all the house, Forced matter, can't afford to hurt! "

"Have to say, this game is sparingly, especially so many different characters and voice don't repeat, how did you do it?"

"There are some characters to be multiplexed. After all, the tenants in the same area are relatively fixed. Some old customers will re-enhance the door. As for different customers, I guess that the manufacturer is aimed at the same meaning, many people have given a different dubbing For example, there are at least more than a dozen different words of different NPCs, and it sounds like the system automatically generated. I am a lot of people's dubbing, but how to play in the game Give them the mouth? "

"I really didn't think that the game of this theme is also very fun! So it is not lacking in the United States, but lacks the discovery! The game industry is not lacking theme, but lacks the designer who uses the subject!"

From the current situation in the current forum, most players are quite positive for the "real estate intermediary simulator".

Because the players who started to start, basically either the fans in the studio, or the fan of VR games, or the core players of the simulation of business games.

This game of "property intermediary simulator" is clearly in line with their taste.

However, Cai Jiadong looked at these evaluations of "property intermediary simulator" praise, but there is not too much color on the face, but some are somewhat.

"This discussion is still not too enough ..."

"The first day sales can only say the mid-range medium, not optimistic."

"Sure enough, it is not exposed, even if there is a platform of DouBTVR glasses, it is still a bit."

"It is enough for an ordinary game, but the" real estate intermediary simulator "is too large, unless the fire is to a certain extent, it is difficult to recover the cost."

"To let altere the game, but use the summary idea, no fire is equivalent to fail ..."

"The total golden word sign, can you smash it in us? Otherwise, others say that others have always brought the team, this is too shameless!"

As a master designer, it is of course very concerned about the current situation of this game.

Just selling to the present, the situation is not very optimistic.

The game's score is very high. After the sale, I didn't fall over 8.5 points, but the Cai Jiadong was worried about that this game is only a self-cute in a few players in a few players.

The reason is high, that is because I bought the game, I love this.

Cai Jiadong is very clear. As a huge VR game, "real estate intermediary simulator" wants to succeed, want to burst fire, must be broken, can't be light, point to these players who are keen to simulate business games .

Moreover, it is useless to break this kind of thing, and the game manufacturers have worked hard, but they have to be able to play by passers-by, they are willing to do "tall water".

In terms of game mechanism, the designers of Cai Jiadong and late studio have left a pit, but the players have not found yet.

Now many players think about the problem, but also stay in "How to make money" above, make the cost, flicker, flicker, although you can get a lot of benefits in the short term, but there is a hidden setting in the game, called "trust".

The tenant system in the game is relatively fixed but will flow, which is similar to the situation in reality.

In other words, the tenants in this area may still renew the tenants of the old house, and the players may have traveled with the same tenant; of course, there will be some new tenants. .

If the player always wants to do the roots, the first time can be successful, but the cost is a decrease in trust, and the conditions given by the second tenant will change, even tenants will run, no Then appear in the system of the player store.

In addition, players have hidden "word of title", depending on all tenant trusts with players. Although a single tenant trust in the player's word of mouth is minimal, if it accumulates, it will also have an impact on the content of the game, and it is not ignored.

This setting is to enrich the game's gameplay. Do not let the game have the only "standard answer", and on the other hand, it is also the spirit of Tengda, advocating a correct value orientation.

Just this is a hidden setting, so the players can't find it in the short term.

Cai Jiaodong faded, if this hidden setting can be displayed as a burst, perhaps to a certain extent to push the loop of the game.

How can you do it? He also said that it is unclear.

It can only be like a previous project, and hopes to be hoped in Mengcheng, patiently waiting.

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