Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1334, Tian Gongzi sent a video!

Meng Chang has continuously emphasized the loss of outsourcing.

"Time is slightly fleeting, if you are forcibly waiting to send it again on Friday night, then it is difficult to dismantle the home group after the most suitable node, it may cause a chain reaction, causing a chain reaction, causing Fan Xiaodong There is a lot of risks while doing empty homeship group stocks. "

"I don't have anything this point. In two days, I have skyrocketed, causing my commission, but it is less than three or more."

"But stocks must be a problem, that is the big problem. Where else, what is the face to see Fan Xiaodong?"

"I don't wait! Send a video!"

Meng Chang quickly set up ideas, log in to the account to publish the video, and the subsequent arrangement is also advanced for the first time!

Thermally detonated two days, and it will inevitably have an impact on Meng Chang's commission.

Clear is not yet, but most will be waist, or at least one-third of the evaporation.

But Meng Chang has no way. On the one hand, he wants to complete a perfect "" process, this is to learn knowledge; on the other hand, he has said that he has said to his own iron buddy Fan Xiaodong to do the empty home group stock absolutely no problem. At this time, I can't get rid of the chain.

Although Meng Chang still doesn't know how much Fan Xiaodong has vote, it will not have any special fatal influence in two days, but Meng Chong does not want to take this insurance.

As we all know, the anti-murder is often died, and it is often because of greed.

So Meng Chang is not greedy, not all the flowers, this knife is cut out first!

Before the Home Group made "intimate butler business", give him a stick, knock down!


In the evening, Ding Xi Yao went home from get off work, simply did dinner, while eating on the side of the III island.

During this time, she is a little poisoned, brushed a lot of Raiders video of the "real estate intermediary simulator".

I have to say that the players are really too talented, and even when many Ding Xi Yao, the previous practitioners did not want to come.

Many players have confused their capitalists, they want to do every way to raise rent, flicker tenants, and even have players who have tried to challenge themselves, how to use the least transactions, and use earned money to decorate their own residence Emperor.

On the side of the house, I will rent a house, and the other is leaking to the tenant. The other side is spacious and bright, the furniture is expensive to live, not too real.

There are also players noticed that the room type and tenant refresh in the game have certain regularities. Some people often have a good room, high quality tenant, some people have no luck.

On the forum, there have been "initial number of luck", and the player who is recommended is recommended to delete the number.

Although there is no direct evidence, the account number of luck is indeed a bad luck, in addition to the deletion number, there is not a good way.

Some people suspect this is a game mechanism, and some people say that this may be bug.

However, Ding Xi Yao is currently not encountered.

If you have a brush, a number of videos on the "property intermediary simulator" came out.

Ding Xi Yao looks too much like video, so the website will push her one.

"Well? This video ..."

Ding Xi Yao saw the title of this video is: "Use the game in-depth analysis of social reality:" Real estate intermediary simulator "", this title looks quite positive, serious, in a live video seems to be a little.

I took a look at it. This is a new video. It has just been short-lived. Although the playback is not particularly high, the heat, the number of shots, the number of pictures are high, it looks like a high quality video.

"In-depth analysis of social reality? This is a bit too, this game is much more reflected in reality, which is analyzed?"

Ding Xi Yao felt a bit confused, because in her opinion, the "real estate intermediary simulator" is like the name of the game, mainly the simulation of reality, does not seem to have "analyzing" ingredients.

This game does not make people reflect?

With curiosity, Ding Xi Yao passed the video to watch.


The author of the video is "Tian Gongzi", the video of the video is excellent, the material used is mainly the "real estate intermediary simulator" propaganda film and the actual picture of the game.

However, video authors did not use their own voice, but with Aeeis artificial intelligence to automatically generate full-text audio.

The content of the entire video is very refined, and there is no greetings to the audience without opening the topic.

"Real Estate Medal Simulator", a VR game that looks Puttong. "

"It is not complex, it seems that there is no big difference between the other simulation business games; its pre-propaganda makes people feel some inexplicable, seem to have a serious misplacement with the game content."

"However, this game has been propaganda to the content, in fact, the status quo of domestic rental industries, through the unimmented, deeply exported way, let players can bring into the intermediary, understand the industry that is difficult to get into contact Deep secrets, understand the crux of many industries. "

"Some people have already felt this, and others still have no perception."

"This is normal, after all, an excellent game must have strong gameplay and rich fun, and this pleasure may temporarily cover the player's thinking about game connotation."

"I am willing to start the players who think about it, I will take together to explore the deep meaning of this game."

Ding Xi Yao noted that this UP master is different from most UP owners.

Other UPs often use directization of their videoly, life, and to the audience, close to the audience, and even insert some interesting segments and expression packages, and then gradually lead their own arguments. And expand.

But this video of this "Tian Gongzi" is very straight, straight into the topic.

He seems to be completely unacceptable to the audience's acceptance, not worrying about the persuasion of the audience, nor does it care about whether the audience will see his video as a washing or pain.

The entire video is like a textbook in a textbook, writing objective facts.

You love to believe, don't believe it.

Moreover, there is an inexplicable "My video is to do it to the smart people, the stupid people please consciously exit".

According to reason, this attitude itself is not pleased. After all, most of the audience watching video is for the picture, this UP Lord seems to bring a sense of intelligence, who can see?

But it is not an expels to Ding Xi Yao, but the barrage on the video is not this reaction.

They not only don't swear, but it looks very much!

"Wow! Daxie finally sent a video! The front row!"

"Month is more UP mainly living?"

"I feel that my big hammer should be very busy. I am only a hobby, otherwise it will not be soaked."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the quality is good! The videos of the big is a boutique, it is worth seeing!"

Ding Xiyao found that the original "Tian Gongzi" has already had a few million playback video, taking a loud reverberation platform.

Many people pay attention to him, and most of them are gamers.

Therefore, after the second video came out, everyone found that the video about the game, naturally the first time came over.

Ding Xi Yao still thinks that this title is a bit of powerful, and there is a suspect of the title party, but since it is a videos made, it is worth seeing.

"Before talking about the game" Real Estate Medal Simulator ", first tell the propaganda film."

"When the promo came out, everyone didn't know that this is the" real estate intermediary simulator "propaganda film, and many people have questioned the content of the propaganda film."

"In many people, this propaganda film is incomplete to the game itself, but it is completely misplaced, but actually is not the case. This promo is actually intended to be, in order to take each other in the game!"

"After reading the promo, some people have sympathy with the hard work, and some people have been inspired in the heart."

"This surface sympathy, deep disgusting complex psychology is a primer, with it, in order to better governing the identity of tenants and mediation in the" real estate intermediary simulator "game, find this industry The crux is! "

Ding Xi Yao's expression is sluggish.

This propaganda film is intentionally wanting to make people feel some of the disperse?

Not right, I am starring, why didn't I feel it?

I am very serious, I hope to give you sympathy!

And the director Meng Chang did not mention this, he just made me truly played.

Ding Xi Yao felt that this "Tian Gongzi" is a bit over-interpreted. If he is shooting at the scene, it must not say this.

But Ding Xi Yao is also very curious about how he is excessively interpreted, so it is still a resistance, continue to look down.

"I believe that many players have already noticed that when they are tenants, they always hate the ambition of the intermediary; after playing the role of the real estate agent, for the sake of profits, it is naturally used to use all kinds of Sao operating."

"For,, After all, I am not living; dividing the rental into three or six, etc., for those who are more likely to rent a house, spend more time and energy reception, and those who look at high price, perfunctory Take something ... "

"Of course, there are many people who can persist in self, but they can not deny that every player will have this temptation: if the withdrawal of a single sofa will not be too big for rent. Impact, then why don't you save this sofa to the warehouse, give the next house? "

"This is the first layer of the" real estate intermediary simulator ": Let the player can bring into the intermediary, and make a similar movement with the intermediary, so that the two sides have the same motivation, which is better to understand each other. "

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