Jin Yong is very confused.

How can I fall into the dead?

According to Kretan's statement, this final is actually only four cases: the FV team is crushing the CEM, CEM rolling FV, FV is difficult, CEM is difficult to win.

Only the CEM is crushed by the FV team, which is only acceptable for fingers.


CEM even earned it, it is not so simple, 3: 2 Winning is also winning, do you have the world championship to grab the heat before the FV team?

Kletan shakes his head and explains: "The key is that the version of the World World is too obvious for the FV team. This invisibly adds a lot of emotional points to the FV team."

"Even if the FV team lost 2: 3, it will recognize that the CEM's championship is not much."

"It can be reversed, if the FV team 3: 2 wins ..."

Kletan did not continue to say, because that case is what he is most unwilling to see.

Jin Yong finally understood, his eyes were slightly smoother: "It turns out!"

If this final is a definite equity, then who is the biggest winner who wins who is the championship, this is undoubted.

But the key to the world's World World Terminal version of the Hero, which is good at FV team, has made great increases on the heroes who are good at Europe and America, which is equal to "I don't want to let the FV champion" written on the face. .

When this version changed this version, the players did actually have a hot discussion, thinking that the fingers are so completely within the rules, but it is still a bit shameless.

If a game company adjusts the game balance is not for the purpose of making the game, but in order to biace, as a organizer, it is obviously an unfair position.

In fact, there is also this situation in traditional sports, such as table tennis, constantly changing rules.

However, the changes in traditional sports are not so obvious. They are not like IOI. Which heroes are enhanced, and everyone is all.

Although it has triggered a certain controversy, after all, the World Competition has not yet played, who can't say how the drama will develop, so there is no great opposition to the sound.

Many foreign clubs are not cheap and still sell. Since the header has made a change in their changes, then he accepts, carefully prepares the battle, and it is the most practical thing about two sentences.

But this does not mean that the audience has completely disappeared, but only temporarily hidden.

After the game truly opened, the FV team came all the way, and a game has been reminded to remind the audience.

It is shocked from the group competition, and the knockout of the knockout, and then to the final can with the best of the CEM of the strong hero, the FV team's team members are hard to use a lot of practice, improve the proficiency of these heroes. It is the extent to which the final stage can be finalized.

The CEM team took the top of the strong hero. The audience would not feel surprised, because everyone knows that they have played well;

However, the FV team took a strong hero. The audience would feel very surprised. Because the FV team was originally not playing these heroes. Now, everyone wants to see how they want to find out!

If it is a hero that has been played, it has been played out, which is enough to see the hardships and efforts of the FV team.

So Cretan said that only one situation is acceptable, that is, the CEM team rolled the FV team.

The audience will not have much sympathetic for the losers who have no resistance. If the FV team is really farten, then the people who are ridiculous, falling down the stone, will definitely be much more than those who understand them.

At that time, if there is a problem with the audience mentioned the version, it will only usher in other people's ridicule.

"Who are you going to get rid of the version of the hero?"

But now, the FV team is hard to take these heroes, although it is completely unique to the proficiency, but with a good teamwork and powerful tactical execution with the CEM team's version of the vetement. At the fifth game.

Then, even if the last game lost, the FV team will become a sad hero, become an IOI and the innocent victim of the GOG struggle, become a finger company "change version, championship" one iron certificate!

The CEM team's championship, naturally, it is natural to play a question mark, retain a lot of controversy.

If the FV team eventually won, it is even worse!

Even the end of the CEM team is even worse than the FV team.

Because the FV team rolled and easily won the championship again, prove that this team is strong, and the version will not be affected, so that the behavior of the finger company to change the version is not so deliberate.

Failed teams, the fans of the FV team will not put it, this thing has passed.

But now the two sides have become 2: 2, the strength is so close, then the global audience will definitely have a lot of opinions on this matter of the company's change version, and after the end of the game, the results are afraid to avoid it in the online quarrel. .

Jin Yong took this thing from the head to the tail, and found that the finger company did not have a good way.

The FV team invested in a large amount of resources is like a nail, nailed to the heart of the head of the company, could not be dealt with!

The FV team was originally concentrated together in China, and then used rigorous training, excellent conditions and the professional data analysis team on GOG, and the level compared with other teams in China. of.

And this team seems to be so attacked in a large environment of the IOI national service constantly recession.

If the FV team won, then in the case of the overall sluggish in the national service IOI, it has highlighted the powerful strength of the GOG team in the team's team;

If the FV team is lost, it can only be considered a single wood. It is the problem of IOI national service is weak, and it is still the root of GoG, and grabs the IOI market.

Confused finger company, facing the FV to win, they can do much.

If the version is constant, it continues, or the changes are small, and the national team has won the FV team through a year's natural development. That is actually not realistic, the top is more chasing, not necessarily surpass.

And the version cannot be unchanged, because the players have to play new things.

After the version changes, it is inevitably weakened for the FV team, and it will inevitably hope that other teams can win the championship.

It can be such that it will leave the impression of "finger company for FV for FV."

Especially the finals played such an anxiety, this impression is more strengthened ...

This seems to be a dead bureau, how can I go!

All decisions that fingers want to do will not be around the FV team, and the FV team should be able to be able to come.

As long as the FV team keeps the initial heart, not self-explosion, not expanded, do not explode huge negative scandal, do not show the cliff fell of the players, then for the fingers, this is a nail that is never unplugged, will always plug In the heart zone, faint pain!

Although the scene has already released the war songs of blood, the atmosphere has reached the highest peak, but the excitement of Jin Yong is already wasting.

He began to have a serious concern like the public opinion after the game.


"Congratulations on the FV team, all of them think that they will be due to the arms of the version of the two, but they have a strong perseverance and persistence successfully adapted to the version, and finally fight the five games to overcome the CEM team. I finally won the champion of this IOI Global Final! "

"Let's congratulate the FV team again, and also report to the CEM team with warm applause!"

After all, the explanation of the stage is a professional explanation. In the process of explanation, it is not completely reversed to the CEM team as the head of the company, but is objective and fair.

It may be more exclusively by the performance of the FV team, after all, they are seeing the game.

The gift flowers and golden streamers on the stage are sprayed in an instant, accompanied by the venue inner mountains, and the cheers, the five people of the FV team are excited again, and they boarded the podium!

As for the awards, the Daxak Group and the head of the head of the company, it is still only awards for them.

Some of this may be annoyed: How can the CEM team don't live?

I will stick to it, and I will make a little mistake, and I will win a wave of groups.

Don't you win?

But what is already here, saying is useless.

Jin Yong looked at the seat next to the empty seat, Cletan learned the last lesson this time, and the trend is not ahead, and there is no embarrassment of the FV win.

Moreover, Kletian's position is also different from last year. He is a sponsors last year. This year is a soy sauce, why bother to add it to himself.

After the award, I came to the interview.

Although the organizers' big giants are very reluctant, this necessary process is still going.

Unlike the last interview, this FV team member's interview is more touched.

After all, the professional player confronts the version with the flesh, which is very difficult, actually makes a more difficult thing.

Compared to the version advantage and tactical leader, this year was apparent to the championship this year, it was obviously more touched.

Finally, the host came to the captain of the FV team Pan Ying.

As the auxiliary and command of the team, Pan Ying "Interview with Black Cave" is still very judged, and it is also an audience and hosted old acquaintance.

After asking a few routine problems, such as tactical understanding, teamwork and other issues, the host suddenly turned into a machine and decided to play.

"When I won the interview last year, you have said that the most important thing to thank yourself, because he arranged all this, who do you think this year, what should you think?"

Pan Ying said after a moment: "This year I want to thank all the players who support our fans and players, especially national service."

"Please rest assured, the FV team will be with you, fight to the last moment, defend the honor of the ICL League!"

I don't know why, I am obviously the award ceremony, Pan Ying's sentence says, but I have a bit of a bit of the hero's late tragic color, which is awkward.

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