December 16th, Sunday.

I wake up, I saw the topic on all hot play lists, completely.

"Support FV team transformation gog ???"

"How is this stuff?"

"Too score!"

Yan Qian went to sleep after reading the FV team, he didn't pay too much attention to the discussion on the forum.

To say that the only match yesterday makes him feel gratified, it is not to say "Thank you" after the FV team won the championship.

As for the FV team, it is acceptable or win. It can be accepted by Qianqian, not a big problem.

But I woke up and brush my mobile phone. I saw this hot search question, I can't make it calmly.

what's the situation?

Why support the FV team transition GOG?

Just starting to think that this topic is the player of GOG, is in the arch fire, digging the wall of IOI.

But after some in the topic, I looked at everyone's discussion and found it to guess it wrong.

After the game was completed yesterday, the players of GOG were warmly discussed the wonderful civil war dedicated to the two domestic teams on the Global Invitational, and I didn't pay attention to the FV team in the first time.

That is, some ventilation, the forum who came to GOG, congratulations, always cut down the GOG and IOI's double crown, and celebrated.

The first thing that starts to change, is the forum on IOI.

If the FV team is lost, then go to the company's change version, secretly give the other team to send the balance of the old account, but now the FV team won, the new hatred hate will have to say it!

Because in e-sports, we have the right to speak, and the spray is sprayed.

The FV team has proven that they can still win the championship in the vetener fingers, but this means they are more targeted next year.

So Io's players were not happy, and they were not worth it for the FV team, so I launched a topic, I hope they will transfer to GOG, as a player, of course, is also turning.

This topic was originally just hot in the circle of IOI, but many GOG players saw it, this is a good thing! Welcome to your hands!

The players of these IOIs are obviously a wrong decision, and the wrong is wrong to decide too late!

As early as last year, you should turn your GOG's embrace!

Therefore, players on GOG naturally also add a fire to this topic, and put the topic of the FV team transforming the top of the FV team to the top of the hot topic, even more than the GOG and IOI World. Winning topic.

Even the FV team won the Weibo to celebrate the celebration, the first few hot reviews are also worthless, I hope they will turn GoG early.

See these contents, Yan Qian is stupid.

This can be completely unexpected!

If the FV team really has to go to GOG?

To know that the FV team is the two crowns of the World World World World, there are two teams of championships.

This has to be done yet, it has been turned to GOG, isn't it equivalent to rubbing the face of the finger?

How to do? Do you want to do something?

After all, I was still the boss of the FV team. No matter what he said, no matter what the FV team turned to GoG or stayed in IOI, the FV team will listen.

But Yu Qian considers it, or decided whether this is.

If the FV team wants to turn to GOG, then turn, don't want to turn it.

This thing is still looking at them.

If the FV team really thinks that staying in IOI is a bit grievance, then Yu Qian can't bear to keep them over there.

Even if the FV team really turned to GOG, brought a group of players, more than half of the players brought over some IOI national service, and the players of the iOi national service did not have a few.

So Yu Qian did not continue to entangle this matter.

Since the GOG and IOI World Competition have already ended, then this is almost the same, or continue to take a headache too much ...


2 pm in the European time, 8 am.

In the hotel staff, the high level of Kletian, Jin Yong and several fingers is in the event of an emergency meeting.

It is reasonable to say that this level of meeting Jin Yong is uncomfortable. It is the problem that the problem to be discussed is mainly in the national service.

After the FV team won the championship yesterday, the thermal opinion of the domestic online public opinion exploded, but the actual activity of the national service players fell!

Today, the operator of the IOI national service has sent a news, saying that the player who won the next day, plummeted in the same period!

This is also in the case of the national service of the IOI has opened half price, playing games, and other welfare activities such as sending games.

And today, on Sunday, the number of players should be more.

For other regions, the champion was taken away by the FV team, and it is difficult to inspire the enthusiasm of players. Why is the active players of the national service plummeted? Even more serious than other places?

This is completely unacceptable!

You must know that there is no more players left in the IOI national service, then continue, this country's clothing can not have enough people to open games.

If it is a stand-alone game, the number of online active players doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone is playing, it does not affect each other; Can Moba game experience depends entirely on the total number of players, there is less than people. The opponents close to the strength, the low-level players are easily hit, crushing, which will further intensify the collapse of the entire pyramid structure!

If you do this, you can't live in a few months.

Even if you have a bite down, it doesn't make sense. When you get ten minutes, you can take it in a plate, and there is no difference between it.

This emergency meeting is to solve these two major issues.

First, if you can make the players of the IOI national service no longer lost?

Second, how to resolve the negative speech on the encouragement of the FV team to move GOG?

Kletan and Jin Yong were the person in charge of the IOI national service, naturally can't run, was pulled in the first time.

Jin Yong sat in a corner of the meeting table. Listening to the head of the company, Kletie said that there is a bit of love.

His words are good, but in this occasion, I still feel uncomfortable.

I thought Ioi World games, I can take it back tomorrow, I will never have any major tasks in the near future.

I didn't think that people didn't fly yet, and the pot will fly!

It is not in China, but the IOI national service is still going to make a cooker.

Jin Yong felt that he was really fade in eight generations.

I was still very fortunate before I was selected in the IOI Cooperation. After all, this is the key project of Longyu Group's high-rise, now he has already realized it, this is a Tiankeng!

After joining this department, it will not be went at all!

It is always in a variety of unexpected places, there are some serious problems.

Do not deal with it, the processing can't handle it!

Take this thing, Jin Yong is thinking about it, and can't think about it.

The only way he can think of is that the company is old and old, then the next version will adjust the content of the FV team and make a pair. "We are indeed serious to do data balance, not Aiming at the FV team.

But is this possible?

The company wants this to do this, and it is true that some of the other IOI national service players, but also retain the FV team, but it is also likely to trigger additional series of losses.

Foreign players and team will not think that you are succulent to domestic players, will it feel that this is "Children who will cry with milk"? What should I do if the foreign player is also threatened by a refund?

Strengthening the Hero, who is good at the FV team, will give the FV team throughout the three consecutive championships next year, and other teams have not played?

It is to know that the head of the company now is to let the IOI national service mix, put the focus in the European market, this time, it is a CEM, and the champion is a step away, all have changed, then it is not a former ?

The current situation is that IOI national service players think that they have been unfair treatment, don't want to play with you; but the players on Europe and the United States can't get the championship year, I can't see hope in the year, and I am very unhappy.

If there is only IOI game in the world, you can only blame you too.

However, GOG currently has strong expansion in the European and American market, and the league has also been established. The European and American team has been hung from last year, and it is clear that this year's murder is also obvious.

They can't get the championship, and those players in Europe are going to be different?

GOG is ahead of IOI in many ways, and in recent months, the momentum is significantly more than IOI, how to look forward to it is more worth investing more than IOI, more worth looking forward to.

So IO is a very strange situation, everyone feels that they should be taken care of.

Continue to the FV team, the national service players are not dry; change back, European and American players are not dry.

This ending has been destined when the ending company is demonstrated from the fingertips of the FV team in order to let the European and American team heroes will be chopped in order to make the FV team hero of the European and American teams.

If the CEM team can win, maybe it can still keep it in Europe, now, the two heads can not be better.

Everyone discussed to discuss, and it is also a very beautiful approach. For example, make the championship skin, more activities to promote the FV team in China, the spring version of the Spring Festival first changed the Hero, which is good at the FV team. If you think about it, you should think about it.

But everyone in the scene is also very clear, these measures have no way to solve problems, even if it can play, more effects are limited.

After a period of silence, Kretian said: "Maybe we have to do the worst plan in advance."

"If the players of the national service lose to the normal operation, the value of the ICL league is also on the verge of collapse, what should we do?"

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