Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1370 Promoting Resources We have solved!

Yan Qian came directly to the service area of ​​the hostel, and found a busy Chen Kanguo and Hao Qiong.

Now is Monday morning, the tourists here will have a lot of tourists from this side of the hostel, so Chen Kanguo and Hao Qioni are mainly busy.

Prior to the official open operation of the roller coaster, the Hostel Park must also make a series of arrangements, including various guidelines, propaganda, and emphasize many details of the on-site management after opening, ensuring that there is no loss.

After all, this kind of amusement venue is safe. It is not fun. It is the latter 0. Only security is the front 1, and it is not necessary to talk about what to play.

The total sudden appearance of Chen Kanguo is some accident: "Hey, how do you come!"

Chen Kanguo even inexplicably excited, after all, I haven't seen it in a year.

Since the last time, the last time, the rushing the roller coach project in the hostel pointed out, he has never been there.

Although this reflects the full trust of Chen Kang and Hao Qiong two people, it also gives them full freedom to play space, but there is always a little ignored ...

If this roller coaster project is huge, Chen Kang Du is almost thinking that he is really an isolated edge department.

Now, the roller coaster has been completed. It has entered the preliminary publicity work, and the summary has finally been inspected.

Yan Qian sat down on the sofa and asked casually: "How is the roller coaster? Have you encountered any difficult?"

Chen Kang Tu immediately shook his head: "No, everything goes well!"

"After all, the construction firm we find is very reliable, the progress is very fast, and the quality and safety are also guaranteed."

"As for the effect of the roller coaster, I have experienced many times, and I also have some fine-tuning."

"At present, this should be said to have basically reached my initial expectations."

Chen Kang Tin did not dare to say too much, and he couldn't help but be 100% of this roller coaster? In front of the balance, it can't be so public, it seems that you are like a half-bottle of water.

So still modest, saying that this roller coaster basically reached its original expectations.

Yan Qian nodded, and the answer to Chen Kanguo did not feel unexpected.

He didn't expect Chen Kang Tuo to make this project to be smashed, that is too easy to optimize.

A series of projects of prior thright convinced of Chen Kangtuo, have accumulated rich experience, this voyama module has more investment than the three projects before, but after all, it is working with professional construction. There is no essential difference in difficulty.

Chen Kanguo came from the game department, or some of his own ideas, if this roller coaster made it, even himself is not satisfied, it is a strange thing.

Yan Qian can only be a hopes that the restrictions presented before you have given the mountain car can reduce the funity of the roller coaster to a certain extent, reducing the traffic flow, so that the entire project is difficult to recover.

"Right, Meng Chang does not seem to provide propaganda funds to this side?" Asked Qian.

I have made Meng Chang from the two choices of the roller coaster and "successor". After the Meng Chang inspection, I chose "successor". At present, the publicity work has been completed, and I haven't played a good propaganda. effect.

Moreover, Meng Chang seems to be in the palm of the palm, accumulate strength, ready to start the second round of publicity offensive, consolidate the results.

Since Meng Chang puts the publicity funds all over the "successor", there is no too much promotion of the boom here.

Yan Qian fully recognized this practice of Meng Chang, after all, the mountain car, more than 100 million investments, the bottom line of the experience is definitely safe.

More than promoting resources, the dangers of fire are much higher than the "successor".

Meng Chang affirmed this to see this, so I decided not to give any promotional resources here.

However, Yu Qian is a little worried, Chen Kang Tu will not balance because there is no propaganda resources, and there is a punishment?

If there is this diameter, you must be comfortable in time, and dispel from Chen Kanguo.

However, Chen Kanguo smiled very openly: "It doesn't matter, I think the propaganda resources should give more projects," successor "is obviously more than we need more resources."

"As for the promotional resources here on the hostel ... I don't work, I will solve it myself."

After listening to the previous sentence, Yu Qian was very happy.

Chen Kang Tuo is very realistic!

Employees like you have a good job in Tengda, so I can save a lot of lips, don't have to consume every time I have given our employees.

But he heard the latter sentence, Yan Qian suddenly felt a bit wrong, and the head slowly floated out a question mark.

Solve it yourself?

How to deal with it?

This promotion is not a small number, and the money allocated to the hostel is all used to construct. Now there is not much money that can be used here.

I can't get some soil propaganda that is not very much.

Look at Chen Kanguo's confidence, the promotion is obviously no compromise, and even make him more satisfied?

Chen Kang Du said: "If you don't, I will take you to see the current propaganda."

: "Well."

Chen Kang Tu immediately got up and took Qian to the service area of ​​the hostel, called the sightseeing car in a park to go through the mountain car.

Concealed the hostel's park is getting bigger and bigger, and the raft is a bit tired, so Chen Kang Tuo is also actively planning a variety of transportation facilities in the park, such as sightseeing vehicles, for single-use balancing cars, etc. Wait.

In addition, there is also a railway sightseeing car surrounding the hostel has also been planned, but it has not been put into the construction schedule for the time being.

Yan Qian sat in the sightseeing car and talked out of the outside.

First, I saw some billboards in the inside of the horizon, and some guidelines were conducted on the position of the roller coaster.

However, the content of these billboards is quite low, and there is no specific shape of the roller coaster, just give the route guidance, the advertisement is also relatively simple, such as "unique indoor roller coaster", "original IP, interactive plot Bring a unique experience, "I believe me, you will not only come once."

Here, a black roller coaster route map is still a bit intricate, which is difficult to guess the specific line.

Chen Kang Du is slightly proud to introduce: "Torry, this is the billboard for me and Hao Qiong to the design of the mountain car project."

"There are several major advantages compared to traditional roller coins than traditional roller coins."

"For example, it will not be affected by the weather, whether it is a wind or rain and snow, it can be opened normally, and the temperature is not too much;"

"Easy to tell stories, do the subject matter, indoor roller coaster easier to create a relatively real scene, give people a feeling of crossing;"

"There is still important point to prevent dramatic."

"Outdoor roller coaster, just enter the amusement park, you can see its entire trajectory, and the indoor roller coaster is hidden, even if it is already sitting, you can't guess the route, and the mystery is kept maximized "

"So the billboard here has no spoiler, let visitors can go to the project to experience it."


After all, he pulled the budget very high, but also limited the height of the roller coaster. Chen Kanguo did his divergent thinking.

But what is the original IP of this original IP?

Still got to see it on the spot.

The sightseeing car continued, and quickly saw the external scene of this indoor roller coaster project.

It is a little far away from the main park of the hostel, and the middle is reserved in the middle, and it has been a good set of expansion.

If you are close to the mountains and horrible hostels, you want to insert some other small items or shops in the middle, and it will look very crowded, not so atmospheric.

Concealed the Old Industrial Zone here, and it is also a key project, which is supported by Beijing, is not a problem.

Of course, this is just a way.

In fact, the reason why Yu Qian was specially required to have the original project of the mountain car from the roller coaster from the horror of the hostel, mainly because the traffic of the hostel is also fired, so it is necessary to keep the distance.

Although there are various means of transportation in sightseeing vehicles and balancing cars in the hostel, if there is a lot of traffic, some people may still need legs.

If you are more compact between other parks, projects and projects, or there are other shops, the tourists can walk, and the experience is better.

And this side is a roller coaster, the rollerider and horror of the hostel, there is no, it is definitely a torture for tourists.

Yan Qian feels that this strategy should still play some role.

However, after the sightseeing car opened a distance, Yu Qian suddenly felt a bit wrong.

How do you have some shops on this route?

These shops are eight, with restaurants, cafes, and sell things. However, their style is more unified, and the overall style of horror hostel is more likely, it seems that they should be here.

At the midpoint from the horizon to the ribbown route, there is a relatively large shop, which is also renovated by the previous plant, transformed, carsible to see the VR physical device.

These shops are still tense decoration, transformation, although they use the original buildings of the old industrial area, but they will be saved.

Just look at the current progress, open with the mountain car project at the end of the month, it should be a matter of no problem.

Yu Qian's face is full of doubts.

Isn't it?

It seems that it is a bit less than what I imagine?

After all, Tengda has no excess funds to transform these buildings and build shops.

Now, go to this road to the mountain car, the big and small construction is basically in full swing, a hot air.

Yu Qian suddenly had a bad hunch.

"This will not be ..."

Yan Qian's guess quickly got a confirmation, because he was in that the biggest, it could see the door of the VR physical device, and saw Li Shi's figure.

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