Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1379 Second Wheel Propaganda Plan

December 24th, Monday.

Yan Qianzhi often came to the company to work, and the mood is good.

Because of the "successor" last weekend, two episodes, but on the Ili Island website and other scoring websites, the "successor" score continued to fall!

Even even on the TPDB website of Tengda, the score has also fallen very powerful.

Because the existence of the original party, the situation is slightly better than other websites, but it will not go.

Now the "successor" on the III website has fallen to 6.3 points, and it has fallen nearly 1 point compared to the previously released.

For the episodes on the Ili Island website, it is already a drop and the line 6 early.

Because the scores on this video website are high, like a lot of excellent dwells, it is often possible to capture 9.8, 9.7, and 7 points in many people are already "quite mediocrity, but you can see "The type.

Now, I have been around 6 points, this is properly impressed, the light is this rating, I don't know how many people should be advised.

The fourth episode of "successor", the fifth episode, has begun to enter the topic, and the plot should begin to become wonderful.

Take a look at the barrage and comments, it will be apparent that the black draft of Qianmou plays!

Although the fourth episode, the content of the fifth episode is better than the top three episodes, Phil's large plan has gradually opened, but the key issue is that the black draft is made in the "successor" Attack, a prediction in some extent.

People who have seen this manuscript have expected what happened after the "successor", so they see the fourth episode. When the fifth episode is not excited, but feels simply tasteless, and even inverse and negative.

The influence of this black passed is not only limited to a website, but has become a material that will be used when discussing "successor", in other words, it is the black "successor" weapon and ammunition.

Some people argue online "successful people" is good, there must be someone in the contents of this manuscript.

According to this trend, even the plots behind the "successor" gradually enters better, the scene is getting bigger and bigger, the story is getting faster and faster, and the people who have already abandoned the pit are all meaningless.

People don't look at the plots behind, how can I ran over and change their scores.

In short, now the situation is good!

In addition, the staff including the FV team and the GOG project group to go to European World Association will also return to China in this week.

After the end of the World game, Yan Qian made everyone played a week in Europe.

It is reasonable that the World Face is very successful, and these people should go to travel.

But the saying goes, one yard is aligned, let them play a week in Europe, spend more money is a matter, waiting for them to commend their "merit" to Bao Xu, the suffering is another thing. Between the two are not affecting each other.

Just for the prospect of the GOG project group, Yu Qian is unprecedented.

The same is a World World, IOI has been robbed by the FV team, and the national service heat has also plunged, which can be said to be a heavy loss. This lining, it seems that GOG is earning.

For the national service players, the domestic team is of course a great thing worthy of Putian, and the pre-service activities for the national service players have also harvested extremely high heat;

For foreign players, although this European team still did not kill the final, it has already had a good progress than last year, and people have seen hope, let alone this World Competition in Europe home, Tengda as hosted Fang also gave a face;

The newly launched lading function improves the experience and discussion of the gaze.

Servers in various regions have also launched a series of activities, and the GOG has further enhanced world influence. The market share of IOI has been crowded.

In short, win, winning numb.

But what can I do next?

?? ????

As a result, he is coming, it has become more powerful, this toss, the market share of GOG in the past one or two months and revenue is much more than the previous half of the year.

Can this?

Eric, I Ru, I am a mistake.

Yu Qian is very helpless, some people are awkward, I know that I don't know if I don't know, it looks like this reliable Eric, which is also a pit.

However, there is also a good news, which is Zhao Xunming who digs in the way by the way, still reliable.

The landscape activities of the national service are Zhang Yuan arrangement, GOG update the gameplay, which is the live broadcast of the rabbit.

The copyright plan to buy the game is also because of his bad things.

Four, Zhao is always equal to !

This performance is excellent.

Therefore, Yu Qian feels that it must further strengthen the inner fight between Zhao Xun and Eric, let Zhao Xing gradually mastered the initiative, and put the ghost's heart-catching Eric.

Previously, Yu Qian had already gave Zhao Xuming hint, let him know that he is flat with Eric, don't listen to Eric, you must have your own ideas.

Now it seems that light is not enough.

Yu Qian decided, when Zhao Ximing and Eric come back, he must praise Zhao Xuming, cultivate his confidence, and give a hint.

At that time, Zhao Ximing found that he had been mixed, and it was stable, and it was also praised by the bail. This will definitely continue to mix. Even dragging the back leg of Eric.

In this way, Yu Qian's purpose is to achieve, and it is full.

Yan Qian is pondering, knocking on the door outside.

Looking up, it is Meng Chang.

"The general, this is the second round of" successor ", you are witnessed."

Meng Chang handed the program hands.

Yan Qian couldn't help but be happy.

Hey, Meng Chang can be more and more more and more.

The score of "successor" has fallen, and the heat is not coming. It is just that this opportunity to add publicity funding to strive for higher commissions?

Nice good, this kind of "I will have a wonderful chase" in the style of the year.

I quickly swept a plan, and the smile on the face was more.

This program is reliable!

The program is still almost the same, continue to put advertising and promotional resources in accordance with the original channel, but there is a point that has changed, that is, to praise the official, forward some film reviews of "successor" connotation.

"Successful" This drama has made so much sound at the beginning of the release, so many people see that there is no lack of film reviews.

If you have a lot of film reviews that give it a lot of money, naturally, there will be a film reviewer who likes "successor".

Among them, there may be some original parties for "successor".

But at present, these film reviews who like "successor" have triggered such a huge response like this film review like money.

The reason is also very simple, it is more susceptible to it.

Why do you have so many people who have a lot of rotten films?

It is because it is reasonable to spray the spray, which will give people a spiritual and pleasant, comfortable, and even a sense of superiority.

And these film reviews for "successor" give a positive evaluation, how is the connotation of this drama in her mind, which gives people a sense of teaching, will have anti-counterparts, not too easy to be accepted.

In addition, the first three episodes of "successor" have been very good, two emotions are superimposed, giving money to a huge way to play a lot of film reviews.

In the Meng Chang's program, these film reviews should be approved through the way of official praise.

Yan Qian is very satisfied with this.

Because this way, it is clear that the roots are helpless, but it will be even more miserable.

Which official personally explains the meaning of their own works?

Especially the form of performance of the episode, do you feel too flying in person?

And this will also make the audience's anti-counterpoth more serious: Why, your official praise these content, is it hints that "successor" is indeed this connotation? Is it implied that we are stupid, don't understand your connotation? But we understand, just don't accept it!

It is conceivable that this will inevitably further anger those spectators who are smashing, some of which may be more energetic, spend more effort in various forums and websites to black "successor".

This is a good thing!

Yu Qian couldn't help but move a thumbs up to Meng Chang. It seems that Meng Chang has made a lot of mind in order to take it this month.

Meng Chang was originally explained to two sentences, but he saw that the total side of smiling, even nodded from time to time, knew that

That way, explain is more than the explanation.

Meng Chang's idea is also very simple, it is two purposes: First, maintain the heat; second, provoke the debate!

Because he has already put all the treasures in three weeks.

On the side of Jayclaia, the first round of elections have been conducted, and the tickets in Dasiwasili are second in all candidates, which is lower than the current president, but the gap between the two is not big.

Since there is no candidate's ticket rate of more than 50%, the first two should be a second round of voting, this vote will be a hammer.

This result also makes many people in the outside nets to fall in the glasses, because they did not expect that Dassery can get so many votes, the various predictions on the external network began to change, and the odds have become 1.8 from five o'clock.

Meng Chang is fortunate, but it is better to get started.

However, the mainstream media of the external network still believes that the big Wasi Ri is impossible to be elected.

The first round of voting many people may have the meaning of retaliating vote, but the second round of voting, they will definitely resume awake and restore reason.

But this result allows Meng Chang to further identify the correctness of the total eyes, but also to our subsequent publicity programs!

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