On January 9, Wednesday afternoon.

Gull Tu Technology New Press.

Location is still the old place, the banquet hall of the four seasons of Oasis.

Many scientific media reporters and Tengda's fans have already arrived. The scene is full of seats, and even if there is a ticket, stand at the door.

The launch will not officially start, so the audience in the venue is talking about the new products that the Gull Science and Technology will be released.

"Ah, I have been a year, oh, no, half a year, the total number of ordinary single, don't know what this is always given to us, what is it?"

"The last smart fitness clothes rack I gave 99 points, and less than one point is always always proud!"

"Indeed, the degree of intelligent fitness drying rack should be already the peak level, it is difficult to have this epoch product, as long as it can be retracted."

"The words come back to the last smart fitness drying rack, all the conferences have read, I think it is a fire, I didn't expect that I was really selling, but I still broke the goods for a while, I left it away!"

"I hope that this time it is released, the smart fitness drying rack I really look very eye, but my family is really put."

"Well ... I think your expectation is likely to fall, according to I observe, the new product from the Gull Tu Technology must be unexpected, if you already have the expectation of this thing, then the last certain The meeting is willing to violate. "

"It is also possible that you are looking forward to this gull science and technology, but often always alive?"

Those who are not chatting, is somewhat boring, because the contents of the big screen are the same as before, or the "Gull Tu Technology Smart New Product" and "Wisdom Life", "Healthy Life", "Efficient Life" Waiting for keywords.

No information on any new product is not disclosed.

However, this also makes the entire conference even more mysterious, and more expectation.

"Please hurry to drop, and stay quiet, the press will start now, thank you for your understanding and cooperation."

Aeeis's electronic sound came from the sound, the light of the scene was gradually extinguished, and the audience in the field was all quiet.

"Hello everyone, I often often."

"Welcome everyone to come to the launch of the Gull Tu Technology Smart New Products, I express my heartfelt thanks to everyone on behalf of Gull Tu Technology!"

I heard the familiar voice, the audience at the scene immediately broke out a warm applause and cheers.

"Often! I don't miss for half a year!"

"What can I always live in today? Although I come, I have to live!"

"Hurry up the price, I will order it!"

"Hey, what about the people?"

After the applause and cheers, the audience at the scene found a bit wrong.

How only I only smell it, didn't see it?

The often hit the audience, but the air is empty, and there is no figure under the stage.

Most of the audiences have fallen into silence. Only a few people think of a thing, moon laughter.

Then, the screen appeared on the big screen, on an unmanned island, sea breeze, there are a few coconut trees in the near, and you can see the sandy beaches and sometimes fluid.

Just in this context, the frequent friends wearing a clothes that suffer from travel training, and he asked everyone to everyone.

Compared with the last time, the spirit of the common friends is much better, but it is obviously black, and it is also thin.

After the audience on the spot he left, then smirked.

"Hahahaha, what is ghost! Which is you?"

"I will say it! I have seen the live broadcast of Qiao's wet, there is always always always!"

"This is just from the indoor training venue to the outdoor venue, it is an unmanned island."

"Good guy, often have to work with the hard work, you have to take a single mouth, but it is too difficult! I strongly recommend a salary vacation for a month, playing more than one month on the island!"

"It can be done directly on the post-on-site launch, which is not announced this time."

"It can't be said to be a fire, I believe that it is always better than anyone else to visit the scene."

"Is that I want to come to the scene? As long as you can suffer in this island, you will definitely be willing to go!"

"It's always too excited that it is too much. It is hard to suffer. This kind of thing occasionally makes Jiang Yuan to open once."

"That's not, we listen is the common single-mouth cross talk, no constant conference is incomplete!"

"Jiangyuan? Do you think Jiang Yuan is not on that island?"

"Hahaha is also right, they are going together!"

When I saw the state of my ever, the audience couldn't stand, and I felt a rich festive atmosphere.

If other companies encounter this situation, it must be a release of people, or arrange a common friend to take the plane in advance.

But Tenda is not, directly engaged in a way, transporting live equipment to the island on the other, and lets often open this conference remotely.

Anyway, this project has been developed for seven seven eight eight before they are suffering. The ever understand the project itself; and the PPT content of this conference is already done, and the common friends will be prepared to prepare. You can also escape the suffering of an afternoon, there is no reason to refuse.

The frequent friends have helplessly say: "To tell the truth, I didn't expect to meet you in this case. This thing is going to start from suffering ..."

After the experience of herself to suffer, the scene was once again burst into laughter and applause.

However, the common friends have not talked too much. After all, the entire post will define within an hour, he has to control the time, and strive to win the second.

Soon, the video of the often friends cut a small window to the corner of the big screen, the main part of the big screen is the relevant content of the conference.

"Okay, let us go directly to the price link of this conference!"

"Getting Started Package 5800, advanced package 6800, luxury package 9999!"

With the explanation of all the friends, there are three different packages in the screen.

Seeing this familiar "two-hour" link, the audience smiled.

"The power is strong, I will directly publish the price. After this link, we can see the whole game!"

"This price is more expensive, the last smart fitness drying rack is sold 4999, this price is improved? The entry version has to be 5800? The luxury version directly dried to 10,000!"

"So what new product will this time?"

"I really want to take the procedure, directly say 'bothering', but I will guess what is the specific thing! If it is more than 85-inch high-end TV, it is still acceptable. "

The often stay in this link for too long, and continues to enter the "view guess".

The specific size of the product appears on the large screen: 130cm * 130cm * 115cm, covers an area of ​​1.69 square meters.

There is also a brackets behind: Different packages have a difference.

This width 130cm mainly considers the width of the fish screen display or the three-screen display in the entire device. If there is a difference in different scenarios, it may be some may be short.

See this size, everyone is more confused.

"There are a lot more than the smart fitness clothes hanger, but this size is not as ."

"Why will there be floating in different packages?"

"It seems that this package is spelling a lot of products, according to the size of the different products, the size of the package will also change ..."

Immediately, the small window screen where the frequent friend is hidden, and the video is started on the screen.

But people feel very confused, this video doesn't seem to be a promo.

Because of the propaganda film, it must be particularly meticulous, the scenery is particularly good, and it is also a beautiful man and beauty.

However, the sharpness of this video is very poor, it seems to be a scene in the car, and the mirror is also a universal person, it looks like a rough picture taken by a car camera.

The electronic audio: "If the authentication is successful, please start, follow the voice prompt to complete the exam."

"There is no seat belt, the test is over, the results are unqualified."

The big brother in the video is about to see, look at it, and you have a doubt.

He also specially checked the seat belt next to him, no problem, is this not tied?

So he took the head to the right, extends out the window, it seems to seek the help of the examination staff.

Just then, the voice of the examination room staff came out: "Candidates 54, what do you sit in the car?"

Seeing this scene, the scene immediately broke out.


"Laugh at me, fastest hanging!"

"I feel a bit wrong, I just thought it was a mirror. As a result, he is actually sitting in the car! The safety belt is really good, but the main driving is no one!"

"Hahaha, ask what to sit in the car? I haven't drifted the driver's card. Of course, I took a car!"

"Don't make trouble, this is definitely a new test project, test the deputy driving license!"

Then, there are more driving prunity behaviors in the video.

For example, when the reverse is in the warehouse, it is more than 100,000 miles, and the coach is standing outside.

When the rewest, I filled my mobile phone on the library. As a result, a coach was directly rolled out, and other students rushed over to rescue mobile phones from the wheel, but they failed;

Someone closed his eyes in the waiting hall, with a stainless steel face with a steering wheel, and the left foot right and the right foot alternately made the action of the pedal, which seems to recall the driving technology in the air;

In addition, there is also the collapse of the driving school, and drive the car to the ditch. The retro parsrome chases the driving school coach. The driving school coach 10 students hung up eight faces without love ...

In short, the wonderful video of various learning drivers and driving tests is all.

And this is not a deliberately shot promo, all is a real video found online!

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