Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1399 Meng Chang's joy and concerns

At this point, Meng Chang just got up.

Because I was too excited last night, I haven't fallen asleep until three in the morning.

The first time after the election of Ukraia, Meng Chang already known that the dust settled.

Everything that happens, can be predictive.

Of course, the most important thing to Meng Chang is, money!

Don't this be a liability, a relaxed feeling?

Of course, Fan Xiaodong has not turned over, this takes a certain amount of time, and the premise is that Fan Xiaodong is relying on, and it will not meet with the cost of spending directly, and the scene disappears.

But Meng Chang feels that this should be a small probability event that is unlikely.

Although there is still no actual still finished debt, as long as Meng Chang wants, it will be on it.

This is still that Meng Chang has become Lao Yili for the first time, I feel so relaxed, and I have a sweet sleep.

As for this month's commission?

Just joke, who is cared about this point?

Yesterday evening, Meng Chang was excited to sleep very late. He continued to look at all kinds of news about Ukraia election, and what we want to do after all the liabilities.

I have already thought a lot of options, but I woke up, Meng Chang changed my mind.

He suddenly thought of a question. If you have finished all the liabilities, will will continue to stay with the head of the Tenda Advertising Marketing Department?

This looks a very poor problem.

Since it is a successor, it must continue to stay in Tear.

But is doing things, and it has always been unexpected.

In case of the way to go to Meng Chang's way to come to the money, I don't recognize it, and I will drive him out of Tear?

Nor does it don't have this possibility.

Because Meng Chang discovered that all the current money is very frank, cultural industries, entity industry, investment ... doing things are very meaningful.

As for the stock, the roof of the fried house is more likely to make a lot of money, and there is always a touch.

Meng Chang's income is all from the scope of foreign law, and there is no such law at all in China, and even if there is, there is always a must not support.

So ... how to explain this money in the time?

If it is the previous Meng Chang, there is absolutely will not entangle this problem, and I will always be angry with me. He took me out of Tengda, I can't buy it!

I have finished debt, and the sky is outside the sky. Where can I go?

But now, Meng Chang doesn't think so.

He realized that in Tengda, he can learn a lot of things, especially the.

You are now this level, that is, a half-hang, can't say that only the fur of the , must definitely be more deeper than that, but the distance is completely mastering the essence of the , is definitely a big gap.

Half of the technology of Dragon Slayer, there is halfway to waste?

This always makes Meng Jun jointly think of the plot in some novels: the apprentice is in the master of Master, and the results are not being paid by Master, and the martial arts learned is unruly, but actually learn the art, martial arts It has natural defects ...

In a similar plot, this kind of person's ending will generally be very miserable.

Thickness can be thin, Meng Chang is very determined, once leaving Tengda, there is absolutely no chance to thoroughly master the .

At that time, I am a peerless martial arts, people with natural cover.

Therefore, Meng Chang caught the entanglement. He wanted to complete all the liabilities immediately, but it was afraid that there was no way to continue to stay in Tengda, and it was very contradictory.

It is tangled, the phone is ringing.

Fan Xiaodong called.

"Brothers, Taigu forced, too cattle!"

"Five times!"

"Your twenty thousand knives turn directly into a million knives!"

"Although all kinds of miscellaneous fees have been buckled, it is also a million knife that is really real!"

"Your kid is too dare, I don't do it."

"I really regret it now, and I have a 50,000 knives following you, although I have made it now, but I really regret nothing!"

Fan Xiaodong's voice is hidden and excited.

Can only be said, still a small child.

But this is no way, people are tempe. Fan Xiaodong did not know the summary, and it is impossible to trust the general unconditionally like Meng Chang, and all the people will take a gamble.

"But ... brothers, I have a problem."

"Tengda is impossible to have such a large energy, can also control the election of other countries? This is too foreigner, saying what I will not believe!"

Obviously, Fan Xiaodong is full of confusion.

How did this do it?

Meng Sheng smiled: "Tenda has certain energy, don't think too much."

"This time, it's all the profound and insight. It can only be said that the true genius, seeing the obstacles of the problem will not be stabilized in a particular area, but will rise to philosophy, sociology Height, touch, one pass, one pass. "

"The total success is absolutely not an accident, but also the success of the business law, but insights the success of deep laws and humanity. There is such an eye, and it is speculated that the result of the Ukraia election. It's not difficult. "

Fan Xiaodong said: "Du Shi is a singularity, this time I completely serve, what else is it?"

Meng Chang silent for a moment, said: "I also want to ask this question."

"And I am looking at the observations around you so long ... what he didn't do is likely not to do, but he doesn't want to do it."

The phone has also fallen into a short silence, and it is clear that Fan Xiaodong is also emotional.

After a while, Fan Xiaodong said: "Do you want to finish all liabilities now, or then take this money to continue to settle up? First pay attention to the debt, anyway, there is still some remaining."

"If this success has kept going, the money rolling is nothing more than a time problem, the same morning and evening."

"After paying the debt, it is at least to pin the identity of the executive, and now I want to have a door."

Meng Chang said after a moment: "This is not anxious, I still have some things to find the total confirmation. It is possible that I can't continue to stay after the debt, I can't continue to stay in Tear, and I will naturally. No. "

Fan Xiaodong stunned: "Why? Is it that you are not your creditor? He should not pay attention to it early?"

Meng Chang smiled helplessly smiled: "This is what you don't understand. Forget it, this is not very good explanation, the money is still taking, wait until I think it will be said."

Fan Xiaodong: "OK, see you."

After the phone, Meng Chang felt that he was a little hungry, so I clicked a fish takeaway, I plan to go to the company after lunch.

This month, his main job is to promote the "successor", but since it has been successful, it has not been successful, and it is not good for him. It doesn't matter to him. Just touch the fish, no Go to the company to work.

However, just finished lunch, I received a message from the summary.

"Don't let me go to the office around three o'clock in the afternoon?"


"Is it a propaganda program that praises me for" successor "? Or say that the little movements I have been in the outside of it have been given?"

Meng Chang suddenly a little tense.

It is reasonable that even if the result of the propaganda program has come out, the commission is also returned, and it will definitely go to the end of the month.

This month, I called myself in the past, definitely something.

Meng Chang did not dare to neglect, hurry up and prepare to go to the company.


Near three pm.

Yan Qian is quickly tapping the keyboard in his office and counting the assault money plan.

At present, Qian has four cards that can be hit.

First, the construction project of the Tenda Headquarters Building in planning requires a lot of money, this is not affecting the settlement, you can more money.

Secondly, there is another project that can be settled next month. Just think of a project that can more money in a short period of money, and guarantee that it can be officially operated before the next month's settlement, you can take a lot of money.

Again, there is still 30 million in the hands, which is half the charity quota of the initial system funds.

Finally, you can use 100,000 pairs of pockets, convert to 10 million additional letters, unconditionally white.

Now that the means of arrogance is more, Yu Qian is no longer as before, and it can only be lying.

It can be struggled completely.

However, how these programs are implemented, and Yu Qian has no particular idea.

Tenda Headquarters said, putting the money to Liang Li sail, let him go to the planning plan.

The matter of charity, Yu Qian is almost thinking.

The first charity is, and Yu Qian is directly donated to the poor students of the alma mater. Later, the charity is much, the poor students of the University of Handong are not very enough, and they donated to other Han dynasties. Poverty students in college and even high schools.

But very fast, it is not enough.

Because these charity quotas are basically new, it will increase, and it will grow than before.

Therefore, , or even the primary school students will count in the middle school students?

Moreover, helping poor students may have a certain survivor deviation. The so-called poor students are really poverty, but they are all poverty students who can go to school.

Then there is a poor life that can't learn? Isn't it not help?

Although it is a nine-year compulsory education, there are indeed some children can't learn. Since it is necessary to extend the scope to the junior high school students of primary school students, the way this subsidy must be changed.

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