Zhang Yan is forced.

This is not very right?

If it is in other racing games, just touched it, chasing a tail, and the top more is to cover the engine, then how to run or run?

Even the options that closes the car or flashback should be provided in the game, run again?

Isn't this a newbie teaching level? How can I end with a serial collision?

Or say this is a plot?

It's not right, the car is because my control mistakes have hit it. If I am old, I didn't want to turn into the car, and I should not happen.

Zhang Yan's brain is all question mark, it is a bit unclear now.

Then, the black screen lights up and broadcasts a news screen.

"At 8:07 on the evening of the 17th, the Jingzhou Traffic Police Brigade took the masses to report, and there were luxury cars chased traffic accidents at night."

"After investigation, there are seven cars suspected of chasing the competition. The vehicles involved in the night have met the nearby roads, and two cars crashing in the corner, causing the rear car to rear-end, causing 2 deaths, 4 people seriously injured, 1 person slightly injured The tragedy. "

"As of now, the injured is still in the hospital, and the police have been investigated by the vehicle driver involved in the case, and the case is further dealing with the case."

"Chasing the competition has caused major traffic accidents, poor nature, seriously affects road traffic and public safety, several drivers have constituted dangerous driving crimes, and may even constitute traffic accidents, dangerous methods to endanger public safety crimes I believe they will be severely punished by law! "

Zhang Yan is unbelievable to look at the news screen broadcast on the screen, and the people who are full of people are dying.

what's the situation?

She looked at time, isn't it exactly 8:07 on the 17th?

That's that is the car accident I have just caused?

Obviously, the current time is directly read, and it comes to "real-time report", and the educational significance is simply filled on the spot.

All of this is very natural, very successful.

The car causing a car accident, two deaths and four serious injuries, this is a very major accident, don't say that it is revoked driver's license, life can't be tested again, may cure it is normal for a few years.

The chapter of these things is very clear, because the driver's license has been learned.

The problem is ... this is a game!

Is it necessary to get so real? !

The photo used is obviously the real scene in the game. There are several cars that have been hit by seventeen eight. The whole front of the front has been depressed. It is nothing wrong with the face. It is much more miserable.

It is only a distinct contrast to the high speed of the high speed in other racing games. The car can continue to open.

The game continues, the black screen appears: two years later.

Still is the first person's perspective on the main driving position, but Zhang Yan found this whole vehicle's interior changed, no longer the interior of the luxurious super-running, but turned into the old Decoration.

Take a closer look and even a bit more familiar.

"Hey, this is not a coach, oh, don't you take a test car?"

Looking up, this is clearly the driving test site of the subject.

In the game, the driver took out a wallet from his arms and opened his eyes. The above is a family of four, parents and doubles, and good smiles, the two sisters are very beautiful.

"Two years ago, my sister died because of the death of the car, and the new car borrowed has not yet finished, it has been completely scrapped."

"Because it has caused major safety accidents to compete, the insurance company will not pay, we can only endure the sad mood, continue to finish all car loans."

"So I have been reminding yourself, I have to test a driver's license, study hard and civilized driving knowledge, never commit the same mistake with my sister."

After receiving the wallet, an examiner came over to start the exam.

Started on the screen, prompt, boot the player to complete the exam.

Zhang Yan is a face.


"This game is not right."

She suspended the game, and I seized a little on the Internet. Other players' comments on this game.

Then, it will only figure out the specific principles of this game opening.

At that time, the surface appeared on the surface, but it was actually in fishing.

Before Zhang Yan saw the speed of the speed, I thought that this game did so real, even didn't use the speed of speed, and I really took pictures.

Of course, there are also speed-up probes in many other racing games, but they are all brushing data to players. The higher the speed, the better the reward, so Zhang Yan is not too care.

I only know now that the original speed probe is really speeding, and it is really fine!

Different players, the ending of the play is different.

Some players have studied that the initial level player has a default role. This default role has a luxury car that is still loan, and there is a certain deposit and savings.

If you don't have a car with other luxury cars, it's still a full range of fullness, no speed, no violation, then you can keep your own driver's license, inherit all deposits, people do not change.

If the speed is photographed by the probe, but there is no car accident, and the whole process will be running, it will only receive a speed ticket and deduction.

If you can't get serious, you can find insurance companies to compensate, just spend more money.

Of course, it may also be tailing behind the car behind, or the collision bar has caused the driver's injury. Specific analysis of the specific situation. If it is the responsibility of the launch, the medical fee is the medical fee. If it is your own responsibility, I will pay my medical expense.

But the vast majority of players have not played any endings above.

Because they all like Zhang Yan, I started to have a car!

But there is no technology, how can I not hit?

Once crash, the game process will end immediately. This kind of car speed, proper dangerous driving, is not dead, then the car is also scrapped, the insurance company does not give a claim.

If the protagonist is still alive, it is not revoked driver's license, so you can skip this link of the driver's license.

After all, in that case, I still want to stick to the traffic rules and don't touch the car to the end. Basically, I don't need one more test driver's license.

But if the protagonist is seriously injured or hanging, or the driver's license is permanently revoked, the protagonist will replace his brother or sister.

The specific gender depends on the gender of real-name authentication on the player's Tenda game account, which is used to strengthen the sense of generation.

Zhang Yan is speaking, there is a kind of impulse that I want to delete the releasion.

Is this not a pothole?

I didn't tell me when you start, I want to follow the traffic rules in the game? As a result, the crash did so big?

But she refused to think that this can not blame the game producer, because people have not encouraged the car, it is her consciousness that this is in the car.

Moreover, Zhang Yan checks it. If the zero accident will go to the end, it can really avoid some losses, but there will be no more difficult differences between this worst opening, play more hours. Can make up for it.

If you want to open the whole process without accidents, it is quite difficult, it is also boring, and then ran, it may not be very friendly to the audience.

The audience clearly want to look at the test.

"Forget it, let's experience the driver's license test first."

"I actually test the driver's license in the racing game, it is really ..."

Zhang Yan looked at his direct drive steering wheel, simulating the real foot feeling full metal with vibrating pedal, then look at the cool G force seat, always feeling that this style is not too right.

Cool peripherals, completely do not last!

But there is no way, who makes the audience grandfather like to see the test driver, then take it!

The first item, reversing the library.

Driver's license exams in different cities also have a minor difference, and even different test sites in the same city, such as reversing the entry of this project may be in the first, or it may be behind.

In the game, in accordance with the local driver's license test in Beijing, the project is basically these projects, which are similar.

ten minutes later.

"Reversing to the wareroom, deducting 100 points, the exam is unqualified, please continue to work hard."

Zhang Yan slammed the computer screen, and the expression was in a sluggish state.

Her two opportunities all hang in the library!

For this situation, she is really not only.

Because when she took the driver's license, the subject was once.

I didn't expect it to turn the car in the game!

Of course, the reason is not in the game, but in her own.

Because she took the driver's license, it was a driving school coach told her to see various lines, and she had a hard to returning the rush; and when I drove, I saw the reversing image.

As a result, the test car in the game did not have a reversing image, and there is no line of the coach, it will not be entirely!

The reversing in the game will basically use hard strength, see the left and right rearview mirrors to determine the trajectory of the wheel, then compare the edge of the warehouse, adjust the steering wheel angle, and then pour it in.

Moreover, Zhang Yan realizes that it is more difficult, not only the rear library, the project is not simple!

Just like s, if you remember the tutor of the coach, find a line, know how much direction in advance, that is easy. But if there is no such mouth, it is full of feelings, and the difficulty can be big!

What's more, Zhang Yan still uses the steering wheel and the pedal.

The steering accuracy of the steering wheel is much higher than the molar and handles, and the pedal can also control the speed of the speed in the best speed you need.

If this is the handle and keyboard, how can I pass the subject?

Is this not a trouble?

I have no wonder that there will be a lacquey saying that this game is very unfriendly on the keyboard and the handle. It is not the operation of the keyboard and handle!

In the eyes, the anchor is like a tiger. As a result, the subject two-speed hung, the bullet between the live broadcast is also full of a happy atmosphere.

"Good guy, driving is difficult to drive more than reality?"

"The opening of the opening is dead, and the main character can be too awk!"

"I suddenly feel that this game seems to be quite fun, I will also challenge myself!"

"The steering wheel is really better than the handle. You all feel that the anchor is crippled, but I can't open the Curre with the handle! Don't say, I also make a steering wheel package!"

Seeing these barage, Zhang Yan's face is forced.

what's the situation?

It is said that it should be persuvered? How do you seem to have a strong interest in this game?

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