Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1410, don't take a fatigue

There is a long distance, but there is no rubbing, which will give people a sense of cool!

The reason why there is no such little smashing in "safe and civilized driving", mainly due to these reasons.

First of all, Zhang Yan has been in the second and subjects before the official start game, and it is very familiar with various operations, so it is not easy to have an operational error after the road.

Secondly, the car is a normal home car, not a sports car, the motivation is not so good, the speed is not so fast, not to mention the restrictions on the regulations, I want to hurry.

Finally, it is awareness.

Zhang Yan is very clear, according to the urine of this game, if there is a bump, there is a bump, it is absolutely spent, even if you buy insurance, you will definitely pay the insurance.

So do you know extra.

In fact, if other driving games are enough, they can not touch, but most people have no patience, and it is not necessary to tangle this problem.

Just starting Zhang Yan felt a stunned, the game was actually the same as reality?

But after a while, Zhang Yan found himself slowly adapted this feeling.

Because I don't touch it, I can bring a sense of accomplishment!

It will bring people a "very good" and very good "," the vehicle's handling is very good ".

Driving a bump in other games, I have rarely touching "safe and civilized driving", is this? Is this explaining that my driving technology is improved? Is it a "safe and civilized driving" game to be more close to the real driving experience?

This feeling makes people feel that "safe and civilized driving" is different from the general racing game.

After a little more enjoyment for a while, Zhang Yan began to experience more game content.

She looked at it, there were many kinds of ways in the game, but basically all related to driving.

The most basic thing is to use your own car to open the network, follow the mileage plan, run back in the urban area.

At the individual, you can get some hurry, driving your car to the adjacent city to another city, this kind of live time, halfway, will not get money, but the income is also very high Much more.

There is also a driving drive, and the game with the network is almost the same, but the car may be a variety of, it is possible to have a luxury car.

A higher order is the long-distance freight and long-distance passenger transport.

These two kinds of spending long distances are similar, but also take longer, can't waste halfway. Moreover, long-distance freight and long-distance passengers need to complete additional test items.

Of course, it can also be seen as a newbie teaching.

You can choose your own truck, you can also choose to work to work to work, but the way to do the driver will definitely fall sharply. If you want to make more money, you have to have your own car.

Zhang Yan felt that the driver's license test of his ordinary household car was tested for so long, and the driver's license to test the big car was definitely more difficult, so this thought was exerted.

The highest level is the venue and Rally.

To do this game, you also need to pass the exam, how many minutes of the track of some tracks can be entered. If you win, the bonus is really very rich, but the daily training of the car is damaged and the tire loss requires certain financial resources.

The previous driving skills are not too much, and if you can't get a bonus from the game, it is pure burning.

The numerical system in the game is not strictly in accordance with the reality, but has made adjustments.

The first is that the time is shortened. The driving time of the normal webmobile is approximately 5 ~ 10 minutes. Long-distance driving is also short, the middle and long distances, the short way is generally 30 minutes, the middle is 1 hour, long distance for more than 1 hour, during the time is available The game is rested, the game can also be suspended.

The map is definitely not strictly in accordance with a real map, but is a narrowing. After all, the long distance is really open for seven eight hours, most players can't stand it, and there is no need.

The money earned in the game, of course, has also changed.

A net approach can earn a hundreds of dollars, which means that in 5 minutes, you can earn thousands of dollars in an hour.

If you are running long distance, you will earn more, you can earn tens of thousands of pieces in an hour.

If you run the track, you can earn more than 100,000, hundreds of thousands of even more.

But there is no upper limit in this game.

I violated the penalty, I can continue to drive after the division is over, but if I violate the rules, I have to double a fine, the more fines.

There is an accident in the vehicle. If the insurance is lost, it is not necessary to save money, but it is necessary to rise, and if the insurance does not pay, it can only be repaired, and it is not a small number.

The biggest overhead is to buy a new car, more expensive household car, more expensive big truck, more expensive racing ...

All is money.

Of course, if you are confident, you can loans, but the loan in the game is unfair, and the fixed time is directly deducted from the account.

In short, the gameplay of this game is normal driving, avoiding accidents as much as possible, making more money, making money to buy a better car.

Of course, in this process, you will continue to improve your driving technology.

If you are particularly confident on your own driving skills, you can go to the track, the most makeup, if you don't confident your driving skills, learn not to drift, you can't run the track, it doesn't matter, open long-distance bus, big truck Make money, guarantee that all the way is safe and no accident, which is also a gameplay.

Zhang Yan I thought that he had been playing online, but she found it after playing for a while, but it was not greasy.

Because "safe civilization driving" compared to other racing games, although the surface's fun is different, the deep game fun is consistent.

Other driving game surfaces drive, but actually in order to run more tracks, take better, make money to buy more cars, so loop.

The "safe and civilized driving" surface is driven by the rules, but in fact, in order to open more routes, earn more money to buy a car, so loop.

That is to say, in addition to the portions of driving fun, it is a behavior that drives the player with a numerical value.

Other racing games, seemingly different tracks, but for general players, it is in fact. In order to pursue faster speed, better rankings and blindly accelerate, and the results are frequently crashing, this experience can not say how good.

Of course, the real big doesn't have to say it, in what racing games are the same as the money.

And "safe civilization driving" is also running different urban routes, every new place, Zhang Yanbu will actually drive, keep zero accidents, and then look at the account balance after sending customers to the destination, will There is a kind of happiness from the heart.

This value-driven sense of accomplishment is similar to some simulated business games, more intense than other racing games!

Unconscious, three hours have passed.

Zhang Yan played a yawn and looked at 50,000 yuan on the account, there is a happiness of hamsters in winter.

There were more than 20,000 yuan left before, and I ran three hours and earned nearly 30,000 yuan.

A tip is popped up on the screen, reminding Zhang Yan to enter the fatigue driving status for four hours, and rest in time.

Zhang Yan looked at the time, this is still not until four hours, but also run again.

However, this time the order received is different before, it is a long-distance order!

This order estimated journey time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. If you are done, you can earn more than 40,000 yuan!

Zhang Yan does not help but feel the spirit, come alive!

Run an hour, earn more than before running three hours!

For webmarks, this long-distance live is not very common. It is randomly refreshed. Once give up, I don't know if it is a few hours later.

If you want to have regular, you have to run your long-distance money for a long time, you must pass the driver's license test of the bus or big truck, and then go to the long-distance passenger transport or long-distance passenger transport, Zhang Yan has not yet to go to the test.

So she cherishes this opportunity very much.

"Adhere to persistence, anyway, it is a matter, the problem is not big."

Zhang Yan immediately took the order, and then ran to the designated place to pick up the customer and started to run at the high speed.

This long-distance order route is randomly generated, nor is it running on the high speed, sometimes going to various provincial roads. Relatively speaking, the high speed is definitely more spacious, running is simpler, but the scenery is not going, and the provincial road can also look at the scenery on the road, and the mood will be more pleasant.

Of course, she doesn't care about Zhang Yan, she is now full of money.

There are not many cars on the high speed, and I have been open to a direction and very monotonous. Zhang Yan's yawn, soon, I quickly felt my own attention straight line, although I still slept immediately, but the brain is a bit less Turn it.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a big truck that appeared in front of the accident.

It may be because the previous attention is too uncomfortable, or it may have just been challenged, so I haven't seen the warning sign.


Zhang Yan was shocked and hurriedly stepped on the brakes, but it was a bit too late!

She didn't dare to slap the side, I was afraid that the car was directly on the side of 360 degrees, so I only played a little point, and the results came directly to a standard 25% offset collision, and hit the fence behind the big truck.

Fortunately, the protective bar of this big truck is reinforced, unlike a lot of big truck guard columns, the strikes are directly reduced, and they directly drill into the bottom of the car.

Unfortunately, even if you have a guardrail, this is still striking!

A loud noise of "", all airbags in the car exploded, and black screen.

"Ah! My zero accident!" Zhang Yan was annoyed, I know that I should go to my honesty to rest, what fatigue driving!

Now, 40,000 yuan did not earn, the car hit, blood loss!

And this car is obviously his own full responsibility, insurance is compensation, but how much medical expenses need to spend it.

I hope that the medical expenses in the game also have the corresponding cuts, otherwise this will hit the medical expenses directly, then I will finish the scorpion.

However, let Zhang Yan did not expect that she did not wait for the medical bill, but waited for the death notice!

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