Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1415's Attraction of the First Author

The authors are all listening carefully, and the measures of the hopes of the hopes are ignited.

"It's great!"

"I will say that Lao Cui is in the Versailles. Do you have so many can you speak? Don't you say that there is no experience? If you have no experience, what do we count?"

"That is, what else is there? Don't hide, carry forward the spirit of Tengda, bring us!"

"I originally planned to have a good job in the creation of a good job, but I have never known ..."

"Yeah, I think I have been chasing the drama in the inspiration in the inspiration. It is actually in the collection of fish, I feel very excited and cultivated."

"Or Lao Cui reliable, last time, we let him talk about the experience, and if he doesn't talk, even if you have, you will be able to die!"

Cui is a little surprised: "What did he say?"

Since the main plan of the Game, Cui has never seen him.

The authors did not understand: "We let him talk about the concept of creative experience and create, telling the connection between the game and the novel, and what do you guess how he said?"

"He said that he didn't have any creation at all," Yong Yu Ren "is simply written as a companion, and there is no creative concept."

"He said," Yong Yu Returning "adaptation the success of the game is always relying on the total, and there is no relationship with him."

"Oh, he also said, he now this master designer is stunned, do not understand how to design the game, all the best, the other people of the project group can barely complete the task."

"Old Cui you evaluate the review, how can this world be such a person?"

"You said that you will be forced, at least get round, the result is flying, it is not round, but it is very hard! Do you say this is in a deliberate gas!"

Cui Zi Potted Totto: "Well, it is really gas!"

"But I think he still has a little credibility in his words, and will definitely have a lot of design work with him, otherwise he can't get up very quickly."

The authors have felt: "Hey, write the written written as the main designer of Tenda game, envious!"

Of course, everyone is the mouth that said that the main designer of the Tenda Game Department does earn more, but the project is also bigger, but everyone feels that no one can compete.

I didn't understand anything in the flying mouth, and I have this potential to be excavated by the total excavation.

Instead of being envious, it is better to continue to carefully create, and write the next work that can be copied.

If the two roads make the authors choose, they will choose Cui, not selected.

Cui Yu is cool, touching the fish in the water every day, it is also the perfect life of the author's imagination.

And Cui Yu's previous speech also allowed the authors of the inspiration to encourage!

Since the successful successful adaptation of the three works, the end of the Chinese network authors be extremely enthusiastic.

Many of the performances of the famous celebration in this year, the first ambition is to enter the inspiration class.

There was no authors in the inspiration duty, lost the qualifications of the inspiration, and it was a regret to be saddened. At this time, I was going to prepare new books, and I thought about writing a new book, and I got a chance to study in the future.

Even many foreign authors, but also choose the hopping terminal!

The discussion of the inspiration between the network is also further improved by the discussion of the inspiration between the end.

Now the end of the Chinese network, in addition to the first batch of authors may be slightly gap in this quarter of the unlimited Chinese network, the income of the middle and underlying authors is completely flat, and there is more exceeding, after all, the end of the Chinese network is divided into the author. More.

As for those top authors, the attraction of the end of the Chinese network is equally strong.

Because of a large part of them, the draft fee is very important, but the success rate is high, and the attraction is greater!

Most of the reliable websites can consider selling copyright, copyright adaptation, but the problem is what is it? The author is actually completely complete.

Some adaptation works is not good, probably because the production company is not enough, or because of capital intervention, it has not been taken out.

In this case, there is no such situation, because the three successful copyright adaptation works have proven that Tengda is in animation, film and television, games, all of which are the top level in China!

In fact, copyright is the three aspects of animation, film and television, games.

The top more combat, but the domestic comic industry is currently not too popular, so it does not expect comic copyrights to sell high prices.

As for other actuations, the entity book is not mentioned.

Therefore, many head authors have successfully successfully adaptation of the three works of the end of the Chinese network, and even the "successor" seems to be completely contrary to the traditional web philosophy, this is successful. It is a very shocking thing.

This is obviously not the production company of the legs, but the production company with flying!

If there are several big companies in China, there are several big companies in China, and the game adaptation is the unique copy of Tengda. The games in other domestic doors are not good!

Moreover, the copyright income given by Tengda is really a heartbeat.

Most of the copyright income of other websites is a price, the movie is filled out, earn, basically all the author doesn't matter.

But Tengda is different, the original author is involved in the extraction, and the amount of draw is still high!

Like flying, Cui We can get how much draw from your own work? This kind of thing will not reveal to the outside world, but no one can guess it, it is definitely an astronomical figure, absolutely completely crushed the manuscript fees of these headers, and most of them are more than those well-known works.

I said that these three people can have a lifetime with the division of these three adaptation works.

Can other authors don't have your heart?

All the authors of the other stations are turned, but they don't say these authors that have been in Synch.

Cui Wei's previous point of view, made them Mouton, found the direction of struggle.

Before everyone, everyone has always been a bit in the clouds. I don't know what the inspiration class is to create, but it is just a more than a clear big direction.

But now, the direction is there!

After the lecture of Cui, some authors can't wait to collect inspiration, and some authors have to build Cui, ask him more questions.

Cui Wei is also enthusiastic, and the people do not refuse.

As a result, this chat, I talked about lunch from the morning, and chatted in the afternoon.

This kind of teaching can be tired to get Cui.

When everyone spread, Cui Wei took time, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Others, today's soup."

"I thought I could have a new folder today."

"But this is not my pot, I can only say that other authors are too warm, I have to delay my writing time in order to convey them to the general creative concept."

"Oh, I am such a big public selfless person."

"I can only say it next week."

Cui is ready to open.

The inspiration class is not working, so the folder of Cui Xinxin book can only be built again on Monday.

Just go, receive a call.

Huang Sbo came.

"Old Cui, this Sunday, the 20th, there is a party in the unknown restaurant, come together? Yu Fei, Lu Zhiyao, Zhang Zu Ting also has the backbone members of the flying yellow studio."

Cui Wei listened, and it was the spirit.

"Go, I am sure!"

Go to the unknown restaurant to eat a big meal, who can refuse?

Have to say, Lu Zhiyao and Zhang Zu Ting are also very sweet, they are obviously touched.

I know that the 20th of each month is always in the name of the ring. As long as you come here, you will definitely eat!

Needless to think, this two shadowers are definitely a thank you the crew, thank you of the flag of the flag to eat.

Thank you? That is clearly the eating of unfamed restaurants! Don't hesitate to remove you!

But this is also very good, please increase your strength!

If they don't come to eat and drink, can Cui Wei go to the name of the restaurant?

Cui Weimei went out to go straight to touch the fish netfish, continue to play the play, and then in this dinner on Sunday.



January 20, Sunday.

Zhang Yan is sitting on the G force seat as usual, starting live.

After selling from the game, she has been three consecutive livers.

It's just that you can't stop!

When I just got up, she felt that this game was quite wonderful: the chapter fishing law enforcement, I want to officially go to the road to test the driver's license, I accidentally hit the driver to death ...


Other racing games have not dared to do so, this "safe and civilized driving" is a single copy.

However, once this is accepted, it actually touched!

It is because there is a driver's license test before going to the road. After going to the road, Zhang Yan will seriously open it, and we will strive to pursue zero accidents and pursue driving technology.

It is also a different kind of happiness to keep people on the road.

After being completely adapted to the running network, Zhang Yan began to seriously capture the driver's license of the big truck and long-distance passenger car, and began to learn the related knowledge of the track.

Zhang Yan has traveled to the track before the track, but the total community will practice as a few hours, and the skills you have learned are also very basic, very shallow.

After all, it is too big in the real middle track, even if Zhang Yan's family is not bad, it will not be so much money.

What's more, her family is not supported at all, because the parents feel that the girl is a little indivisible, and on the other hand, this movement has certain dangers.

After reading the video of many racing, Zhang Yan's parents did not support it.

But there is no problem in the game!

Zhang Yan is obviously fascinated, in the live broadcast, she will go to the Internet to search for the tutorial released by the professional rider, and the live broadcast system of "safe civilization driving" is "safe and civilized driving", but also let her Learning costs have fallen sharply.

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