At the same time, there is no name.

Cui Lu came to the name of the ring, found Lu Zhi, Zhang Zutan, Lin Jiaqiang, etc. In the "successor", the shadow of the dragon set is already here, the main team of Huang Sibo and the flying yellow studio has also arrived, and it is included in the flight. Several authors.

"Hey, Teacher Cui finally came, come, you are sitting in the C bit!"

"Teacher Cui teacher swells, come to the unknown restaurant to eat so do not active, fast, penalty, eat a big lobster first!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic to call Cui Wei, deliberately gave him a vacancy in the crowd.

Cui Wei is a bit helpless, you should be a code word for a few years, and you will be famous in the world!

The people around him were calling his old Cui, or the unfamiliar people, but the "Cui Teacher" said this, it has never been there.

Obviously, "successor" was held on the altar, and even his original author was also held on the altar.

Everyone now looks at Cui, do not treat him as a simple author, but treat him as a big prophet, social scholar, after all, predicate the results of Ukraia elections a year ago.

Only Cui knows that this is entirely, it is full of luck.

But this is not explained, but it is not necessary to explain, it can only be accepted silently.

Cui was sitting down on the seat and said: "It's not that I eat is not active, mainly the material is coming, I forgot time."

Huang Sibo asked: "GOG is also pitted?"

Cui is a bit awkwardly coughing twice: "Cough, actually there is no matter, it is a big advantage that his teammates have a hang up. The bureau that can end in 200 minutes is hard to drag it for 50 minutes, but also lost. "

Huang Sibo could not help but appear serious, and indignation: "Is there such a thing? I will send Zhang Nan to Zhang Nan, let her severely punish!"

Cui said: "No, I have already reported. Now GOG will automatically punish when the system detects that hangs will be automatically punished, and the punishment is not small. The game has given me a compensation. This little venture does not have trouble. "

Huang Sibo nodded: "Well, that's good, this kind of rustic evil can not grow, Tengda is absolutely not used to this player."

Cui looked at the people who were present: ", Zhu Guo people?"

I immediately wake up: "Oh! Has been suffering from painless travel?"

Huang Sibo faces a sad expression, but the corner can't help but rise slightly: "Yes, get the end of this month."

"I don't know if Zhu Gui is doing well on the island."

"But it is better than us. We go to the Shennongjia! You can play the sand on the island, sunburn! This is unfair!"

Cui Wei generously coughs two sounds: "It is not seen, at least in the forest of Shennongjia, I don't need to sunb, I watched Qiao's live broadcast, everyone seems to be too dark, the training is over, everyone is tired I have enough, but I still have to make myself crazy and sunscreen. "

"And the rock wall on this island is higher than the rock wall there at the gods. It can only be said to be suffering, and you have two people have a thousand autumn."

Huang Sibo: "Oh? Yes, then my psychology is balanced."

Lu Zhijing also sorry: "Oh, Zhu Gui can't come, his one can only have it to eat it!"

"But the words come back, you said this suffering ... I have seen it recently."

"I still wanted to ask for a schedule a few days ago, I went to the official website to see, good guys, I found it at all. I checked it online, saying that I have been full, I can't grab it. "

"The next time I open an appointment, I don't know when I have, even if I have already reported it, I don't say it."

Cui is a bit awkward: "Ah? Do you want to go?"

"What is good, it is pure suffering! Don't believe you ask Huang Sibo, he has been."

Lu Zhiyao looks to Huang Sibo: "Is it? How is it? Is it really suffering?"

Huang Sibo silent for a moment, then I said: "Um ... it is a bit suffering, but the harvest is also very ..."

Cui is invisible.

Good guy, I tall guys!

These people who have been to suffer, they have become so heartless!

And the most bizarre is that all people who have been in suffering will become a magical superimposed state, or it is also called "Schrödinger's suffering":

When you go, or talk to people who are not coherent, these people will surely spit, say that this is completely spending for a crime, too suffering;

If you want to go with intentions or ask people to talk about hardships, they will say that they have a very rich cultural heritage and profound spiritual connotation, which is very worthwhile.

Poor, too embarrassing!

Do you think that others don't see your flower intestines? Don't you want to lie to others?

So poor drama, as long as it is a normal person, it should not be active?

However, look at the road to know, but the more you are interested.

"Oh? Rock climbing? Survival in the wild? Island still diving?"

"Qiao Lao wet, Yan Guangjian, Yao Bo also has Tengda's responsible people?"

"Then this is actually a Tengda elite training camp, no wonder the general people want to go to this way!"

"Can you talk to Yan always talk about it, give us a separate opening?"

Huang Sibo rushed to smile, and he said: "I can give , I believe that the bail is so good enough to overcome difficulties, give you a first issue."

Lu Zhi is very happy: "Too good! Teacher Cui, come together?"

Cui Head shake like a rushing drum: "Sorry, bother, goodbye!"

Good guy, this group is afraid that it is not a brain, and it's more comfortable to play fish net coffee. Who wants to go to the ridiculous mountains, and the overseas island suffer!

You have to die, you can don't pull me!

Cui Wei was very afraid that they came to talk about this topic, just saw the dishes, hurriedly said: "Okay, everyone will eat!"

Everyone came early, and it was also hungry, and immediately opened it.

These precious ingredients are all supply in the table, what do you want to eat, and every kind of delicious!

Cui is even a bit a bit of difficulty: I feel very delicious after eating a kind of food, I want to eat again; but other foods are also very delicious, and then eat a one, I am afraid that I have a belly, I can't eat other. .

After eating some East Western pad, Zhang Zutin first tried: "It is unfortunately today, but the total work is busy, but I believe that the sum of the people is with us."

"I propose, let's take a dress together, and I have a total of a cup!"

Everyone responded, each raised the cup in his hand.

Dinner in the unknown restaurant has always been completely free. If you want to drink, you can drink it, you can drink water or drink a drink, you can eat, whether it is wine or drink, it is used to eat.

No one can force others to drink.

This is the rule of the first time to arrange the dinner, so it will become a conventional rule that will become a conventional, everyone consciously abide by the hidden rules.

It is more proud to eat more, not more than drinking.

After the drinks and drinks are under the belly, everyone has opened their words and chat while eating.

Lu Zhijing is also a lot of emotion: "In fact," successor "this drama, I originally wanted to give , after all," Beautiful Tomorrow "and" Mission and Choice "have helped me, Even for gratitude, it should be it to "successor" free running a dragon set. "

"I didn't expect that the income of the running dragon was so big!"

"Said to give , in the end, it is still flying by the summons, and you are really embarrassed."

After the "mission and choice" successfully, the money that Lu Zhiyu earned, the key is to be more fire, the popularity is higher, the drama is also wider.

It is too much drama group to be played to come to the door, and the challenge is picked up.

But the road knows away from one principle very firm: everything is based on the total film staging, and the session conflict is not connected!

Last time I came to Beijing, I walked, and Lu Zhiyao asked the matter of the new drama. As a result, the summary said that the new drama should be taken in Miki, and there is no suitable road to know the role, not to participate, I can only play a Chinese dragon set.

When Lu Yao is thinking, I will definitely see it.

I always think that I have a high coffee level now, so I will not take the dragon set role?

That's absolute!

The dragon set characters of other cres are certainly not connected, but the total dragon set character is said to pick it up!

People, can't be met, this dragon set character is afraid of giving a paid, in order to pay back the two movies, it must also participate.

Not only do you participate in himself, but also pull Zhang Zu Ting, Lin Jiaqiang participates in this group of people!

So, in the case of this group of people gave the "successor" playing angle.

Zhu Xiaote's director is also very talented, hard is to make more and very suitable dramas in "successor".

Lu Zhiyu drove a Chinese superhero, Zhang Zuting played a judge in the draft show, Lin Jiaqi is a civilian, Phil's hardcore supporter.

Others, including Zhang Zu Ting, some of the staff of the flying yellow studio, and also a group of groups, and there is no sense of feelings, it can't come out at all!

Because the hope of the city is originally a fictional city, it is a mixed environment, which has this space.

In fact, in the process of shooting, Lu Zhiyao and Zhang Zutan have long parents, I think this film will not burst fire, even if the fire is limited, it is limited.

After all, their drama is not much in the entire episode, and the real starring is the foreigner who plays Phil.

But they didn't think of it. This show is not only fired, and it is incredible, but also has a lot of help to their performance!

Especially the road know, the benefit is most.

Even a lot of film reviews and media have caught the road to know that it is much better than the main role of the "successor"!

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