Everyone nodded and: "Yes, just take the film, there will be! Just like Tengda's other departments, just do the product, even if you don't deliberately promote, you will finally come!"

Cui looked at the flying in the boring head and asked: "How is your situation? When will the new book open?"

I took the big lobster and got a bite in one hand: "Refractive new books? I have to go online at the end of this month. Do you still have time to write new books?"

"Lao Tuo?"

Cui Wei did not expect that there was this question, and suddenly, he said twice: "Write it."

Yu Fei observed his expression and tried to ask: "The folder has been built newly built?"

This suddenly gave Cui.

If he wrote how many words he wrote, he will say that the beginning is almost the same. But when I asked, I was so specifically, so that he felt a little embarrassing ...

Cui Wei smiled and said: "You see you asking, the folder has not been built, the folder is ....

It is said to be hehe: "I still don't know your pigeon?"

"I see you is really in the blessing, you are better than me, I have to be better than me. Although I have to develop games every day, I have already put the outline when I have n'thing to do. Just not Time to say pen. "

"The result is that you are good, don't do it all day, just hurt your pigeons!"

"I should go to your reader, expire you well!"

Cui Wei is somewhat embarrassing: "Don't be embarrassed, the child must be stupid, wait for me to go back to build a new folder, properly!"

Huang Sbo smiled slightly: "Yu Fei you want to reveal that Cui is afraid to be useless, because your reader reminds you every day, that is because you know you can write, even if you do a game, you can squeeze out a little, but Cui's Readers don't remind him, because I know that it is useless, because it is impossible to write! "

The crowd couldn't help but laugh, Cui rose red face, and did not stop "the things of the materials". "Now accumulating the material is for the new book," "writing book is important to find the direction rather than silly If the amount of land piles, the scene is full of happiness air.

Lu Zhiyao asked: "When is the lower movie? What?"

Cui Wei just took this opportunity to transfer the topic, with the road: "Yes, what is the following movie? The authors of the inspiration is also looking forward to it."

After determining the adaptation plan of "Yongxuan Returning", "Successor", "Successor", "The Bearner College", the authors that have made the inspiration have seen hope, so they have a very powerful, and there is already one The new works have emerged.

Although most of the works have not been added, they can already see some clues.

Huang Sibo said: "This is not fixed, you can see the general meaning."

"There are still many follow-up to work in the short term, such as ..."

"We are talking about the company above the country," successor "may have to sell it!"

Cui said: "Ah? There is still this kind of thing? Export transfer DC sales? Oh, the domestic sales turn exit? Oh, not ..."

His original writer gave it.

Because most people in his and flying yellow studios, I didn't think that this drama would be sold to Miki.

When I was shot, put the shooting place in the rice country, just considering good spoof, looking for an actor, the effect of shooting will be more original.

But this episode did not consider the release of the country, because its spiritual kernel is anti-superhero theme, and the cultural soil of superhero is incorporated.

So, it is also possible that this is a skin with Western cultural background, but the kernel is a domestic cultural background, which specializes in the drama of the domestic audience.

Selling to Miki, can the audience there can buy it? Everyone feels unreliable.

But now Huang Sibo said so, it is clear that some companies on the other side have interested this episode, so they will cooperate.

Huang Sibo explained: "At present, NLX, the largest streaming media playing platform in Mi country has contacted us through the" successor ", saying that it is intentionally bought" successor ", put on the NLX platform; In addition, there are also two TV stations to throw olive branches to us. Hope "successor" can play on their TV, such as the very famous HPO TV. "

"The price is still talking, but it is certain that it will not be too low. Because" successor "is very beautiful in China, it is very high, and the platform on the side of Migi is also very good. Interested. "

Even Cui Wei's original author is incredible: "They will be very interested in this content? This is not scientific, this is incompatible with the traditional superhero theme, it is in black!"

Huang Sbo laughed: "I was also very puzzled when I started, but I talked to them, I understood why they would like this drama."

"Indeed, they are not the same perspective, GET does not reach the domestic audience to like" successor ". But they have additional evaluation dimensions."

"I said that two keywords you know why: conspiracy theory, the high-level distrust."

"Therefore, compared with domestic audiences, the understanding of this drama may have huge differences. But what is interesting is that they will think that this is a good drama!"

Cui Yuzi smell the two keywords that Huang Sibo said.

"Conspirate theory? Do not trust the high level?"

"Oh, I see!"

Cui Lu suddenly realized.

Foreign spectators have really likely like "successor", but their understanding will definitely be with the opposite of the domestic audience!

In a large part of the audience in foreign countries, the anti - miniimism and conspiracy is prevailing, and the high-rise is full of rooted untrust.

Because long-term happiness education and anti-wisdom, let foreign people in many middle and lower layers have lost the most basic scientific literacy in this environment. But it is definitely not to push the pot to the people. This aspect is the result of long-term foolish policy, and on the other hand, it is also because the Western high-rise is always injective!

Many foreign people like conspiracy theory, why? Because this kind of thing foreign high-level is really dried!

Like what is the excuse of vaccination, it is a human test to illegally immigrated the organ. Many news is exploding the hammer. Under the baptism of this news, how can I not conspurate? How can I trust the high level?

This universally existed atmosphere gives the soil over the success of "successor" overseas.

"Successful" This story is magical. It has two completely different interpretations in both cultural backgrounds, and can also interpret the pass!

"Successor" doesn't have much to say in the eyes of the domestic audience. The previous multi-film review has been analyzed.

And it is probably another image in the eyes of the audience abroad.

First, it conforms to the foreigner of the foreigners and the psychology of the high-level untrust.

The superhero is the high-rise of foreign countries, but foreign spectates will not only be angry, but they will feel very reasonable!

Secondly, some of the more than some images believed that, especially if it might stimulates some of the foreign audiences, foreign spectators may not feel at all.

For example, in the world of "successor", the money is the sign of a success of a person, and the value of people depends on his worth, and the bad thing in Phil is done, but the segment of each ethnicity, Political correct label is filled with "successor" draft show ...

In the domestic audience, this is ironic.

But in the views of foreign audiences, this is not ironic, but very normal settings, is part of the drama concentration, and reasonable!

Even if they are likely to be touched by the "feelings" of Phil and the black student, because this is too political correct standard ...

Because "successor" is in the shooting, it is an objective and neutral perspective that there is no more doped personal tendency, so which angle is used to interpret, it can be interpreted.

Even some viewers may like the people in the Phil, think that he has strong action, strong implementation, winning the game in the rules, although there are some small means, but this is enough to prove he is a The ability to have the ability to be more than the superheroes of the previous corpse.

Even if I have left these content, there is a very important point in that the story of the superhero theme is too much, and the story of anti-superhero theme is too small.

These TV stations are for the topic, for the ratings, always have some things that are different from other TV stations, used to attract the audience.

And "successor" is obviously a very suitable choice!

Cui Shushun said such a analysis of Huang Sibo, inexplicably discovered that this idea is still very smooth?

On the position of the foreign audience, it is likely that someone will so understand!

As for the original meaning of "successor", what is the original meaning of this episode, it is not important. Because foreign spectors will not come to see domestic film reviews, they will not interpret this episode, they only care about what they see, and use their own way to interpret.

Seeing that Cui Wei's face suddenly realized the expression, it is a little puzzle: "Are you not the original author? Other people suddenly have a great achievement, you suddenly realize it? Do you think it is suitable? Is this book not you wrote?"

Cui is even more embarrassing. Sure enough, the brothers crit is to be worn. He hurriedly coughed twice: "Of course, I wrote, but the big direction is poor to me."

"I can only say that I have learned some inspiration from" Struggle "in the process of creation, more focused on reality, not to persistence in the empty talk, so there will be two trivial interpretation. ...... "

"But this is also very good, no matter what to say," successor "can be released in the country, this is also a big progress! How many domestic big production movies want to go to the rice country yet!"

It sighed and sighed: "Hey, let's talk, but I will bring it."

"Yes, let's dry again, respect the whole!"

Everyone has raised: "Total!"

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