Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1424, Li, Li, does not let go of any soup

I sent Xu Hu, Li Shi said to Che Rong: "We have to make some changes here."

"My thoughts are, change the brand name of the star bird fitness, change to the 'Star Bird Virtual Sports Experience Shop', on the basis of the original intelligent fitness drying rack, DouBtvr glasses experience area, re-expand, purchase safety Civilized driving simulator, open up a driving area! "

"The place is not enough, we have opened a store next to each store, opposite or upstairs, and form a model of the Double Sub-store or the start of the child, and consider the two stores as a whole, and reprogramming the equipment, according to the equipment The number of customers will be adjusted on the number of devices. "

The car has robbed: "Isn't it going to work with Hengyuan driving school? We also do it?"

"Moreover, safe and civilized driving simulators with fitness, virtual sports these concepts are not too much related?"

Cheap is obviously some of them.

He thought that this time did not have a star fitness, after all, the safety and civilized driving simulator and the driving school naturally, and the current business with the Star Bird's fitness did not have too much overlap.

As a result, I didn't think that Li Shi just sent a boss of Hengyuan Driving School, and she began to consider some safety and civilized driving simulator.

Is this right?

Li Shi Wei shook his head: "The car is always, the thoughts should not be so rigid."

"Who said to cooperate with Hengyuan driving school, we can't get it?"

"You think about it, Nengyuan driving can eat all the needs of safe and civilized driving simulator on the market? We have no matter what they will spend money, there are also local customers in the simulator, just those who have no money, No space, you must go outside to experience the experience. "

"These people, can the Hengyuan driving school all eat?"

"The Hengyuan Driving School will take the G force seat in the store's deluxe simulator, but it is for enrollment; will also put the simulator in the driving school, but it is to serve the students of your own driving school. "

"But if someone doesn't want to register the driving school? Or already have a driver's license, just want to experience the simulator equipment, or continue to enhance your driving skills on the track?"

"This part needs who can satisfy? Of course, we want us to meet!"

"Therefore, the Hengyuan Driving School is different from our needs, earn a stroke, come on this side, don't you incend?"

Li Shiton suddenly said: "" As for the concept of virtual sports, it can certainly take it. "

"You should not know how straight drive, I checked, this gather is called a fitness equipment, and the leader."

"The normal driving mode is okay. It's almost tired of driving in reality. Once I have a track mode, the direction of the steering wheel will be very horrible. I need to use a lot of power to control. I really want to run for two hours. The amount of exercise is not small! "

"You look at the racing racing in realities, is it obese? Most are thin and filled with muscles. Because the car is more consumed, not only against the steering wheel, but also fight the powerful G force. "

"The simulator doesn't have a way to simulate the powerful G power. The existing G force seat is just simulating a feeling, but no matter what to say, it will never be relaxed."

"The truck is also a kind of exercise, and that car simulator can of course be called virtual sports!"

"In short, we must find ways to cover Tenda's new products, which is not just a market expansion, and it is also a strategic defense program."

"As long as we use the safety and civilized driving simulator into entering, we can effectively prevent other brands. Other stores will take the simulator to overtake the simulator. We introduce how much money is the second, the key is to block The road to others! "

Li Shi said such a analysis, and the Cheung suddenly realized.

"It turns out, understand!"

"It's really reasonable!"

Cheung couldn't help but be happy, and he was a lesson by Li.

As a boss, what is it? It is missing the imagination and the ability to establish a connection between different fields!

Who said that the air is going to touch the luck? A person like Li, is to force the capture of the wind and use it for yourself!

It is quite appropriate for a closer look.

Because "Safe Civilization Driving" game is the same as before "Animal Island", "Fitness Battle" is repeatedly played. If you really play it, you may not be able to do it for a few hundred hours.

And this provides an objective condition support for the "netic model" of Stars Fitness.

If the game is just fresh, the players have lost interest for a few hours, then the subsequent passenger traffic is difficult to succeed, and there is a lot of risks in the style of the starbird fitness.

But now, through the intelligent fitness drying rack, DouBTVR glasses test, this model has been accepted by many people, plus a safe civilization driving simulator, can form a clustering effect.

What's more, from the case of experience stores, tourists approved the degree of recognition of safety and civilized driving simulators, which is obviously higher than other large equipment, and the reputation rate is high, which also makes the car more confident.

"Good Li, I will arrange it!"

Cheung is again full of strength. Sure enough, Li is always good, as long as it is, it is still in the business model without his own charges.

Mature business models will naturally find themselves!


At the same time, Tengda gaming department.

After flying over the video, I was worried about Meng Chang: "Is this really?"

Meng Chang is very worried, and the crucifidies said: "Energy!"

On the computer screen of Fei, it is a "ghost 2" demo video.

This video is specially looking for a well-known fighting game player Cai Hong.

When "Ghost 2" just run Demo, the Tenda Game Project Group has contacted some of the domestic fighting game gods, let them experience "ghost 2".

For the recommendations made by these fighting games, the project team think carefully and makes carefully. I have encountered some kind of change, and I will organize the gang of the game and the designers to meet online, fully exchange opinions, and finally finalize the modification.

This is to make the "ghost 2" can become an excellent combat game.

And this batch of fighting games, including Cai Hong, all get started very quickly.

Because when I was developing "Ghost 2", Ba Xu said that the fighting game at the current world has basically had a set of conventional hidden rules, following this hidden rules, and makes innovation on some details. , That is, "excellent fighting game", not follow this set of conventional hidden rules, is "failure game".

This aspect is because the game category of fighting games has already appeared too long, the games and mechanisms are already very mature, and the core players have been fully adapted; on the other hand, the core players will be put into the game. Hundreds of hours, used to form muscle memory, if a new game does not meet their muscle memory and common habits, they will not play at all.

And since the ghost will be developed in accordance with the taste of these old players, they will be very fast.

Video Cai Hong is playing a BOSS battle link in the "Battle of Chibi" in the game.

In the game of "Ghost 2", "Battle of Chibi" is a whole chapter, and the middle is divided into many small levels, and it is divided into "linking" in the level, "borrowed", " Bitter meter "," Huaying Road "and other different parts.

The story of the "ghost" has been adapted to the story of the "ghost" in the history of the fidelity and the novel.

For example, the phoenix alone after boarding the battleship of Cao Wei, dedicated the performance of the magic warship with the Phoenix blood, so that the battleship has the effect of sharing the damage, but it is deliberately changed to change the fire. Poor, and the flame will detonate the power of the flame in the Phoenix blood.

In the game, the player has to manipulate Po, complete the operation in the designated location, and attack the enemy when I returned Cao Wei's warship, prove that this move will indeed enhance the strength of the Cao Wei Bank.

And the people who borrowed the east is that Zhuge Liang will summon a large number of missile wash through the form of the trick, causing devastating strikes to Cao Wei's battleship. In this process, players must not only operate Zhuge Liang to carry out the missile, but also to withdraw. The hand solves the Cao Wei army who came to obstruct.

In the bitter meter, the player should operate the yellow cover to cover the battleship of the high-explosive fuel to hit the battleship group of Cao Wei.

In short, these links have combat content, or mowing a small soldier, or to fight against the enemy, or to complete the N time to complete N times within a certain period of time can reach a plot requirements.

And Cai Hong played the BOSS battle, which was filled with the battleship of the high-explosive fuel to hit the magistrate of Cao Wei. At the same time, Zhuge Liang took a large number of missiles after the Dongfeng, and caused the phoenix blood of the Cao Wei's battle to cause a large fire. The following plot.

The lonely shadow sword, Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, rushed to a warship of the fire, and met the iron sanctuary, thus broke out a BOSS battle.

According to the plot, the Black Lion Wang Hua Xiong was killed by Qinglong Wu Zhen Yu, the Masawa and the White Tiger family competed in the West, eventually won by the Masters' Ma Chao, and the children of the White Tiger's family, Xu Wei led the people to go to Cao Cao, Cao Cao is the magic technology Combined with the White Tiger's genetics created the most elite biochemical troops, and Xu Zheng is the strongest.

Although the battleship group has been covered by fire, Xu Wei has received blood in the home, but the body shape is infinite, but not only to cover Cao Cao retreat, but also to catch the chased Zhou Yu.

Cai Hong must strike in a limited time, whether it is death or timeout, it is a failure of the mission.

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