Many players expressed concerns about "ghost 2".

Obviously, this propaganda approach has really played!

Meng Chang is nothing to do, it is the old man to realize "" Ghost 2 "is a fighting game" this thing tandally told all players, and there is no action to make them misunderstood.

But it is precisely because it is too real, so it has triggered a variety of concerns.

Yan Qian couldn't help but hi, "this Meng Chang, you can! Don't trust you so much!"

"Now I have learned to raise an anti-three, learn to play the trick! It is no longer as three axes as before, a set is dead!"

"Yes, it seems that it is the biggest source of creativity."

Yan Qian is satisfied, it seems that the propaganda program of "Ghost 2" is, and then look at the performance after the game is online.



January 27, Sunday.

Rabbita live, Zhang Yan's live broadcast room.

At this time, Zhang Yan is working hard in the venue of the car.

I saw her staring at the screen. The steering wheel was grabbed on the side, and the right foot stepped on the throttle, and then a well-skilled operation!

As a result, only the body is completely uncontrolled to start the circle, and finally stopped at the far away from the center of the cake.

Fortunately, the venue is very wide, no bumps have occurred.

Zhang Yan is somewhat frustrated: "Ah! The throttle is big!"

"The coach cars before, obvious before, have been very familiar, and the result is changed his car, and it will return to the liberation."

"It's hard to let me sell this car, buy a trainer car?"

"No, don't you do it, isn't it a brain into the water? Continue to use this car! I will not believe it, after the practice of exercise, I will be able to meet the realm of the people!"

Zhang Yan completely did not believe in evil and continued to practice.

Drift is a very difficult trick for ordinary people, and it is certain that it will not be possible to go to track exercises. At least two phases of the circle drift and eight-word drift, it is basically basic.

Zhang Yan said that it was a little drift in reality. In fact, it was only practiced, and it was not practiced for a long time, and it has already given the knowledge to the original teacher.

As for the real car license, she did not have passed.

Realistic racing license is not difficult, but it is not simple to say that the key is to see which level. Level low-level driver's license only needs to find a training base for tens of thousands of money, training for a few days, basically get it, but some high-level driver's licenses can be difficult, light is burning in the car, all No bottom.

Moreover, the reality of the racing license is also divided into many types, such as different types such as pull off-field, venue, drift classes.

Some low-level driver's licenses are mainly based on racing culture, theoretical knowledge, safety explanations, start, shift, emergency brakes, handbrakes, crossings, traces, track exercises, hiking roads, and speed counting. Some of the content looks back with the driver's license test, but it is not an event.

The test of the car license is mainly to teach people to drive the way. It is also the same start, shift, and the racing car will definitely different.

The racing driver's license test in the game is not exactly exactly in reality, and has made a lot of simplification.

This is because Ye Zhizi feels that many steps in the real-world racing exam are more cumbersome, and it is not suitable for the specific situation in the game.

Of course, the reality is cumbersome. After all, in reality, as long as the accident, it is seriously injured, and the driver is seriously injured. It may also affect others, so it will inevitably be safe, no loss. Can enter the next stage.

And "safe and civilized driving" although the car accident is also more feminine sister, it is also cost, but the money in the game is the player's liver, and it is definitely not the same concept in reality.

Ye Zhou's understanding of "safe and civilized driving" is that high martial arts, ladder difficulty, strong punishment measures, this is not required to be completely strict, just like the reality, just like the driver's license test in the game, subject 1, subject four In the merger, it also became 50 questions, showing the design concept of Ye Zhouzhou.

In the game, there are three car driving photos, the first is the basic racing license test, the content of the exam is relatively simple, a total of only three: professional knowledge answering, changing round, venue practice.

The professional knowledge answer is mainly to test some of the professional knowledge related to racing. The robust circle needs to maintain a certain amount of time in the depth venue, and the venue practice is an entry-level track, and it can be completed within the limited time.

After these contents passed, they got the primary racing license, and they can participate in some of the more entry levels.

There is also a dedicated venue and Rally license, but those who are not currently considering.

The primary racing license is not difficult, Zhang Yan to online school has learned some theoretical knowledge, and also read other anchor teaching, and strive to have been taking two days.

She has taken a racing license, and the first time, I bought a new car with my own big truck and the money earned by my long-distance passenger car.

Then, the tragedy happened.

She finds that she can't drift it!

Because the model of the previous test car driver's license is different from her models, the performance of each car is different, and the operations that need to be made when drift will naturally change.

The so-called depth drift is actually through a series of operations such as the direction of the throttle, the tail toward the outer arch, the direction of the direction, ensuring that the vehicle has continued to drift within a circular trajectory. The eight-word drift is equivalent to being drifting two depths and is free to switch between different trajectories.

I learned these two drifts and formed muscle memories, in order to do differently in the track, differential overlying strategies for different bends, otherwise the so-called drift overlaps is purely.

During the process of depression, if the sliding angle of the car does not match the steering angle of the steering wheel, the car will be out of control, just like the situation I have encountered just now.

Therefore, if you want to master the drift, you must be able to see the travel trajectory of the vehicle, adjust and control through the steering wheel and the throttle, so that the vehicle is always on the trajectory of the fixed circle.

If you are some experienced drivers, you can control the trajectory of the vehicle drift through the depth of the throttle without touching the steering wheel. If the vehicle trajectory is obvious, it is necessary to increase the throttle, and it is necessary to reduce the throttle.

Of course, these contents are simple, it is too difficult to do.

Although Zhang Yan has passed the racing license test, now the model is different, the feeling familiar to the model of the previous examination car, it is not applicable to this new car!

Still re-familiarity.

However, she is not discouraged, but continues to practice patiently on this set of circular drift.

The audience in the live broadcast has become more than before, and the popularity is also a step.

Obviously, for most audiences, watch the car than the big truck, long-distance bus is more interesting.

Zhang Yan is digging the highest difficulty of this game at a point.

"I really admire the anchor, this kind of patience is not anyone, many male anchors are also sighful."

"Drift is really difficult, don't say that the track is drifted, just a chained circle, I practice it in a afternoon, I haven't practiced it! Driving this thing seems simple, actually the threshold is really high, brain will The hand will not be as white as it. "

"Nothing, watching the state of the anchor, you should be familiar with the new car to blunt. Driving this kind of thing is still to pay attention to a person's car combination, you just have a new car in hand, he also adapts to adaptation "

"But" safe and civilized driving "is compared to other racing games, it is indeed a low learning cost, and many training sites that drive analog games are not available. There is no tutorial. The live broadcast system, full relying on the player, to explore, this is to explore the monkey Year of the Moon! "

"I look forward to the day of the anchor driving drift teaching!"

"Don't say, I have found so many tutorials in the Internet before, and the steering wheel also bought it. I will practice drift in the simulation game. I will practice it. After watching the anchor, I suddenly Feelings, wait for a while, I will try it, I think I can! "

Now the audience ingredients in Zhang Yan live are more complicated, which can be divided into several categories.

The first is simple to see the female anchor driving, play "safe and civilized driving" game, can also be said to be a cloud player;

The second is to see Zhang Yan's constant practice, continuous improvement, more and more, and enjoy this growth in a small anchor.

The third is true to come from this live interconnection.

But no matter which audience, it is recognized that Zhang Yan is indeed a "safe and civilized driving", which is really a class of players, which is really riscoon that this game continues to improve his driving level.

From the most beginning of the net approach, to the later big truck, long-distance passenger car, reappear to the current car, each model requires a lot of practice to gradually adapt, improve driving technology, and Zhang Yan is very stable. ,well-done.

According to this situation, the conquest track will become a real racer should not be far away.

Many players feel a bit surprising: "Safe Civilization" is definitely not the most cool in all racing classes and driving simulation games, but it is most difficult to improve driving technology.

This is because "safe and civilized driving" through good gradient settings and moderate punishment mechanisms, let players can experience game content more focused, this is what other racing games and posture simulation games have not been done.

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