Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1436 Is a powerful new energy car company? (Qiqi monthly ticket!)

Of course, this difficulty is from the attitude and literacy of Holes, and a large part is from all aspects of attention.

The papers written now thinly? Let the old turn old are bare?

This will be made into a paragraph to spread online!

Moreover, Yan Qian is very embarrassed. After all, this is strict, and the old horse should be unclearly been implicated by him, before being pulled on the thief.

Yan Qian couldn't help but think that if you didn't create Tenda, then you won't make such a big industry; if the size is so big, your graduation papers will not attract the attention of the school; then, he and the old horse naturally Will not be separated from the old man.

In that case, he should play with the old horse at this time, and the graduation thesis can be floated as long as the previous exam.

Therefore, .

But now, Yu Qian changed his mind.

Can I use myself to bear myself?

You must let the old horse share this pressure, and the brothers should not be so embarrassed!

Thinking of this, Yan Qian said two sounds: "Horses, do you know why I stress the mountain? Because Zhang Wei said, we have been separated from the old man! The graduation thesis makes Kong Lao personally Can I not panic? "

"You think, you will see this level, the paper written is old, what will it?"

The big face of Ma Yang showed a happy expression: "Ah? What is it to say that my paper can be affirmed by Kong Kong?"

"Too good, Qian Ge, I will know that I haven't followed the wrong person! You can climb your relationship with Kong Lao, too."

"With the old, I see which professor dares to card my paper! When I will let him feel what is called Mountain!"



No, the old horse, is this brain circuit?

Do I mean this?

Why are you so confident, your papers will definitely get the old people! And how do you think that no one dares to card your paper?


Sure enough, whether there is something like, the old horse is the number of this.

Hey, habits, habits.

Yan Qian felt that his own disregard, the old horse not only helped him to share the pressure, but also made his pressure greater.

I have to change the topic: "So, have you been a rough direction?"

The old man said straight: "No!"

Yan Qian is very speechless: "Then you are still so calm!"

Ma Yang said: "Because I suddenly want to clearly, Qian Ge, I can hold your thigh! You see, Tengda has been so successful in the cultural field, what is this explanation?"

"As long as you take yourself in the cultural industry, I've called it in the cultural industry, and I wrote a graduation palace that is not the hand?"

"When I arrive, I will study it behind you, choose a subtle angle to study, don't you?"

"So in the final analysis, you still have to rely on Qian Ge!"

:: "A?"

Is it so calm, because I?

Change to think, the old horse is also very reasonable.

What is the situation in Tengda in the eyes of outside? Opened a variety of cultural industries such as novels, film and television, animation, games, and there were national games in the explosive table, and there were excellent movies in sweeping box rooms worldwide.

And these success, can be said to be a hand created!

What Huang Sibo, Zhu Xiaote, Hu Xianbin, Cui Wei ... that is all the tools under the hands of the Presbyter.

Can achieve such a huge success in the coastal range of culture, what is the graduation papers? Just take a project to simply write a write?

Too reasonable!

It can be clearly clear, and these projects have not been related to themselves.

Even him, I really want to know how these items are fire!

Don't say that the time, I've studied all the projects all over the house, but I didn't find anything.

It can be said that the confidence of Ma Yang is derived from the trust of Yan Qian.

And Yu Qian is not confident, it is derived from his own untrust ...

This creates a magical and confusing closed loop, let Yan Qian have profoundly realize that the clown is my own.

Even the brothers can't solve the problems in this time this time, but also give yourself a pressure, you can see the challenge of this graduation papers, which is far better than any settlement.

too difficult!

At a moment, Yu Qian even aware of the idea of ​​throwing the paper directly to Xinmin.

But he quickly dismissed this idea.

No, people still have a bottom line.

The general graduation thesis is written, is that like? It is better to pay a lot directly!

At least, someone talked, I feel that I have always been too poor, and I will not write this paper.

So, this paper must be completed!

Even if I write the garbage point, it is nothing more than a few hair, I will visit the door, and I will give it a good supplement to Kong Kong.

Yan Qian sighed his tone and continued to bury his head in a pile of Tengda's successful project, looking for possible entry points.



January 29, Tuesday.

Late walk in the chamber of the chamber.

"Developing" safe and civilized driving "VR version is steadily advanced, don't worry, you should go online next month."

"As for the relevant information of the Listening Studio Reality Services, you are here, you can take it back slowly."

Lin said, put a piece of information directly in the hands of Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhike reached out and said: "Thank you."

Lin Xia laughed and smiled: "This is too seen outside, no matter where I am, it is also a member of the Ocean game."

Ye Zhou was freely covered this information and found that the above comparison summary written the current work content and status quo of late List of Studio Reality Services.

After the "property intermediary simulator" is hot, it began to gradually move closer to a separate rental platform. The late studio has established a reality service department, the primary task is to promote the "property intermediary simulator" game to reality.

It looks on the surface, it seems to be the same as many real estate agents, but there is a significant difference in many details.

Other real estate agents are also working hard to develop their own APP software, constantly enrich the above listings, but in terms of technical power, the late studio is far away.

This cannot blame them, after all, their development team is just the development team of the Internet app, and the development team of the late studio is the VR game development team of Penfi!

Some of these real estate agents, "real estate intermediary simulators"; and "real estate intermediary simulator" features, these App will not have!

What's more, the profit models and ultimate goals of both parties are completely different.

For property intermediaries, earning platform, intermediary fees are their only profitable way, so this app is white, just a simple circle tool. Then all the features of this app, naturally also serve our profit.

This is not difficult to explain why these real estate agency companies have a eye on the platform, and it is not difficult to understand why these APPs have been optimized and only after all, but it is only improved rather than the root change.

Because property intermediaries pointed to it!

Optimizing apps is of course necessary, but these companies will carefully calculate the price ratio. If the investment is too large, the risk is too high, the improvement is not large, that this APP revised solution is impossible to pass.

But for the late studio, it is not the case. As the name of the "Real Service Department", this department is not the main profit source of the studio, but only a supplement.

The main profits of late studio come from the sales of games and DouBTVR glasses, as well as the future possible derivative value. The existence of the Reality Services is to better serve the players.

Therefore, the late line of stay can do the strike on false homes, and you can also make an iteration and development of the game of the "property intermediary simulator", because there are other toll points to constantly blood transfusion in the source source.

And this will enable the "real estate intermediary simulator" to enter a forward cycle, the more snowballs, the more you have dug users from other property intermediaries, more and more people buy games, buy VR glasses, and these money supports the reality service department, the better ...

Now the "real estate intermediary simulator" has the development speed of the game, which has been far over the earliest expedition, and this development will continue.

Therefore, Lin He is also open a reality service to the Ocean game. It can be said to be a hands up. After all, this is the successful model that has been verified by late studio.

I can't say it, I will further deepen cooperation with "real estate intermediary simulator" and "safe civilization driving".

Of course, that is a long time, after all, there are still many follow-up functions to do, and after all the two games themselves are all developed, they can consider deepen cooperation.

Ye Zhou quickly swept a document, ready to take it back carefully.

However, he has other questions before this.

"Right, there is a problem." Safe and civilized driving "wants to cooperate with new energy car companies with the country, I don't know much about these new energy cars, have you recommended?"

Lin Dynasty thought about it: "New energy car companies ... need more strength?"

Ye Zhou: "The stronger, the technical level, the market share, the brand value, the lack of one."

Want to introduce a squid like Hengyuan Driving School, driving other car companies have entered the "safe and civilized driving", this squid is weak, can't afford it.

Lin Xiaobi's brow microstruck: "Technical level, market share, brand value is not ..." There is really such a new energy car company in China ... "

"Well? Yes!"

"Single car enterprise may not, but the two companies put together, they will be barely!"

Ye Zhou is a bit: "Ah?"

Lin Double-explanation: "Sterff Mother and Shenhua have an automatic driving cooperation project as early as five years ago, but automatic driving technology is not too mature, so it has been closed in the development stage, few people know. "

"However, I heard that the automatic driving technology has been mature, and there is also a quantitative model to be launched."

"Sterff has a technology, there is also a certain market share, and Shenhua has a brand value. If you add it, you can meet your requirements."

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