Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1446 Zoo Investigation (add more)

Gao Xiaolang sighed and felt something badly unlucky.

How can I be stared by Tengda?

Many Internet companies in China are now full of hanging bile every day, and they are afraid of being stared at Tengda.

Because once it is stared by Tengda, no matter whether you are a big company or a small company, it will not be good!

And leveraging, Tengda's current ambition has been completely revealed. It used to engage in cross-borders in the field around the game, doing network coffa, electrical competition, which looks with many Internet giants do not constitute Direct competition and conflict relationship.

But now it is different, the picture is poor!

Tenda's approach has changed, starting from the game, starting to affect the reality!

"Real Estate Monetary Simulator" and "Safe Civilization Driving" These two games are basically equal to showup.

The key is a lot of giants that look strong, suddenly become unbearable, there is no counter-system!

"The truth is a terrible person ..."

Gao Ming couldn't help but feel emotion, and the total contrast is like a nightmare.

Because you never know which step will he come next!

This matter looks not to do with the poor, after all, the late studio is just Tenda and Shenhua's VR game company. It is operated independently, and the lazy apartment is only a sub-brand of Tengda, basically there is Development planning.

However, the change of the lazy apartment model, this method of impact reality with the game, which one can take the relationship with the pendant

To say that this is not a boring manner behind, it is absolutely unfinished!

But I know that there is no way, I am too strong, I don't show up, I will play a play. Other companies have encountered this situation, and only lie flat.

Of course, it is a flat, but it is just to lying flat, but also to other companies, but more striking!

After Gao Ming, I also provided a countermeasure to the high level.

The lazy apartment has come, and there is a killing of Shenhua Real Estate and "Real Estate Medal Simulator". It is impossible to turn over the short term. If you continue to rush away from the high-end market that belongs to the home group, then market share and profits will drop, the stock price is following down ...

This is definitely an unacceptable thing.

Therefore, Gao Ming thought of a way, just grab the business of other small intermediary!

Although the home group is currently the largest rental platform in China, the market share is not 60%, and there are some other rental brands, and more than a small intermediary.

There are also a lot of customers and listings in their hands.

For the home group, the high-end this is probably the lazy apartment is full, but can't go up, but you can sink.

As long as you can squeeze these other small intermediaries, then market share and profits can be stable!

Of course, this can only be said that there is no way, because once the strategic focus is adjusted down, then in the case of deep-moving high-end markets in the surfacked apartment, the gap between the two companies in the high-end market will only be more large. I am afraid that I haven't turned over again.

But there is no way, the home group has no better choice.

It is now a high-end market with the surprise apartment, then doing useless work, leading to market share and stock prices to continue, let those small intermediaries take the opportunity to drill the empty? Or give up to die with the lazy apartment, to grab those small intermediaries, keep market share and stock prices?

This is a difficult choice, but after such a long time, the home group has recognized that the former is impossible, only the latter can only choose the latter.

If there is no accident, the high-grade program should be passed soon.

"Hey, if there is no story in this world, how much this is better ..."

Gao Ming feels that there should be a boss of many companies, they are the same idea.


At the same time, all of the "starter" Yu Qian, is working hard to resist the temptation of big TV, while continuing to conceive our own graduation papers.

At the working day, he went to the office to write the paper, and the efficiency over there was a little higher.

But there is no way, today is weekend, there is no door to the office.

Although Yu Qian can enter and exit, but as a boss, you can't give our employees!

At that time, everyone will look at it, and there is always a way to overtime. This wind has changed! I have come to overtime, then I have a big matter.

"Dry! On the weekend, it can't concentrate on the spirit!"

After Yan Qian, it was still helplessly gave up reluctant.

The matter of the paper, talking about Monday.

However, he did not succumb to the temptation of big TV and game consoles, and began to consider the meaningful thing to arrange some meaningful things this weekend. For example, dragging the previous zoo before, tapping it.

In fact, for the investigation of the animal gardens, it has been conducted for a while, the location and structure of the zoo, has also got a lot from Liang Guangfan.

But Yu Qian has not really checked the board because he has been busy writing the paper in a working day.

Now weekend, no heart to write the paper, then take the time for two days to hurry to make the zoo 's things to be finalized, and the province is old.

After all, this project of the zoo is the weight of the assault money.

After eating lunch, Xiao Sun then went to a private zoo in front of a county city near Jingzhou.

This private zoo itself does not have a special place, and the reason why Yu Qian runs over, mainly to investigate the head of this zoo.

After more than an hour, it is finally there.

"Torr, we are here." Xiaosun said.

Yan Qian didn't sleep in the car, which turned to look at the window.

Good guys, this place is much more desolate than yourself.

Of course, it seems that the desolateness seems to be less appropriate, because it looks like a suburban area of ​​a very ordinary small county, there is a small market near the wilderness, and there is a small market nearby.

Yu Qian felt that this place was desolate, mainly because of the first impression.

I heard that this is a private zoo, a veteraine, which is completely relying on himself, and also pondering that even if it is poor than some eighteen small cities, it should be too bad?

It seems that I am still missing.

The entrance of the zoo is quite simple. There is no big door, there is a wooden table above the three-fourth cement step, and a handwritten sign is hung on the table. It is written in the original fare 20, and the child is half price. On the outer wall of the entrance, one side of the animal poster is attached to the other side, and the other is some precautions after admission.

The wall of the white wall has been detached, and the cement column is revealed, and the other is also intobound, and it is estimated that there is a two or thirty years.

This is also consistent with the information that Yan Qian, this private zoo is a transparative retiring of Tan Ying, was established around 79 years. It has been thirty years.

After the sign, I took a man who looked for more than 30 years. After I saw Yu Qian and Xiaosun, I rushed to stand up: "Hello, is it a general? I am Tan Xinzhang, Yuan Chang Tan Ying is my father."

When the candidates were selected, there were someone else, and today Xiaosun came to call before, so Tan Xinzhang is outside.

Tan Xinzhang did not expect the .

When Tengda staff came to understand the situation, he just asked casually, did not explain the specific intention. Tan Xinzhang feels that Tengda has this big company, what is the intersection of such a small zoo?

Up to most, that is, organize individual employees to visit, this is already great support.

Therefore, Tan Xinzhang is not placed in the heart.

Until Today, the little grandson came over, Tan Xinzhang learned that it is always coming.

Yan Qian was holding hands with Tan Xin chapters, and it would be in the same way.

Well, the body is burly, it is very powerful, and the various lives of this zoo should do not dry.

It's really a thing, it should be difficult to suppress a general animal.

"The whole, please. Our zoo condition is very simple, you don't forgive me."

Tan Xinzhang led Yu Qian and Xiao Sun to go, and introduced the history of this private zoo.

"My father is young when I was young, I was in the 79 years, I was originally arranged in a cinema. But he didn't like this kind of work, and he said that he often remembered the head of the army: Back to his hometown Establish a meaningful thing for the local people. "

"My father thinks, what is meaningful?"

"We are just a small county city. The whole city is less than 50,000, closed behind, there is no zoo. In addition to seeing the domestic animals such as cat and dog, there is no understanding. wild animals."

"So my father has moved the idea of ​​the zoo. It was originally hoping that people in our county can observe and understand wild animals nearby, so that people who like to eat homes will kill some wild animals, he thinks this It is meaningful. "

"Then my father tried it, exhibited a small amount of wild animals with a free venue, and the result was warmly welcome. When I arrived in 88 years, my father sailed in this place, just put the official private zoo in this place. It is thirty years. "

"At present, there is basically twenty kinds of animals in this zoo, such as the wildlife of python, black bear, crocodile, macaques, as well as relatively common animals like Tibetan Mastiff, PM, and the like. "

"When the fire, I also raised the lion, ostrich, but the later people are getting less and less, the overhead is big, and they have been turned to the Beijing Zoo."

"Now, there is only a relatively good animal animal that is relatively good, just a python, crocodile, and macaques."

Tan Xinzhang said, while taking the animals in Qian.

Although Qian came to do some psychological preparation, but seeing the conditions here, I still feel a bit shock.

The so-called beast is just a few small lines, some are fences, some are glass, wild animals like pythons, macaques, are raised in the house, like the animals such as Tibet, horses, is directly outdoor.

One must have a white, figure, and it seems that the seventy-year-old man is seriously feeding animals and cleaning.

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