Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1448 Zoo Preliminary Planning

After returning home, Yan Qian took out the laptop, first checked some information about the zoo in the Internet, and learned some basic knowledge, and then began to consider Tenda's zoo. How to do it.

First of all, it is definitely not a large zoo, at least not.

Many large zoo abroad requires the site selection and climate, such as some tropical countries engage in the heat-zone, first because of the proper climate, followed by a large place.

But the idea of ​​Yan Qian is to open this zoo in the vicinity of horror, which is the old industrial area of ​​Jingzhou. This place is strict, it is not a good zoo location at all. The climate in Beijing, is not suitable for some tropical or cold animals.

Of course, you can engage in indoor, and adjust the temperature through air conditioning.

But in this way, the work or overhead will definitely increase.

Yan Qian did not expect the overhead, but the problem of the construction period is still to consider. After all, the first phase of this zoo is the assault, and must be completed before the next settlement.

What's more, the larger the zoo covers an area, the more rare animals, the more visitors who come to see, the possibility of profitability will greatly improve.

All in all, the first goal of this zoo is: Under the premise of ensuring the period, it is best to make a little more than rare animals. On this basis, eat more as much as possible.

If the first step is smooth, then you can try some more challenging things, such as building an air-conditioned room on a large scale, engage in some tropics or cold animals.

Second, in the choice of animals, it has to be considered.

In order to reduce tourists, be sure to arrange rare animals.

Many small zoo itself has no good look, but it is because there are two big pandas in the garden. Tourists will end.

Many especially rare, animals from other countries have become a treasure of the townhouse of the zoo, which has become a reason for most people.

The zoo, the most preciousness is definitely animal.

If you want to fire, you have to work hard on the animal.

So, since I don't want to fire, I want to lose money, so I can't have too many rare animals, at least at this stage. Even if you want to rare animals, it has to be fully evaluated and found that their overhead is far greater than the benefit.

So problem, don't raise rare animals, what?

Can you always raise a horse, cattle, and sheep? That is called the zoo, or called a farm?

This kind of people who have a big problem will be seen in a glance, and Yan Qian can't do it.

So, I have to find a balance: while raising some wild animal furnishings, as much as possible, some common, no special animals.

This zoo can also be called the zoo, but is called the name of the animal life museum.

"What kind of animal is more cost-effective?"

"It is best to be between domestic and precious wild animals, such as kittens, Arctic fox, Angulu, can be considered."

Domestic and foreign countries have differences in feeding wildlife, some of the wild animals such as people and relatives, but in the country, such as protecting animals in China, can not raise casually.

There are some animals, such as the Arctic Fox and the Angru, which can be used as pets.

But no matter what to say, any animals who can be domesticated must be more common, relatively less rare animals.

The real rare animal is all protected, how can ordinary people may raise?

So according to such ideas, raising these animals in the zoo is relatively suitable. On the one hand, they can't talk more, not to attract tourists to run around and see; on the other hand, they are indeed the wild Animals will not be strange in the zoo. It will not feel that this zoo is actually a catfa or a farm.

In short, as a zoo, where the money is spent, but only the big head is bought on the rare wildlife.

Where is the money?

Very simple, spend on the venue, food, person!

The first is the site. Yu Qian has been a lot of small zoo. Although these zoo are underground, there is too much area, after all, there are too many animals, and if you have a specific space, the activity space is not big.

Of course, all animals have standard space and need to comply with the "Zoo Design Specification".

The animal exhibition area building, science education, animal security facilities, etc., there are strict requirements, tourist capacity and can explore the building area, the area of ​​recreation, etc., and have strict requirements.

All zoo must also comply with the corresponding regulations.

But this rule only specifies the lower limit, but there is no limit to the limit!

This thing is not enough, after all, the wildlife is originally wild. If you run around the mountain, if you get it, how much space is not enough.

So Yu Qian decided, in this new zoo, each animal covers an area of ​​50% more than other zoo!

In the case of this animal, the largest area is 80 square meters, and the fence height is 4 meters, and the number of basic populations is 2 adult individuals. Each additional an adult individual has increased by 25% to 50%.

Popular, two baboons will account for 80 flat spaces, and each increase is at least 20 flat.

But this coverage is only the lower limit of the design parameters of the national specified, and it must be a bit crowded.

decided to increase this standard first, that is, 80 flat change 120 flat, each additional adult individual, the inner area is also added in accordance with the up to 50%!

Of course, I can't get too much. I have to say that the area has increased by three or four times. The 300 flat cages only raised two baboons. It was a bit too strange. When I arrived, I didn't look at animals. It is looking for animals. I don't know where the two donkey drills.

And if you are too outrageous, you may form a hot discussion on the Internet, an unnecessary heat is unnecessarily accumulated.

The cage is large, but it can't be very conspicuous.

The environment in the creature must also be best, this is certain.

Secondly, it is food, this is also the highest standard and specifications, nothing to say.

In the case of Tan Xinzhang stared, there will be no cases of rations of animal rations. Moreover, let the animals eat a little, nothing more than a long time, the tourists can't see anything, this money can be said to be very hidden, it is worth it.

Finally, it is a person.

A large number of people needed in the zoo, such as breeders, breeding, veterinarians, cleaning, and more.

These are all supporting facilities, how many animals are required, how many breeders and veterinarians are needed, which is almost a fixed number, and Yan Qian is thinking more to hire, and there is not much too much. Even if you want to give them a high salary, there is always a limit.

Therefore, in this regard, I want to burn more money, a little difficult.

But Qian has something else, that is, add some service personnel!

The general zoo is not needed to wait for the service personnel, and the top is to give the tourists. The animals are also raised in the creative, and the tourists walk through the way, and they do not need to guide the service staff.

, although there is no such need for the zoo, you can create a need!

There is now a "indoor zoo", mainly raising some small animals. Some small animals, such as lizards, snakes, hamsters, owls, and Angu scorpion, can be directly touched.

If you allow visitors to touch these animals, don't you need a staff to guide it?

Just take the owl, there is an owl cafe in foreign countries, but you can only touch the feathers on your head, you can't touch other places.

At that time, you can ask the staff to guide the tourists, first to give the hand with the wafer, then touch the head of the owl according to the requirements of the staff, or you can wear a special arm, let the owl stand above Interact together.

All of the interactive small animals will arrange two three staff members to receive this, this suddenly arranges many employees?

These employees are very idle, and there are many salary. Is this not a perfect toolman?

Of course, considering this, the shape of the zoo also has changed, it is best to divide two different exhibition areas, while exhibiting wild animals that can only watch, the other is like a lot of indoor zoo, exhibitions Animals that can be touched and interacting at close distances.

It is just a lot of abandoned plants on the old industrial zone, and changed a change to the zoo in the indoor, it is very good.

In addition, take a part of the space, wear the dispersed in all regions of the zoo, to take a break to visitors, avoiding the kind of dilemma for a long time, but there is no rest.

The key is to cover up!

At that time, there is a large animal, and there is not much animal, and it is also a very common animal. This is certain, will this definitely come?

After roughly finalized these points, I nodded.

Yes, Not Bad!

According to the current plan, it is far from saying. Is it definitely a fire within a year?

As long as the initial is smooth, it will prove that this model is feasible, you can continue to expand the scale, increase investment, and burn the money.

Of course, these contents of Qie should be particularly critical and simple. After all, he is not a profession, does not understand details, and develops this strategy to find information on the Internet.

After waiting for two days, Tan Xin is coming to Beijing, and Yan Qian intends to talk to him. On the one hand, we share his thoughts with him, determine the direction of the zoo, and on the other hand, seek his opinion, see Seeing this zoo still has a better improvement solution.

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