Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1460 Leadal can't play the holiday!

In just a day, the Internet has passed boiling.

This is because "safe and civilized driving" game is indeed too hot, it has been broken, and the discussion is naturally high after the new version; on the other hand, it is also because many car dealers are boosted, deliberately fry the heat.

Many players have just started nothing. After all, this is just a game. I updated a model that does not match the real truth. The explanation explained, apologizes, I can't play the automatic driving of this car. How big is it.

But with online discussions, more and more intense, many players can't sit.

The development team quickly came out to give an explanation!

Is this car customized by the manufacturer? Or the development group wants to join the automatic driving function in the game, just select Sterf's car?

Anyway, no matter what to say, there should always be, can't you still kill this?

As a result, everyone was anxious for a long time, and found that there was no movement of the ocean game.

Then, the trail news is passed on the Internet: the entire Tenda Group has been holiday!

Many netizens are shocked, tomorrow is the New Year's Eve? Tomorrow's Spring Festival holiday began? How did you have a holiday in advance?

Then someone came out to correct it, in fact, February 7 has been holiday, the new version is set to time automatically update.

At this point, the netizens have been speaking.

Good guy, eat a lemon?

I thought that I was still working in the company, I thought that the train went home tomorrow's New Year's Eve will not squeeze, and the results have been on holiday two days in advance, both of which have fallen the peak period of the Spring Festival, for more than two days. How can this not acid?

Since I have holiday, I don't expect Tengda to come out and clarified.

Because Tengda's holiday is really holiday, in addition to the individual sector holiday is working properly, outside the round, other departments are strictly enforced holiday, even if the employee wants to work, there is no door!

Even if Tengda responded to this question, then the fastest has to wait until the Spring Festival holiday is over, that is, No. 16.

Many people seem to have a bit clear, why is this rhythm so big.

Obviously, these vendors shot at this time, the biggest benefits are the biggest!

On the one hand, it is because the new version of Tengda has indeed gave the opportunity, giving the opponent attack, and on the other hand, because many people know that Tengda's personality, the holiday is long, and after the holiday, it is absolutely not working!

Then, even if Tenda clarifies this problem after the end of the Spring Festival holiday, these manufacturers can also be unscrupulously, exaggerated, incite, and attack during the Spring Festival holiday.

During the Spring Festival, most people stay at home, there is nothing to do, this time the hotspots on the network will ferment faster, gain a bigger heat.

After the Spring Festival holiday, everyone will soon be busy with other things, this time the efficiency of online information spread will be greatly reduced.

What's more, there is still a sentence called "Running the mouth, rumors the legs", and the negative communication will always be much faster than the front.

These car companies have rhythm of "safe and civilized driving" on the Spring Festival, even if they have been in the first time after the Spring Festival, they will not help, because the damage of "safe and civilized driving" has been formed, it is difficult again Twist!

This is obviously a mentality of "there is a jujube and jujube hits three rods", even if you respond to timely, it is very fast, this hotspot is quickly dissipated, but the car enterprises secretly take a rhythm, but not to eat at all!

In this analysis, many Tengda's hardcore players can't sit.

"It's okay, it's okay, the person in charge of Tengda's relevant departments came out to send an announcement. It is necessary to have to die."

"Yes, big deal more, this is a dome, this is an emergency, can't react so dull!"

"Hey, Tengda should not be big and bigger, the spirit is getting weaker and weaker? Don't be dragged by your own high welfare, it is too stupid!"

Netizens looked at this topic that rose every day. One is all in a hurry, and I can't wait to call to hurt, and urge him to make the people to announce.

But it is useless, and Tenda still has no response, just like nothing.

Netizens have nothing to do, forget it, just like this!

The emperor is not urgent to urgently, it is not like.


At the same time, the flame studio.

Yan Jing surrendered a lazy waist: "Okay, completely taking the work!"

After nearly five months of intensive development, "Braise 2" is finally completed as scheduled, and also has highly confidential small internal tests, which is already a fairly stable version.

When the Tianhu Studio has developed "brackets", there are many FPS gamers in China to test, this is the case. In order to prevent leakage, all people involved in internal testing signed a confidentiality agreement, in order to prevent leakage from being disclosed as much as possible.

Even the outside world does not know this game is actually called "bracket shady 2".

The reason why Zhouqi is so be careful, mainly because of the particularity of the game of "bomb marks 2".

Everyone knows that Tengda, Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group are jointly developing a new game, and is the total idea, so there is a high level of attention.

The "bomb marks 2" is also the kind of game-oriented FPS game, that is, this model can be replicated to some extent.

Patent does not protect the gameplay, other companies want to copy this mode, completely within the scope of the legal license.

If you expose this game prematurely, then other game companies are likely to work overtime to grab the development. In case it is more than "bomb marks 2" first

Even later than "bomb marks 2", it will still cause diverters to players.

Therefore, Zhou Wei rock should be as confidential as possible, so after "bomb marks 2", they can seize the market as soon as possible, form a first advantage, and establish a strong enough moat.

Waiting for two or three months, the game with the wind came out, "bomb marks 2" also took this part of the players to eat, this is very comfortable.

Of course, all the premise is "bomb marks 2" successfully fire. If this game is no fire, the root will not have a wind, but also earn money.

Now "Braise 2" has already handed over the Longyu Group, there is a special operation team to promote and distribute during the Spring Festival, and the development group of Yan Chao and "Braz 2" has been completed, it can be good Enjoy the entire Spring Festival.

When you see the simple and completely liberated, Sun Xi is obviously a bit uncomfortable.

"Static Super ... We really have a holiday? Nothing?"

: "Yes, what do you want to manage?"

Sun Xi asked: "What is the problem with the game? What do you want to play some players?

: "Not a number of bugs have been repaired, and use people and AI procedures have been metered out? Very large malignant bug should not be. As for the player's dissatisfaction with the game, then slowly change again in the Spring Festival. It is not necessary to rush to a moment. "

"You have to believe that as long as the game quality is too hard, what is the big problem for BUG."

"Even if there is a big problem, can the Spring Festival holiday can solve these days? It is better to rest as well."

"You have seen many people before you worry that you don't work as scheduled, but now? Don't go well, it's time to develop!"

Sun Xi Zhang said that there is something that I want to say, but I am unable to refute.

Hey, it sounds very reasonable!

But this is really contrary to the thinking inertia formed by Sun Xi.

According to reason, the game is just at least one or two weeks of the game, the development group is to be in the whole process, in case of what bugs or problems, it can be repaired in the first time.

And during the development of the game, in order to catch the progress of 996, it has also become the default rules in the industry. Don't say the company, the employees will basically follow themselves.

But under the strict requirements of Yan Jingchao, the project team is hard to add a class, and the game will be developed!

Of course, when I started, I did some setbacks. Everyone feels that the development schedule is obviously lagging, and I feel overtime. However, is the pressure, either recruit, or extension, anyway, overtime is absolutely unable to work.

These people have no way, and the eyes are getting closer and closer, but they have to rush.

As a result, the progress slowly caught up!

Although it is still a bit compared to the initial planning of Yan Jing, it will always encounter a variety of unexpected problems, and the extension of jump ticket is normal. Moreover, is still in advance when developing a plan.

Therefore, it can be done before the Spring Festival, and it has fallen that the efficiency of the entire group is very high, and many people in the group are amazed at such efficiency.

Now that Si Jingchao said, there is no need to worry during the Spring Festival, and all the Xuanfa work will be handed over to Longyu Group ... That's it.

Although everyone is also very concerned about the situation after the "bomb march 2", this is related to his bonus, but who doesn't want to be a year in the family?

Sun Xi nodded and took a little tail with the work of the hand and prepared to go home from get off work.

Suddenly, he thought of a thing.

"Right, I have a lot of controversy about" safe and civilized driving "recently, some people say that Tenda has already holiday? Don't intend to clarify? Really fake?"

Sun Xi is very curious.

If "Braise 2" has not had problems, so if you can safely have a holiday, then "safe and civilized driving" has already been questioned, how do you say it?

Yan Jing is not careless at all: "Oh? This doesn't worry."

Sun Xi suspected: "Why don't you worry? Even if you are clear, you will not make mistakes, but he is not possible to stare at every department when he is not mistaken."

Yan Jing smiled: "Tengda did be able to make mistakes, but it is impossible to make mistakes on this issue. Many people say that this is the black money that Sterv is advertising, then I can clearly say, impossible. Because Tengda is from top to bottom, from the head of the departments, it is impossible to do this again to all employees. "

"Because everyone outside the patriarch, it is impossible to benefit from this matter, and there is a final decision with the final decision."

"I think, this is a very ordinary routine routine, Tengda people are not blamed, do not care."

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