"Let's choose your own career, doctor, engineer, machine gunman must have, the rest of the buddies, you choose a scout, and then choose a doctor or machine gunman. Specifically, everyone is free, basically does not affect Fighting ability. "

As an old driver who has been tested, Chensha has allocated the profession to the teammates.

The occupation in "Braise 2" is also important, and it is not important. Because the occupation does not affect the combat power, just strengthen and formulate the interaction of map mechanisms, each occupation can play its advantage in a specific environment, how to choose, or to see tactical arrangements.

If a small team wants to occupy a point, clear the enemy, then it must be based on engineers and machine gunners, and even double-machine gunmen to strengthen the fire pressure; if a small team doesn't want to go to the city, just want In the wilderness, the squadron, the scouting soldiers who enable portable radar detection range is essential.

Of course, even if a team of professionalism is not so reasonable, it doesn't matter. After all, it is really playing or leaning on tactics and gun law.

"I have a formal row, I will listen to me, I have a certain tactical play to play!"

"Friends in the live broadcast can also learn more, master the game mechanism, can greatly enhance everyone's gaming experience!"

Soon, Chensha is equipped with the bureau, is a classic model to the bureau.

The number of players in three modes vary, and the classic model is the most number, 200 people. May be because the game has just opened the service for a long time, the match is not very fast, and it will enter the game in five minutes.

However, Chensha is already content, because he is a test site before, although the Tianhu Studio also found a hundred players test, but not every time people. And I have encountered the acquaintance. Now I have a passerby. This game experience is definitely different!

Chen Sandel with teammates in the game, and the audience in the live broadcast is the migration interaction, while examining this game while looking at the new player's perspective.

The first feeling is that the game mechanism is very novel, never seen it!

At the beginning of the game, there will be route of two transport aircraft on the big map, and players will be allocated on both transport machines and select the appropriate timed skydiving.

Of course, due to the scientific fiction background of "bomb marks 2", the skydiving is not a traditional packaging skydiving. After the players wearing a battle, after jumping over the transport plane, you can drop and change the direction of the flying direction with the jet backpack, quickly arrive at the ground area you want to go.

By default, the team members flew with the captain, or you can get out of time.

Before you have not landed, Chensha has begun to play a variety of marks on the map, including which point of each team member, where is material, which nearby enemies may land in which area has a clear label.

In this way, after the team members can quickly search the target area that they are responsible, they will prepare for fighting in the fastest time.

The process of searching for the way is also full of surprises.

All materials are marked out according to different colors, and it is perfect to "open a pistol and equipment all the way." This fast search is happy, there are many FPS games.

The meaning of searching the link is that it gives players a strategic choice and fun. In other FPS games, players only shoot this kind of choice, relatively monotonous, but after joining the seizure, players must go to weigh: When can I search, when do you fight?

Players searching for materials, preparing sufficient, tertiary skills can also overcome technical good players, this is a bit like the development stage of Moba games, players can make up for the lack of operation through tactical choice, that is, the so-called "game IQ" .

Players will also get a unique happiness when winning through the game mechanism.

Moreover, the search process is filled with random, and randomness has always had an uninterrupted attraction to players. Search for the happiness of good equipment, you can repeatedly experience several times in every game, which is undoubtedly gaining the game's coolness more dense.

After simple search, it is a fierce battle.

Chensha's queue is a strategic base, very eye-catching, and it is a battle, so the competition is also very intense.

Several squads were underwent to use all weapons that can be searched, and they can pick up a automatic rifle or a shotgun. If you have a fortunate, you can play someone, but it is also possible that it is not careful to be covered in the corner. The enemy is done with a small pistol, it is simply thrilling!

Chensha also commented on the gun feel inside: more real, although the packaging of firearms is science, but it is inexplicably logical.

Many firearms can find the prototype of the real world, that is, just pick up a gun, although it looks very science fiction, it is cool, but the light is basically judged to determine its correct usage.

As for the difficulty of these guns, between the "Counter-Terrorism Plan" and "Sea Fortress". Unlike "sea fortress", it is easy to press the gun, easy to head, and the technical progress space is simple, and it is simpler than the "anti-terrorist plan". Take into account the rich map mechanism and a wide variety of materials, and the novice is afraid of the gun law in the game. It can also be happy.

In the game, the teammates were knocked down, and the teammates were robbed by the knife, they can also hold their own core to resurrect, unless the team is complete, otherwise there will be hope.

Soon, Chensha cleaned all enemies in this stronghold with a hard gun method, with two full-deputy armed teammates to resurrect death teammates, and then search for some supplies, and finally returned to the stronghold In the middle, it is firmly occupied.

There is a team player during the period, and the optical camouflage wants to steal. As a result, the radar of the base is discovered, the two sides launched the battle, Chensha killed three people, the rest of the people fell.

Fifteen minutes and time, I have passed, Chensha's team search, alley, save people, search, defense, fifteen minutes have been arranged for Dangdang, no urination in the whole process.

The key is that this fifteen minutes has always had a very clear goal, not a full boring gun, and the player's hands and brains are active.

Then, the game enters the second phase.

The remaining 100 players were divided into two camps, carrying a 50VS50 small campaign. The full-strand squad is still reserves the current configuration, and those who have incomplete teams are merged according to the system's matching rules, and finally let the strength rating of two camps is probably at the same horizontal line.

Chensha was lucky to be elected as the commander of his own, and simply simply screened the player's science. Special commander screening mechanism.

The interesting point of this screening mechanism is that it will determine the performance of each team in the previous stage.

The system will actively select the commander position when it matches, and the player is the winning rate of the commander. The player brigade has been integrated with the performance of the record in the bureau. After a certain weight, after a certain weight calculation, it is selected. The best commander.

Moreover, due to the first phase of the battle, the records of each team, the material, the material, the occupied position and other factors can be used as weight, and the true strength of these squad is measured, so the power of the two sides must be relatively balanced, ratio Those who have matched to the player historical record before entering the game.

Players will be reserved in the second stage, which will remain in the second stage, which allows the first phase of the adventure acquisition to continue, and the jumping people have become high risk. High yield behavior.

It is a place where jumping people, killing a blood road, let yourself take advantage of the first battle in the second phase? Still a small jumping, search for the price of the material to the second phase? Players can choose different strategies according to their own preferences.

After the 50VS50 battle was officially started, Chensha began to direct the teams to capture the strategic places on the map.

The strategic effect on the big map is different. For example, the Air Force Base can investigate, short-lived to the enemy of a certain area on the map, or the airdrop supply, let the front line soldiers get bullets, armor and firearms; bunker The firepower suppression can be carried out in the nearby area. The machine guns in the machine guns can be said to be a doctor. Easter speed.

After the first stage of the melee, these bases mastered in the hands of the two sides, basically present a state of dog in dogs, and the strength of both parties, as long as the concentration advantage, the strength of the struggle can basically take the base, so the battle situation It will be particularly intense.

Some important bases may be repeated, and both sides have concentrated a lot of combat power, constantly dispatched reinforcement, and become a gathers general trend;

Some situations seem to be in the edge of the battlefield, but it is possible to suddenly penetrate the enemy's small stock troops because the defenders are lax, and they will cause the battlefield situation to suddenly reverse.

Moreover, the battle between the two sides is not necessarily in the stronghold, a real outstanding commander will understand the function of the firm, the firepower suppression is selected, and the battlefield is selected in some of the unique portions. The other party wants to break through this password. It is meaningless. It must be understood by brain, whether it is a multi-attack, or send a small stock army to the road, or avoiding the front of the main attack. The direction is to be considered as appropriate.

The battlefield situation is thousands of battles, while the captain of all squads will report to the commander to report the situation in the battlefield in real time, and the commander is to try to analyze the intentions of the enemy. The first time, even It is pre-registered in advance to lead the players to win the victory.

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