Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1475 This is a talent that Tengda urgently needs!

Yan Qian and twice, said: "You think about this,"

"If these three categories of people have no need for Tengda, it does not need to give them preferential treatment."

"But if these three types of people are talented in Tengda's current needs? Of course, I have to open a recruitment channel, let them get more smoothly to work!"

Wu Bin lived: "Ah? These three types of people are talents in Tengda's current needs?"

As an HR, he feels that the topic that is now discussed, has completely exceed his knowledge reserves, and touches your own knowledge blind zone.

If , these three categories are the vulnerable groups in the workplace. We tenda should undertake social responsibility, purify social atmosphere, respond to national calls, and do a good example for other companies, so give these three categories of people Opening a special recruitment, the Wu Bin also felt very reasonable.

What is it? Is these three types of people in Tengda urgently needed?

Where is it urgently needed!

Seeing Wu Bin's eyes, Yan Qian explained: "How is it not a talent that Tengda urgently needed?"

"Tenda is now facing the biggest problem? The company is too young!"

"The average age of company employees is a good thing in some aspects, which means that the overall atmosphere of Tenda is positive, active."


"There will be some problems, such as doing things, don't be practical enough."

"It used to Tengda is a small company, and it is good, but now Tenda's scale is getting bigger and bigger, we need some calm genes."

"As the saying goes, the family has an old, if there is a treasure."

"People over 35 years old, rich work experience, work process is more rigorous, there are many places worth learning from young people."

"Many companies don't have more than 35 years old. It is not more than two reasons: First, the positions provided by these companies are low-quality positions, replace experienced old employees with new employees, and companies can work properly Second, these companies are desperately pressing employees, long working hours, and hard work is difficult. "

"But Tengda's situation is completely different."

"First, our spirit of Tengda is to be induced, never stop, we work hard to develop together, employees should make progress together, work together, so we need 35 years old and experienced people to promote the company by labor The intensive intensive intensive transformation; secondly, our work hours is short, and the employee does not need 996. Don't say that the employees over the age of 35, even if it is a grandfather of the six or seventeen, can also adapt this kind of work. strength."

"Since we can perfectly avoid these disadvantages, give full play to the advantage, why not recruit employees over 35 years old?"

Wu Bin's mouth is too talented, inexplicable feels that I have always reasonable.

He thought about it, and said: "That's general, after two people ... is also a talent that Tengda urgently needs?"

Yu Qian nodded: "Of course!"

"People with birth plans in the near future, indicating that they have a clear plan for their own life, while more than family responsibility. This kind of person, although the family will involve part of their energy, but can also bring their strength to the power. ! "

"For families, for children, they will work hard for those who are not easy to work."

"As for those who apply for labor arbitration and win the lawsuit, they have to fight the evil spirits of the sorrows of the society, and we must take the legal rights of the law to protect their legitimate rights. This big fearful struggle spirit is not the spirit of Tengda. Perfect annotation? "

"So, these three people, our Tenda must, and more beneficial!"

"Not only is the recruitment, and in the next few years, Tenda also wants to make a nursery, kindergarten or even primary and secondary schools."

"We have many employees to talk about marriage, marriage, giving birth, and solve their worries for them!"

This talents, the dumb of Wu Bin said.

Too reasonable!

According to the balance, these three types of people are indeed worth opening a special recruitment!

Of course, the only problem that people worry is that these people's professional qualities and work ability are.

Because the conventional recruitment exam is for all qualified people, the registered person will definitely, then screening out the probability of outstanding talents is higher; and this special recruitment limits can only participate, even if the national eligible People come over, the quantity is still relatively less, the probability of recruiting outstanding talents will naturally reduce some.

But I think about it again, these three identities are just qualifications for them.

Who can test it, then look at the truth.

Although the previous period may be less than the number of applicants, there will be some people who have a relatively unique ability, but in the current famous name, it will not be a few months, this special exam is estimated to spread throughout the country.

When the next special exam is, it is absolutely full.

In this way, this special exam will be cost-effective to play a thousand gold to buy horses.

Thinking of this, Wu Bin is nodded: "Good, I will arrange it!"


I sent Wu Bin, and Yu Qian was a big thing to have a heart.

Recruiting this thing as long as it can be implemented smoothly, it must be beneficial!

Yan Qian said to Wu Bin, basically flickering. What work experience is rich, there is a clear life plan, there is a sense of responsibility, it is not the main factor considered.

The main factor in Qian's considers is to spend money!

The 35-year-old employee affirmed that the wage level is high, the work strength is also relatively low, when the pregnant woman is restless, I can give the company a little more expense. I used to launch the labor arbitration of the original company to Tenda to work more. ...

This is obviously a good way to increase the company's spending!

This is sometimes even possible: Some people have been taking the start of Tenda Recruitment, and the results cannot be taken. Under anger, pregnant will go to the test!

If everyone thinks, the Tengda is giving birth to the employee, and it can take an extra large cost.

Or under an angry, the original company is arbitrated and then take it!

In this way, those who are being treated with unfair treatment do not have to look forward to the remember when launching a labor arbitration, and people who really have the ability will be afraid of the joint resistance of these companies. Anyway, there is also a Tenda Recruitment Exam. This road can go.

How good!

"GOG, let them get a lot of money, although it will cause further impact on IOI, but there is no good way to now."

"Well ..." Meng Chang's propaganda program made by charity activities did not know how, but Meng Chang, this person has always been more reliable, there should be no big problem. "

"Still first, think about it, take into account this cycle's assault money plan ..."

"And my graduation thesis ... forget it, spend money."


I have to continue to follow the work report of each department, and rack my brain in order to assault money.


At the same time, Meng Chang continued to improve the charity propaganda program of the generals in the orders.

This program is generally completed, but there are some details that needs to be refined.

Now Meng Chang's work hours are quite free, I want to go, I don't want to work at home.

It's busy, the phone rang.

Pick up a look at the electricity display, it is a good brother Fan Xiaodong.


Meng Chang stunned, because he has been busy with the publicity program of the charity, and did not contact Van Xiaodong. Although the two are a good brother, it is basically very purely friendship + interest relationship, there is no big matter that can make money, usually does not contact.

Meng Chang also said with Fan Xiaodong, saying that the project he is responsible for this month is a charity, unlike a few more opportunities as a few times.

In this case, what is the matter of Fan Xiaodong called?

Meng Chang received a little doubts.

"Brothers, I will listen to you! Temproved's GOG, have there anything recently?" The phone is that Fan Xiaodong seems to be full.

Meng Yucheng said: "GOG? Oh ... it seems to have a Spring Festival event, sprinkled some money? Nothing is worth a big action. Why do you want this?"

Fan Xiaodong is somewhat surprises: "Hey, this is wrong, is there no action on the side? Head of the company here, but even I noticed."

Meng Chang brow microstruck: "I didn't feel it. Oh, it may be because Tenda just finished the Spring Festival holiday, I haven't noticed it yet. What is the point?"

Fan Xiaodong suddenly talked, said: "I doubt, Daxak Group may have to sell the finger company."

Meng Chang is instantly coming: "Is it? Where is the exact news?"

If this is true, it is indeed a big event!

But the problem is that Meng Chang did not hear the wind at all, so this is not reliable, how much credibility is a problem.

Fan Xiaodong said: "There is no exact news for the time being, but there are some winds."

"It is said that the Dawak Group has secretly contacted some potential buyers, but these buyers maintain more suspicious attitudes for this single transaction."

"Dawak Group's cash flow this year is not good, and considering the performance of fingers and IOI, it is very likely to be qualitatively determined by Daxak Group. After all, there is a studio, in the case of making money, Just because the profit growth is not fast enough, it is sold by Daxak Group to be qualitatively asset, let alone point company. "

"And buyers have a skeptical attitude toward this single transaction, because the requirements of Daxak Group have sold all the shares they hold, this is easy to think, they are going to run away. "

"And, from the world, you can eat a big company in a whole finger company, the number is absolutely not much. First of all, there is enough cash flow, followed by the game enough interest, but also to optimistic the future company's future ...... Let me talk, it is a bit like a big head. "

"Of course, these are small news, there is no conclusive evidence, I don't dare to be sure."

"But you can be sure that the finger is in the company, there are some very suspicious movements!"

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