Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1477, don't forget the joy, reach the best in the world

February 18, Monday.

Yu Qian came to the office as usual, Meng Chang is already waiting.

"Target, this is the plan you explain before the Spring Festival. He has been done in the Spring Festival, and it is slightly delayed, but the time is coming again." Meng Chang said, handed a program to Qian.

Yan Qian reached out, nodded: "Well, the Spring Festival is not working hard, this is worth encouraging."

"As for time, you don't have to care too much, Tengda's work mode is that as long as it can be completed before Deadline, it will not work, it will not be fine. This time is very good."

For Yu Qian, the employees have been working slowly, they will affect the settlement, then they must not do it; but if it is fast, it means that the employees' work attitude is very positive, and they have to give them new work, this I am annoying.

So, not slow, just completed before Deadline, is the most perfect.

Just listened to Meng Chang, there is another point of fact.

"It's slow, can't you do it?"

"Slow, either illustrate the work allocation is unreasonable, and the employee is arranged too much workload, or it means that the employee's work efficiency is not; it is too impatient, it will be too impatient, not paying attention, may have hidden dangers."

"Blindness is not available, only for the specific situation of each job task, reasonably arrange the work plan, and always follow the plan, can be prescribed to the class but complete these tasks."

"The is always the general, with a word, you are so deep!"

Meng Chang couldn't help but feel it.

Yan Qian did not know that Meng Chang had such a rich psychological activity. He took this plan and quickly swept it.

This time, Meng Chang is responsible for the propaganda program of charity, and Yu Qian has two requirements: First, we must add a little commercial element in this charitable activity, which is to burn more! Second, This propaganda program has to achieve the goal of "good promotion in remote rural areas, online and other non-coherent domain promotional effects".

Meng Chang turned off for a long time, and finally took out a reply.

"Benji Plan?" Yu Qian first saw the name of this program.

Meng Chang nodded, explained: "Yes. This name is the purpose of this kind of charity plan."

"I don't forget the joy, I'm just the best."

"The two words of" Tengda '"also showed the historical mission and social responsibility of Tengda."

"In addition, 'Ji' means that it is this meaning. And the world is this meaning. And 'first' is a different meaning: the first meaning is 'starting point', hint this is Tenda The starting point of large-scale charity activities, the second means 'primary', 'first and other', and the support goals of this time are mainly concentrated in primary and secondary school students. "

"These two words are together, both with the purpose of the 'Teng, the initial heart, and the aim of the best of the world, reflect the nature and goal of our activities."


Well, yes, like Meng Chang's plan to make the name of the name, it is good employee!

I bother the employees who are famous, they have to make personality, it is true!

The name of "Jiji Program" is at first glance, but he heard the meaning of Meng Chang explained, and immediately impressed it.

So, a lot of good names are actually not necessarily, it is, it is much better, and it is not that it makes it more rare, but it contains a beautiful meaning behind it. It has a complete artistic concert, which makes people naturally naturally. I thought of a special situation, so I was so good.

The purpose of Meng Chang wants is also very good.

I am fortunate to go to others, and I don't want to forget, think it is how good yourself, how ,, should look back to see those who fall behind, you should clearly know that you are just a time and The social dividend, there is a responsibility to help others.

The only unfortunate thing is that this name and purpose have no wishes for money.

But after all, this is just a charity plan with a little commercial property. Don't bring it.

Yan Qian continued to look down and focused on the specific measures of this Jubi program.

The first is how to join a little commercial property in charity.

The program is written in the program, the first ni plan is a confidential plan, and any participants must not be motivated to advertise or show off. Before participating in this program, participants must first sign a confidential agreement before they can participate.

The way to participate in the Jubi Plan is: Individual or company, free donation to the Genjei Plan. These funds will be arranged with Tengda's charitable plan, which will become a variety of materials, and save the target population.

At this stage, it is meat egg milk and some ingredients to save those poor students and their families. As for what the next stage is, it is still not fixed, anyway, no matter how specific forms change, the rules are the same.

Anyone who participates in the Jiji Plan can check the donation records of each individual or organization on the official website and query the go of each payment. For example, someone donates a thousand blocks, you can find that this money is now staying on account, or has become a target population.

Where to buy, how much is purchased, which class is given, which is available, these details can be queried.

Just like shopping sites, this feature is not difficult to do.

Participating in the first niji is not completely non-reward, but is limited to this identity of this identity when conducting economic activities with Tengda. But how is the specific description, not specifically explained, just an empty mouth commitment.

The second is how to ensure that this program is relatively high in rural, and is low in the Internet.

Meng Chang gives the propaganda method to write the slogan to remote rural areas!

Moreover, in a large number of conventional, there is no propaganda slogan in the relationship with the junior plan, it is mixed with the propaganda slogan of the first nick plan.

In the propaganda slogan of the first niji, it will not mention the four words of the "Genji Program", just use "children to learn to go to school, rice noodle oil to the family" This kind of grounding slogan, let the people in the village It is possible to link "school" and "rice noodles" together, and objectively play a promotional effect.

In this way, it played double insurance.

The first weight is that all individuals or organizations involved in the Jiji Plan cannot deliberately emphasize, disclose or promote the first nation plan; the second weight is, all propaganda is responsible by Meng Chang, but this Propaganda only "Write a slogan" in the village, but also a lot of slogans to write, so that the promotion of the first-minded programs is perfectly hidden in other slogans.

In this way, it is possible to reach Qian, which is good in poor rural publicity, and almost no one knows on the Internet ".

Of course, Yu Qian is also very clear, there is no wall in the world.

Even if this Jubi plan is how low, how to keep it, there will always be discovered one day.

But it doesn't matter, it is found that it will not be equal to the fire, and the fire does not mean that it will cause more money.

As long as this time is poor, you can burn some money before this planner, then your own purpose is reached.

Yan Qian saw the entire program, nodded: "Well, good! This is what I want."

"Nothing, you will be promoted according to this program."

Have to say, Meng Chang to do things is to make people feel relieved.

The plan is doing well, and the light is this, it is very appreciated by this loss, let Yan Qian feel very appreciated!

Meng Chang took the plan, but did not leave immediately because he had something else to do.

One of the high-rise of the finger company, Charles, established a investment company at a large fee, obviously, when you want to take the head of the Dawak Group, take the finish, sitting on the profit. Fan Xiaodong regards this opportunity, I want to make a money in this process, but the premise is that I will not be involved in the end of the road.

Meng Chang has to explore the total tangle.

Although he has already thought about saying it before, he really gave a little panic.

Meng Chang felt that he was a bit like the Qin Dance Yang, who came to Qin, and made a very full of all kinds before, and the result, I really saw that I was always, or I can't panic.

But it is better to be in Meng Chang's psychological qualities, so soon.

He took a moment, said: "Torry, you have recently been the company's recent situation ... how to see?"

Yu Qian did not think more, and the consciousness said: "Head Company? I hope they can persist for a while."

For fingers, Yu Qian only two words: disappointment!

You look at the good things they do during the New Year!

Fischeng is so hard to have so many activities, and the result is better not to do.

Don't do it, you should continue to mix it, and after the event, a large number of players will take them directly! This directly leads to Longyu Group's strategic giving up this project, and transfers the "bomb marks 2" arms.

Yu Qian is also very uncomfortable, how many chances I gave mesh company? They have a competition? what?

Therefore, now Qian has completely hoped that the fingers have not hoped, I hope they can insist on a little longer, so that the GOG can do Moba later, just fine.

But I heard this answer, Meng Yusheng stunned.

Tone ... What does this mean? Why do I want IOI to persist for a long time?

Even if IOI is pitiful, it is also a competitor of GOG. Isn't it hoped to cool?

Low-profile? It seems that it is not all, and the total expression is still a bit of real.

Could it be that……

Meng Chang suddenly lit up, understand.

I will always see the dramatic changes in the inside of the fingers, so I hope this will change, can you continue to get a little longer?

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