at night.

Touch fish net coffee, flagship store.

Two people in Ma Yang and Zhang Yuan sat in the window of the window, drinking a small wine, looking at the rare guest, always feel this atmosphere, a bit sad from the middle.

Still nothing!

Now, there have been two fish nets in the decoration, and should be officially opened soon.

However, the flagship store of the fish netfish is still in a state of stable loss.

The turnover has tended to be stable. Many familiar customers have met with the clerk, but no matter how it calculates, this person is impossible to support the operating cost of the fish net.

Ma Yang and Zhang Yuan, a general manager of fish net coffee, a regional manager of Jingzhou to touch the fish net, at this time, is a cup of mug.

Zhang Yuan did all the wine in front of: "I will sing two songs."

Ma Yang reached out to stop him: "Forget it, there is no one to listen ..."

For them, sit on drinking, take a total of eight people.

Zhang Yuan still stood up: "Nothing, embarrassing two throats, discolysis."

When I came to the stage, Zhang Yuan was still the same as before, I played two guitar, thinking about the singing point today.

As for drinking, it is basically a frequent visitor, so it is not surprised.

Say again, which network can't be a singer? This is not a new thing.

Touching the fish net coffee has just opened it, Zhang Yuan sang every night, but did not use it, although it is really a bit impacted, it is quite limited.

Over time, he sang and less and less, today is under the role of alcohol, only once again, and then depends on Taiwan.

Zhang Yuan did not say anything phones, after debugging the equipment, start singing.

Singing can't say that it is a sound of the sound, but it is still good. After all, it was a snorkeling singer, and the scorpion was absolutely worse.

Low sinking hoarse songs, leisurely

In the past, Zhang Yuan also tried to sing the kind of fierce rock, but soon, I found that the scene did not cooperate at all, nothing.

So, he is a song that is slower, or the folk songs.

In this way, at least the scene will not be particularly embarrassing.

Listening to Zhang Yuan singing while drinking wine, some of the gods.

Suddenly, he noted outside the glass curtain wall, as if there was a faint figure, he hesitated at the door.

It is already evening, the lights in the netfa are bright outside, and can clearly see the scenes inside, but it is not very clear inside.

But it is really seen that there is a personal shadow and is being at the door.

"Come to the new guest?"

"And still hesitating, this shows that you can fight!"

Ma Yang is instantly spiritual.

Although he is now expensive as the general manager of fish netfish, whose general manager can't pull it?

The general manager of Ma Yang, but there is no one shelf.

Open the net coffee door, Ma Yang is full of face: "Little brother, come in play?"

The little brother standing at the door was obviously scared, I was still hesitating at the door, and the result did not pay attention to the door, and then a long face.

Xiao Ge is a little embarrassing low: "I ... I am not coming to the Internet."

"It doesn't matter, drink alcohol." Ma Yang is still passionate.

He carefully got this little brother, it seems to be a bit of its own appearance, the hair is chaotic, the clothes on the body looks a little old, but it is still a cleanliness.

The little brother fused his hair whispered hair: "I ... I want to ask, is there a singer?"

Ma Yang: "..."

A little disappointment.

We don't have lack of work, lack of customers!

No guest, how can you sing again?

When I saw the big face of Ma Yang, I went down with the speed visible to the naked eye, and Xiao Ge hurriedly said: "I think, I sang better than that person, so I want to try it."

Ma Yang wants to think, it seems to be.

How is Zhang Yuan now counts the regional manager of the fish net coffee and Beijing, which can also sing itself every day.

Recruitment, it is not bad.

"Row, what is your name?"


"Come, come in."

Ma Yang took the malaries to the fish netfa, just found a bit to sit down.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yuan sang a song again and took a break.

Ma Yang referred to the stage: "Go, don't be nervous."

Manyang did not have a music cell, heard it or bad, thinking that as long as this little brother sang, he can barely pick up Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan has poured a glass of water and turned his head and found that the seat on his stage was occupied.

A little brother who has never seen it is dial on the stage, and seeing this scene is ready to sing.

Zhang Yuan sat down to the side of Ma Yang: "Who is this?"

"Call Chen Boxing, I will apply for a singer. I am thinking, if he sang, let him sing, you will rest later."

Ma Yang is concerned: "After all, you have a heavy work. Now the new bartender has already recruited, and then recruit a snorkeling singer. You will be responsible for the operation of netfa."

Zhang Yuan wants to say, in fact, he didn't work all day, but he heard Mango said that there is a little touched.

Oh, no, we didn't recruited a singer?

Zhang Yuan just wanted to ask this question, with a duck voice in the clear spirit, already in the net coffee.

"Spring flowers in the autumn wind and winter sun ..."

Zhang Yuanyi: "I also sang the first old song."

This song is too high, almost everyone has heard.

However, in an instant of the campaign, almost all people who are drinking, they all look at the stage.

It is like a clear water, pouring from the stage, wraps everyone.

Zhang Yuan also snorted, and he couldn't help but sing.

Ma Yang is drinking wine, whispering: "It seems that you don't sing well."

Zhang Yuan somewhat helplessly glanced at him: "Master ... he sang, it is much stronger than me."

"Yes?" Ma Yang is a bit surprised. "His voice is high, and it is low, which is low, which is it?"

Zhang Yuan felt that he was talking about the duck in the chicken, but considering that the old horse is the head of his head, or keep smiling.

"Good songs can be a character that can touch people, just sing folk songs, it is just a special old man."

"I can't help it."

"Don't believe, you look at everyone's reaction."

Ma Yang looked at everyone in the field.

When I sang before Zhang Yuan, everyone should drink, chat, although listening, but obviously just a general background sound.

After the campaign sang, everyone seems to be solidified.

All the wine glasses are silently drinking, and no one speaks, and no one has chatted. There are several people who look at the arms on the stage. I don't know how to recall the songs.

Zhang Yuan said: "Master, where did you encounter such a good seed?"

Ma Yang is silent for a moment: "... he finds it to the door."

Zhang Yuan: "Then this matter can be a bit clever."

"In fact, it is unfortunately." Mang Yang said, "He said that he heard you sing, I feel that it is better to sing than you, I feel courageous. I think this credit, mainly it should be you." "

Zhang Yuan: "..."

"Master, I changed my mind, don't you hit him?"


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