June 24th, Monday.

Magical a high-end teahouse.

Nie Yunsheng and Zheng Hao are relatively, leisurely drinking tea, talking about the "founder public class" column on Sunday.

"Brothers, you are talking about the honeycomb in the column! I thought you would knock on the side of the border, I didn't expect you to node directly!"

"The program group did not stop you?"

Zheng Hao has no smile: "The top of this column group is a manuscript that tries to trial me, but I have to play, they can't directly cut the live broadcast signal."

Because this type of column is all in society, some people with head, not for the A cat, dog. The column group has to wait for the guests to serve, otherwise people are not coming, it is the loss of the column group!

What's more, the column group has already been clear early in the morning, saying that this is the personal remark of these bosses, and there is no relationship with the column.

Even if the audience wants to rush, it is also the personal microblog of these bosses, can't rush on the head of the column group.

Instead, you can get the heat of these bosses, why not do it?

Nie Yunsheng said: "I am worried about you. If you knock on the side, things also have room for rotation, but directly named Tenda's surname, you will be able to be accepted on the Internet! "

Zheng Hao smiled and laughed: "Is it not to set off a wide range of attention?"

"If no one is married to me, then our strategy is not successful enough, there is not enough attention to heat!"

"More, I have three behindks, waiting for their counterattack!"

"They are more powerful now, after I let go of my back, the more we win will."

Nie Yunsheng has some unexpected: "Do you still have a backhand?"

He had just simply told the strategy of public opinion war before, and he thought that Zheng Hao had finished the content of the strategy in public classes.

I didn't expect that Zheng Hao still left behind.

Zheng Hao explained: "The first one of my preparedness is to throw two questions."

"The first question: If Tengda wants to help other companies, it is actually enough to guide the operation concept, why is it necessary to force your non-overtime strategy?"

"Second question: Tengda has always said that you can improve our work efficiency, is this I inevitable?"

"If you know these two questions, you will get more and more identified: Tengda promotes the idea of ​​do not overtime, just as an ideological weapon to open up its own idea!"

"When I am later, when I have the highest peak online, I will throw these two questions, let everyone naturally produce doubts."

"Second, the next hand is the status and details of Boquania Media."

"The facts prove that Tengda has proclaimed the success of his non-duty model, just because he is helping a game company such as the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group. This is the success of business model, not the success of the management mode. ! "

"Once the area involved in Tenda is not good, this management mode does not turn around, and the group of group is a fresh example!"

"The third behind, that is, I found some information about the summary."

"According to the information published online, he is the absolute control of Tengda Group, there is a saying that I have a little bit. However, I found it carefully, I found that I am only a university in the university."

"Not only that, the summary has never been referred to an important occasion, and there is no idea to express his own thoughts."

"I think this is likely because I am worried about leaking fox tail!"

Nie Yunsheng has some puzzle: "How do you say this?"

He also didn't think that Zheng Hao actually started from the total identity.

Zheng Hao explained: "You don't think Tengda's behavior and the behavior of the total personal personal behavior is not on the same? Just like a person's head to left, but the feet are going right."

"The Impression of Tenda Group gave everyone is a sharp promotion and explaining his company's values, and attracts the people in the world!"

"However, as the generals of Tenda Group, it is never reflected in front of the public, and will not reveal their thoughts to everyone. Not only that, even in the school is a state of such low-key."

"Keep low-key can be understood, but is it necessary to pass the line?"

Nie Yunsheng browned, he also felt that this thing did not feel uncommon.

Because of the operational model of a company, it is often able to show the founder's people's ideas!

Some founders are keen to go to society to speaking, act as the role of life tutors, and these companies are often emphasizing values ​​and corporate spirit.

Some founders are low-key, never throw their heads, then this company is often modest, down and pragmatic.

The most unforgettable, it is also careful and cautious, sulking.

This is very well understood, after all, the founder has absolute control on the company, which will keep the company's status with themselves tonar.

However, the Tenda Group is not the case. If the Tenda Group is more than a person, then it and should be two sides of the character.

Nie Yunsheng asked: "What does this represent?"

Zheng Hao is silent. "I think the Tenda Group reflected is not the concept of the summary of the inner heart. Or the general may not recognize the state of Tengda Group in front of everyone!"

"And all the behaviors of Tengda Group are just a high-profile attitude made in order to cover some deep secrets!"


"Because only he did not appear in front of the public, he was able to pay the golden gold. The public will make him brain into a perfect entrepreneur image. Once the headed looks, it is very likely that people will collapse. ! "

"The real image of the total in the school is our most favorable weapon!"

"No matter what to say, break the state of death, pull him from the messenger, prove that he is actually just a fame and fame. It is definitely a major advantage for us!"



At the same time, Bo Group Media.

Wei Jinghui looked at the discussion on the Internet and clearly knowing that his mission was almost completed.

Zheng Hao definitely got the first piece of information of Boquania Media, and thought it was ready, so it was once again initiated the public opinion at the entrepreneur!

Although the Boquania Media was messy by Wu Bin, but for the satellite, this is not a big event that is injured.

As long as you can get enough funds and resources from the anti-Rating Union, Boquania Media can quickly develop, and better than the previous development!

Therefore, Wei Shuhui always looked at the attitude of watching the game.

After Zheng Hao delivered this speech, it is not enough, and his Weibo is blamed on the day!

Going to him, not only with Tenda's fans, there are also many netizens who are filled with indignation.

Zheng Hao's speech, all workers should be unacceptable!

What is the company's unpacking is caused by ordinary employees? What is employee to exploit the wages by lazy?

This kind of speech is almost selling the meditation, turning the company boss into a vulnerable group. For most common netizens, it is simply nonsense!

But Zheng Hao is not unprepared, he is arguing with netizens, and there is an orderly release of materials ready.

Zheng Hao's first trick is to ask two questions from netizens.

The first is that if you want to help other companies, you can help you help, why do you want to force Tenda's working mode?

The second is why it is necessary to improve work efficiency without overtime. Is this an inevitable connection?

This is the need to deny the work mode of Tenda!

So far, although there are also many UP mains to refute Zheng Hao's statement, there is no big enough public opinion.

The reason is very simple. Before Qian, I got the ban, let the person in charge of the departments don't personally participate in the "person in charge" to dismantle the commercial routine of other companies.

Only by netizens spontaneously refute, representative speech and sufficient heat cannot be formed in a short time.

Wei Shuhui felt that this scene was also very rare. The anti-Thredance Union and Tenda Group have fallen in the public opinion! This is never imagined before.

It is enough to prove that Zheng Hao is ready to come, find a good breakthrough.

Wei Jinghui is like sighing Zheng Hao's wisdom, and the office is knocked out.

The editor of the group of Boquania is old Deng pushed.

Bo Group Media is doing self-media, naturally have a large number of text content needs to be edited and reviewed. Before, the old Deng once was a few more than 100,000 main pen, and he was deeply affected by Scenic Hui.

The arrival of Wu Bin, gave a big transformation from the top to the group, and the old dermatology naturally did not write the flow of traffic, but in accordance with Wu Bin's idea, write some current problems and hotspot issues. The flow is therefore reduced.

Because focusing on performing undercover plans, Dau Jinghui has never been able to ask the old Deng's article.

He thought about the end of the public opinion war in front of him, Wu Bin, the group of media returned to the previous working state, just did nothing happened!

"What's wrong, is old Deng, what is the matter?" Wei Jinghui asked the old palace and concerned.

The old palace is worried, the words are saying: "Guard, the recently written things, there is no traffic, I want to write ..."

Sweight Hui smiled interrupted the old Dun Road: "Is it feeling that the current work mode is very uncomfortable? The content of the manuscript is not my favorite? It doesn't matter, it should be returned to normal, and I will bear it. All right!"

Lao Deng said and hurriedly shook his head: "No, Wei, I don't mean this."

"I want to write an article to refute Zheng Hao's speech in the open class of entrepreneurs!"

Wei Shuhui stunned: "Ah?"

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