Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1595 is here to be commended!

On Thursday, June 27.

Sweight is sitting in his office and feels very confused.

Because he doesn't know how to develop in the future media will develop.

His plan is very good, nothing more than the anti-Three Alliance to the Tenda Cooperation, you can remove it after getting full information.

At that time, the anti-Three Alliance supported him some funds, helping him make the company bigger, and the whole plan is very perfect!

The result will not change the change.

Old Deng took the initiative to write articles to refute Zheng Hao's point of view, this original is something outside the plan, and Wei Jinghui did not plan to agree. But Zheng Hao feels more effective, and Wei Jinghui can only cooperate.

As a result, under the cooperation between the two sides, the attention is indeed, but also pushed the blog media to the tips!

Many people now have default Boquat Media to stand in Tengda Group!

So the problem is coming, if Date Hui will bring the Boquania Media to the anti-Thredance Alliance, will there be an impression on all employees?

Either I wish my sly undercover, or the traitor who is back to the righteous!

Originally, the old Deng did not send this article, even if Zheng Hao used the data of Boquania Media, the Boquania Media left to netizens and a neutral victim image. After that, there will be too much attention, no matter which side of Shuhui turns, it should not be too miserable.

But now, Boquania Media is highly bound by Tengda Group, especially this article writes too much righteous words. I really have to go back and spoiled, returning to the anti-Three League, the consequences are likely to be imagined.

And this pressure is not only from external public opinion, but also from the company.

Old Deng said that this article was completely sent by himself, and did not get Wu Bin's authority, and Wei Jinghui did not believe it.

Direct nest in its own office, the sake of consciousness, exchange testing to ordinary employees, I want to know their true view of this cooperation.

As a result, the Sweet Brigade has fallen.

The company owner is actually incomparable to the decision of Wu Bin, and the mental state of employees has greatly changed!

Prior to this, Wei Jinghui always felt that he was a good boss. Although the company often overtime, Dau Jinghui felt that he had more compensation to the employees, and the employees saw him and respectd him.

Therefore, Wei Jinghui has always been self-feeling very good, thinking that he is in the company, it is a manned leader!

There can be a saying, it is afraid of comparison.

Sweight suddenly found that since the cooperation with Tengda, the employees were obviously more familiar with him, and his orders were also implemented more smoothly, which stated that the employees have greatly changed his views. It is a decision that is really controversial.

From the state of the present state, Sweight will immediately realize that the employees are very polite, that is just a guest of the boss, don't know how to marry him in the back.

But now the whole company's atmosphere gets clear, I can really feel a vitality and vitality!

If the cooperation with Tengda Group ends, change back to the original one, I am afraid that many employees will not be resigned on the spot.

This allows Sweet Hui to fall into a very entangled state, and the advancement is difficult.

Leaving in Tengda Group, you can come to the group in the Media. Is this not exactly from your original intention?

Back to the anti-Three League? I also feel that I have become the biggest anti-thief of the entire company, and I will be attacked by the employee group!

More importantly, the recent online special activities have been carried out from the media. There are many accounts from the media to be seated. It is obvious that the model used to take 100,000 + explosive articles to the heat is not passed.

Even if Santhui wants to return to the previous mode, it has not been returned.

If you really end with the Tenda Group's cooperation, use the anti-Rating the resource of the anti-Against League to continue to write its own explosive article, and the final result is also very likely to be repeatedly warned by the platform, and finally deleting the account is empty.

It is too fast to say that the situation is too fast, and the Shouhui doesn't know what to do now!

Sweopihui is being entangled, and the rushing knockout sound came outside.

It is old Deng in pushing.

Since the previous old Deng Fa has refuted Zheng Hao, the Boquania Media did not publish any views on the incident.

Not because Lao Deng doesn't want to send, but because Wei Shuhui feels that this step is almost the same.

Our group of media can be undercrend! It is a double spring with Zheng Hao, not really quarreling.

Moreover, Zheng Hao has a very detailed information, which proves that the performance of Boquania Media has declined, which is very difficult to deny, forcibly rating, but easy to play side effects.

So since then, the entire Boquan media has been caught in a state in which the enemy is in the enemy. Lao Deng is the greatest gas. It has never dared to find him.

Unexpectedly, today's old Deng actually was a sense of enthusiasm, full of smile.

Swithui is a bit surprised: "Is there anything, old Deng?"

Old Deng was very excited to hand over: "You have always seen it, the official commendation!"

Sweopi Hui took the mobile phone and found that this is an officially sent notice news. Inviting Boquania Media to participate in the magic quality new media, self-media account number and work awards and site viewing activities!

Obviously this activity is also part of the recent remediation from the media activities, there is a punishment, and naturally we have to commend.

Since the media is a fast-growing media with the Internet era, although there is a barbaric growth, chaos frequent, but this is a new thing, can't be completely banned, but to guide it to one Health and positive direction go to development and become an important supplement to traditional media.

So the official is punishing some bad accounts, and it is also necessary to make praise for some excellent accounts, so that the entire self-media industry can learn and optimize them for examples.

And this group of group media is in column!

According to the notification, this meeting selected 11 excellent service new media account, 9 excellent self-media accounts and 15 excellent articles.

Bo Group Media has been selected for excellent self-media account, but also selection of two excellent articles!

These two excellent articles were released a few days ago. After the release, the heat is not good, but because the content of these two articles is detailed, the value is active, and the official recognition and affirmation is obtained.

Sweithui looked at this notice and looked at the old Deng. Al almost thought it was wrong.

This matter is completely outside his expectation.

Do you still have to receive a prize from the media?

Before Sweet Hui, I never thought about something similar.

Although this award does not have a bonus, he represents an official approval and affirmation. For the self-media industry, this thing is much more precious than money.

He is very confused, and the old Deng said: "Guard, you will be prepared, this will be on Friday morning, there will be a awards at the scene. This will be a group of media. Good facial opportunity, the first time we are in front of our netizens after the rectification, you can do it in the spirit! "

Sweopi is still very confused: "But I ..."

He wants to say that he is affected by it. After all, he has never thought about promoting positive energy! He simply wanted to take this side of this side, got some evidence that is favorable to the anti-Randing Union.

As a result, this bed is lying down, and it has been able to commend the ambassador!

But the words have been swallowed back.

This is not to mention, in case of the other people who have been killed, they are actually a rebounding of the league, and the image of this boss is still not completely collapsed?

Thinking of this, Wei Shuhui barely nodded: "I know, I will participate in time tomorrow morning."

Old Deng Meitu left the Office of Weishui, and began to discuss anyone else from the company. After the boss collected the certificate and the trophy, it should be placed in which of the company.

Looking at the back of Lao Deng left, Wei Shuhui's heart is mixed, and there is a bit complicated between the time.



On Friday, June 28.

Zheng Hao opened the mobile phone to brush Weibo, and wanted to see the latest progress in the public call war.

Previously, his entrepreneur open lesson has been uploaded to the video website, the heat is high.

Although in the past few days, the video below the video, but many people supported him in general.

On Weibo, Zheng Hao released the data of Boquania Media, playing a beautiful turn over! The article that was previously refuted by the group, and was so fast that he was overwhelmed. From all aspects, Zheng Hao took the upper wind.

In particular, many companies have been shaken to the superstition of the Tenda Cooperation.

The successful cooperation between the Tianhu Studio and Longyu Group and Tengda have made many companies have a blind trust to Tengda. The general facts and cases of Boquan Media Tie let these companies realize that it will be successful if they cooperate with Tengda, or they can see which field of specificity.

There are indeed many companies and even ordinary people, I recognize Zheng Hao's statement, think that Tengda's non-overtime mode may be uniform, and is not suitable for all companies.

Coupled with many companies registered with the Tenda Cooperation, the company, the psychology of sour; the company with the world with the world is also promoted, and the whole public opinion is a good situation.

When the wind, people always like frequently viewing the battle, and they will die when the wind is. Zheng Hao has not yet, I want to find the next target to criticize it on Weibo and continue to expand my advantage.

As a result, I didn't expect that there were many people who were @ @ @.

Zheng Hao is somewhat surprised, is there any accident that happened?

He hurriedly searched, and then saw a photo of a press release.

It looks like a very official occasion, the top of the conference room hangs a red banner, which is written in "Magic Quality New Media, Self-Media Account and Works Awards and Live Observation Conference".

The banner is a biggest photo, excellent self-cultivation from the media representative, and the waist is straight to stand together.

And the Shan Zhifu of the group of group is in the column, it is quite conspicuous!

Others either behave serious, or like the eyebrows, only when the Wei Shuhui awards, there is still a fellow expression, I don't know what to think.

Zheng Hao lived!

At this time, his expression is the same as Wei Shuhui in the photo.

Two people obviously do not have a good psychological preparation to meet the current situation.

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