Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1599's profound connotation

When I just heard this news, I was very happy to fly, but very quickly, his face had a melancholy expression.

"Isn't it right? This paper seems to be able to change public opinion, or even it will help you."

"The University of Handong is definitely good, but this may be used by the anti-Three Alliance."

Cui is not unclear, ask: "Why do you say this?"

Yu Fei Xin said: "The graduation thesis of undergraduates, it is not high, even if it is, how is it, can an excellent papers still write flowers?"

"Don't say it is an undergraduate graduation thesis, that is, take Ph.D. students and even postdoctures to the ordinary people. What can they understand? The pick-up is the same as picking up."

"The anti-Three League is now looking for a few experts scholars, picking a challenge in the general papers, holding a magnifying glass to find a problem, will always find some breakthroughs."

"Then, they can continue to attack the general academic levels in the order, and even attack the fairness and rationality of Handong University in the selection of outstanding graduation thesis."

"That is to say, this paper is just a level of excellent undergraduate students, it is completely insufficient."

"Before the anti-Thred League, although there are always many attacks, but also to seize the total number of exams and the difference. Although there is an impact, the impact is not very big, after all, everyone knows the total Busy work, nothing to do, do not have damage to the total number of tests. "

"But the paper can be different, the graduation thesis is a concentrated expression of a graduate thinking. If there are some handles in this regard, it is caught by the other party, that can be difficult!"

Hearing here, Cui smiled: "It turns out that you are worried about this?"

"Your fear is really reasonable, but you can know after reading this paper, you will know that your worries are extra!"

"This paper, those who don't have interested people must be difficult to pick up the problem."

"You don't even think of the professor of the University of Handong University, what is the person of Kong Laoda? Academic Thai! Is it a mediocre passion?"

It's even more curious about it, what kind of papers are to make the blacks that are difficult to pick out the paper?

It is necessary to achieve three conditions in the future.

First, this paper cannot be too deep, too hard and difficult. To make ordinary people can understand, otherwise it will naturally fall into the territory of Quago, and will fall into the dilemma of complex theories and some scholars.

Only if the ordinary people can understand, there will be a wide range of masses.

Second, there is a strong constructive and a certain depth, he wants to make the concept that other people have not raised, so that everyone feels bright.

Otherwise, there must be someone to say that this paper is to pick up his teeth, which is the experience of replication. More serious, some people may directly accuse this is imitating and plagiarism.

Third, this paper must have a lot of empirical, and those who want to pick sick can not open the mouth.

Without an empirical theory is just the air building Pavilion. Many liberal arts theory is what you said. I also make sense, everyone can't persuade who. Once you enter this situation, you don't take any advantages.

And if one party has a very successful example to support their own arguments, the situation will become completely different.

However, it is also known that this requirement is too high, and it is never a common undergraduate.

The first two points have contradict each other, how can thesis make ordinary people understand and have constructive and depth? It is not so easy to do the Yayu.

The third point is more difficult, theoretical research and practical results are combined, which is to achieve a well-known situation.

For ordinary undergraduates, this is simply a task that is worthless! However, if this person is the general, it is really hope.

Yu Fei can't help but look forward to this paper immediately.

The title of this article is "the theory of the creation and communication of popular cultural works in the network."

Seeing this title, Yu Fei couldn't help but a breath.

The topic is too big.

I'm doing the summary, the high hoping, one title, a strong self-confidence, which is simply felt.

The structure of the article is very clear, there is not much paving, and the topic will directly enter the topic after the summary and keywords.

The first part of the article is in analyzing, the predicament of popular cultural works in the current network era.

There are three main types, which are the cutting of traditional literary works and ordinary people, the invasion of Western cultural works, and the impact of fast food culture and placebo entertainment model.

The so-called popular literary works is to face ordinary people, it is necessary to meet the demands of ordinary people, express the voice of ordinary people, at least the ordinary people will be happy, but also pass the plain good values ​​of the underlying people.

But many traditional literary works, because long-term and social trend, it is difficult to understand ordinary people, especially young people, real cultural appeals. Their content is still staying in the past, and in some extent, there have even been a tendency to get from the people.

Many intellectuals believe that the highest persons, think that ordinary people are ignorant, is unmothered, and art is elegant, which is high.

So these traditional works have become increasingly cracking with the appeal of ordinary people.

At the same time, the invasion of Western cultural works allows ordinary people more and more from the influence of Western values, gradually departing from the traditional Chinese culture.

With a strong cultural industrial production capacity, Western world has produced many works. But is the value contained in these excellent works? Do you definitely be a perfect? Not necessarily.

In recent years, more and more people have realized that the so-called Western large-scale values ​​are getting more and more distorted, more and more deviaze from human simple emotions, especially traditional cultures that have passed by the Chinese people.

And this value of values ​​often has some secrets that do not speaking.

In addition, the impact of fast food culture and placebo entertainment model also constitutes a huge obstacle to the development and communication of popular cultural works in the Internet.

The so-called fast food culture is originally a neutral word, people want to take nutrition, but fast food can also provide people with convenient and cheap satisfaction, which is a very normal cultural phenomenon.

However, when the culture of fast food culture has become an unhealthy state.

Just like people have tired of home, I occasionally eat a fast food, no nature. If you completely replace daily food, every meal is eating fast food, then all diseases will come to the door sooner or later.

The same is true of the cultural industry, occasionally watching fast food culture, and it is certainly no problem with some simple pastime. But if a person's spiritual life is only fast food culture, but there is no deep thinking, then his spiritual world must be barren, long time, his thoughts will have problems.

More terrible is that fast food culture has become a placebo model!

These placebo culture makers and producers, let the recreational entertainment and sensory stimulatory products are filled with people's lives, use direct and cheap entertainment models, transfer their attention and dissatisfaction, let them indulge in low-level happiness Can't extricate, gradually losing the ability to think about reality, and even completely lose learning ability and long-term plan!

And these three situations are clearly the content that must be tried to avoid and confrontation during the creation of popular literary works in the network era.

If this series of issues is not resolved, then the cultural field will inevitably get more and more cut.

Literary and artist began to leave the masses, and the content of the creation was only played in a small spiritual life, and it could not actively impact this world and the actual situation.

With the continuous invasion of Western values, traditional values ​​are subversion, defending people with traditional values ​​and people who accept Western values, began to become more and more water.

Even in many fields, fierce frictions will explode, and the conflict in thought will evolve into a real conflict.

Those low-level entertainment and placebo models will gradually swept through the entire underlying cultural entertainment market, so that the underlying people lose their thinking and upward power.

In this way, different people will get through various factors such as class, environment, and values, becomes unable to understand each other, so that the information effect is further strengthened.

This will obviously induce very serious and terrible consequences.

So based on this dilemma, the paper immediately put forward the necessary factors needed for the creation and communication of popular literary works.

The first is the connotation that rooted in traditional cultural foundation and general public cultural appeal.

In the Internet age, popular literary works cannot be completely detached from traditional cultural roots, and they cannot deviate from the people's cultural demands. It should always be created in the perspective of ordinary people. It can't be caught in the tall and widow, blindly, and you can't be a western value invasion, and the help of traditional cultural heritage.

Only the requirements of the era are met to meet the demands of ordinary people, is the mission given by the times.

Second, the work itself must have certain times, trendy, and even foresee.

It is not enough to reflect the era, excellent literary works must have certain trendy, even foresee, to predict the future may happen in advance and make alert.

This is not a worry, but it is not a rain!

Finally, in the form of expression, these works must be compact and enough to catch people.

Many cultural works that have deep connotation are difficult to play a broad impact, that is, because expressing emotional lengthy, difficult to cause ordinary people's reading interest, even more concerned.

If a work is unable to pay as much as possible, then how does its impact improve?

This is certainly not a problem for serious work. Because serious works are naturally tali and widow, I want to read, I need a high literary attainment.

But for the popular literary works of the network era, if you can't do this, you can't be a good work.

Because of the popular literary works of the network era, its mission is to spread the positive value to ordinary people. If others are blocked, do you have such a mission?

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