Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1616 is stable as old dogs, in fact ...

Baoxao asked: "He is always, you should have a new project design of the ghost house? I want to look at it."

Yu Qian nodded, from the computer, I found the design plan for the new project of the ghost house.

Although this project is Chen Kanguo, Yan Guangjian and Ma Yun group are designed together, but since it is a prime platform of the hostel, it must give the total final panel.

Yu Qian simply looked at this program and felt that it would be, so did not propose any comments.

Now Baixu wants to see this program is also fully understood, after all, he is to truly enter this ghost house to do the Chief Experience, understand the situation in advance.

Just Yu Qian did not think that after Bao Xu got this program, there was no careful look at the details, but directly jumped to the interactive content.

This ghost house is called "a foreign tourist man", the storyline is not complicated, that is, one or a group of tourists from a foreign land came to the strange version of Beijing, and stayed in the hostel.

Only those industries they can touch include fish netfish, touched fish takeaway, managed fitness, etc., all become the ghosts of the Chinese horrible, their names have also changed, become a mole net coffee , Molas, taking sales, sloppy fitness, etc.

In addition, there are many more intuitive and horrible edges, such as evil spirits and Huang Quanfu, more thrilling!

If you want to flee this terrible world, there are only two ways, one is to survive a certain time, and the other is to find a clue to leave the pupils.

This project can be involved in single-person, or multiplayer participation, the difficulty will change.

The staff played a variety of ghosts and scared tourists. Every area has special ghosts. In most cases they only patrol in their own territory, and visitors want to get clues to avoid these ghosts.

But in some special circumstances, these ghosts may also get together to gather together, depending on some special mechanisms in the game.

For example, visitors have found a key clue, ghosts will gather together to make a clearance, and tourists should be patient and cannot be discovered.

Under this mechanism, the things that visitors can do is actually a lot. You can select a heading action, each person is responsible for a rapid collection of clues, and then summarizes decryption. You can also choose to take a key clue. After the individual warriors are all switched, others will go to the appropriate position to search other clues.

Playing ghost staff will not maintain a fixed walking route like a robot, they can make some adjustments and changes in a certain rule according to their preferences, so that the whole game has become more nervous, it is difficult to expect .

Baoxao is just a simple sweeping part of the puzzle, and he puts all the attention in the back of the ghosts.

Remember these things in the mind, Baoxu considers it: "Torry, in the list of ghost staff, I hope to assign two people."

"One is the ghosts player who appear directly in the list. It is the same as Qiao Liang. The other does not have to appear in the list, but it will also enter the ghosts of the ghost house."

"I want to talk to them two private, I will talk separately."

Yan Qian nodded: "Yes."



July 24th, Wednesday.

Concealed the hostel of the new ghost house project "a foreign tourist man" officially entered the test operation stage of the internal test.

Because it is the internal test stage, this time did not open the public tourists, but to let Baoxu as the chief experience of this project, experience the entire project.

According to Chen Kanguo's plan, it is of course hoping to stay in the project of "Different Towers".

After all, the whole is two months when he is suffering. This is already cut half.

However, considering the particularity of this project, Chen Kang Tuo and other responsible people are unanimously consent, as long as Bao Ge can find clues as soon as possible, leaving this place, then the internal testing activity ends in advance.

After all, everyone is not a real devil, and the brothers of the bag, still very person in charge.

Therefore, the internal test activity will not necessarily have, may be a week a month, which is completely dependent on the speed of the package.

Of course, the responsible people will deliberately adjust this speed, and will not let the bags will be so easy.

Especially considering that Bao Ge is likely to have seen the design plan of the entire project, there are many positions that may appear in many clues. It is more effective to make this project to have the effect.

The responsible person considers that he is playing a ghost, can change the location of the clue, let the whole game become more nervous, otherwise the boy has been cleared for two days, isn't that no face?

Under the call of Chen Kangu, many of the person in charge be involved, even Joe Liang also actively signed up.

Qiao Liang's timid is a name. In order to pass the end of this project, he also experienced a fierce ideological struggle. And this registration is so active, let Chen Kang Du have experienced Qiao Liang as anger, so he deliberately agreed.

Chen Kanguo made a specialized costume to these responsible people, and set the ghosts on the body.

These leather cases are well prepared, and in the dark horror environment of the ghost house, the degree of scares directly explode.

However, if you wear, the problem is not big, as long as you are in the mirror, you will say everything.

At this time, Chen Kang Tuo is in charge of the last communication with the responsible people.

"Finally, I confirm it again. Everyone should be responsible for their own areas, keep in mind the organs inside, don't scare themselves."

"Everyone will send a small communicator, I will conduct real-time commands in the headset, everyone can always act freely, but when you hear instructions, be sure to do it according to my instructions."

"Let's have to accompany your bag, understand?"

The responsible people said in Qi: "Understand!"

There are Xiao Peng, Yu Yuchen, Huang Sibo and fruit, and other person in charge, such as ,,, Successfully completed.

Each area has a wide variety of organs, there is a certain trigger mechanism.

The staff of the ghosts must be firmly remember in advance, avoid triggering, or at least a psychological preparation in advance, even if it is triggered, it will not be scared.

Otherwise, visitors have not come, I accidentally put themselves into high blood pressure and neurasthenia, have you?

Xiao Peng smiled slightly: "Do not worry, we have been looking forward to a long time for this day! And we have also seen a detailed program, I have been in the top two days, it is absolutely no loss!"

Chen Kangdom nodded.

These responsible people are different from Bao Xu, Baoxu may only ask a part of the design plan, it should be difficult to see a complete plan, and even if you see a complete plan, there is no way to go to the site to see the field.

This thing is still very different from the designs and field investigation.

Many scary things are mainly visually. After reading it, the next time, the effect of the horror will be greatly weakened.

The responsible people have explored several times in the ghost house two days ago, and the position of various key props and the organs is on the chest.

Why is it to occupy an advantage over the first incoming Baixu?

Thinking of this, Chen Kang Duo has made: "Okay, everyone can wear the props, let's go inside the collection."


After half an hour, the responsible people have already all.

Each person is responsible for a small area, and the ghosts wearing the ghosts, and the style of this area is very close, and a little bit of a cat can be perfectly integrated, it is difficult to find.

This allows them to have a great advantage in the encounter.

Ghost wraps have rich features, but these headers can not only communicate with Bluetooth headsets, but also have a micro audio device to make very horrible sounds.

This will not have the kind of tourist forcing to make a closer, and the person in charge of the ghost is unable to scare tourists.

"Everyone is all, Bao Ge has entered from the main entrance."

Chen Kanguo's voice came from the earphones, many of the person in charge immediately, some were hidden in the organ, and some were founded to be integrated with the environment, patiently waiting for the arrival of Baosao.


At this time, Baosao walked into the entrance to the foreign tour.

The surface is stable as a old dog, and it is a batch of hearts.

Although Baosao has simply read the design plan of the entire project, remember that the design is still very different from the end of the body.

Seeing the surrounding layout, I feel that I seem to step into a mysterious unknown and dangerous space step by step, and the fear of the inner is naturally excited, which is difficult to keep calm.

However, Baixu has also tried to tell himself, there is a camera everywhere, Chen Kanguo's group is definitely monitored his actions, ready to look at your joke, so it is absolutely can't take.

Walking from the entrance, first is a long channel.

The design of this "foreign tour" project is not the same as before the project.

The previous three tariff projects were transformed directly with a single waste plant, and the factory buildings used in the ultimate horror were the largest.

And this "foreign tour people" project used several plant, but only the intermediate special channels all connect them all.

This does not have to worry about the feeling of playing from a factory to another, and create a dangerous stressed horror atmosphere, which makes people feel completely trapped in time and space isolated.

After a long channel, Baosao felt that his tight nerves were a bit could not stand.

The central area of ​​this project is the largest, and it can also be regarded as a so-called living area. Here is a common industry that is touched fish net coffee, touch fish.

The surrounding distribution is some more dangerous locations, such as Huangquan, evil spirits, etc., are all highly difficult clues, need to arrive through some channels.

Visitors have been from the long channel at the entrance to the central area of ​​the whole ghost house, and the long channel will be temporarily closed after entering.

So after the horror passage of such a long section, although there is no scary ghost, it has accumulated a lot of mental stress.

When I walked to the end of the long channel, the gate of the gate '' fell a huge sound

When you rang, more than half of the tourists can't help but call. This is the first time of the new project of "foreign tour people".

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