Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1618, ask the tourists to complete the challenge independently, don't ask ghosts!

The fruit is unfortunately.

Isn't it? The director script is not written.

According to the common sense, I screamed suddenly, and I came to a big shout, and I made a terrible movement. Baixu should immediately be scared, and even the rolling belt crawled away?

As a result, Baowu not only didn't run, but it was still getting almost.

The key fruit is sincere and there is no way, he has done everything you can do.

Can you really take a slaughter knife?

Moreover, this butcher is just a props, and it is not a real butcher knife.

It's a bit stretching, and I want to go.

I haven't got out of two steps, and I have been Cheng Xu, I have said: "Oh, don't go. Laoshi, hurry to tell me where to hide the gym, save me."

The fruit is shocked!

Good guy! Are you a bag to face your nose?

"Please pay the challenge independently, don't ask ghosts!"

The fruit is clear and a black line.

However, Baixu did not let him go, it is completely dead skin.

There is a honesty, and the power training area of ​​the full white bones, then grab a huge white bone dumbbell, and the bed is a group.

Then he looked to Baoxu, indicating that he was the same.

This turn is forced!

"What is your child? Do you make me feel here?"

According to the monster of Cheng Cheng, I was very intimate to remove the dumbbell film and transferred to the weight of Baoxu.

Baixu's mouth is slightly twitching, and begins quickly.

In the end, it is more cost-effective after being a series of strength training in accordance with the requirements of the fruit. Still ignoring the foundation, you can find a clue in this Tuan gym?

After speaking for a long time, he decided to choose the former.

So, Bao Xu under the gaze of this monster, the power training of .


After more than half an hour, Baoxu supported the wall out of the gym.

Before leaving, he gave me about the thumbs up.

Because if it is not helpful, he really does not necessarily find this clue.

This gym is called the gym. As the name suggests, there is a huge coffin inside, and it can be pulled, just like some conventional strength training equipment.

Baoxu can choose to pull this coffin, but there will be no matter what happens.

The correct approach is to lying in this coffin, and this time the ghost in the gym will appear, will keep the coffin, and reach a certain number of times, this clue will fall from the level.

It is not too difficult to overcome the darkness of phobia, as long as I can overcome the claustrophobia, the coffin can be done in the chair, and you can complete the task.

Only people should not think of this neuropathy brain circuit.

Although Baowu was worked, he got this clue under the guidance of the fruit. Leave the gym.

Responsible people have already fooled!

"Guo, you are so shameful, how can you?"

"Yeah, not only didn't scare Baoxu, but it also gave him directly!"

"Coach, can you be inserted into our crowd in our crowd?"

"Yeah, this is not a woman's benevolent."

According to Cheng Cheng, I will argue: "Everyone misunderstood, I do this, but I don't have anything else."

"I think we have to adjust the strategy, and you may not be scared in person. Because Bao Ge has psychological expectations, I feel that there is a living thing that will be able to play, so, how can he be afraid? ? "

"So I think we are still as much as possible to use the scene elements, and enter the interactive performance phase in advance. Another thing, I have consumed the physical strength of Bao Ge through the fitness, and now Bao Ge has run, then The next thing we have to do will become very simple! "

Chen Kanguo attached to: "Yes, I feel that the practice of the coach is very right! On the surface, it is only a few sets of fitness actions, but he has got a clue in this area, but he is very large. I have consumed my own physical strength, I clear that we are more profitable. "

"And the fruit coach has indeed proven, and some action is probably a special frightener that is very big. We have to hurry to upgrade."

"Okay, everyone listened to my order, ready to act. I want to take the brother to be more exciting place."


Bao Xuhou walks, while you can read the text on the clue strip with a dim light.

I didn't expect it just a small background story.

Simply, this is originally an ordinary gym, although the boss is not much income, no child, or one person. But the days are very happy.

One day, the gym owner found an abandoned orphan at the door, so she took him home to adopt. But shortly, this gym has frequent missing events: the sewer often has large blocks of hair clogging, and a series of strange events.

However, no matter where the investigation is investigated.

And the orphan that was originally raised was growing up with unexpected speed. It quickly became a burly giant, it became more and more unlike people, finally one day, he covered blood silk eyes The boss of the gym ...

After reading the entire story, the mouth is slightly twitching.

I want this cottage atmosphere.

It took so big to do three major items, and I have been broken, and the result gave such a clue.

Baoxao took this small note to look at it, and found that there was basically no other content in addition to this background story, and there was no guidance root.

"That is to say, the ghost that appears in the gym is the unusual child who is adopted."

"So I want to find the next clue, I should go to the door of the gym to find it."

Baixu considers that there is no useful content in this background story. About the content in the gym should not be used, so the only thing that can be used is this ghost.

So he came to the door of the gym, looking for a closer look for a long time, finally found another clue behind a different wall tile.

This clue has changed, it is no longer a story background of pure text, but turns into a picture, from the structure, it should be a lazy apartment next to it. A special room number is marked on the picture.

Baoxao took a sigh of relief and went to the lazy apartment while pondering.

According to reason, Liang Guangfan work is busy, and before, it has been arranged to be arranged. It should have no time to attract the hostel.

I don't know which person in the lazy apartment will be waiting for him?


Like the mole nets, the lazy apartment has also been carried out in deep transformation.

The signboard of the door lazy apartment has become shabby, and it is completely seen by the fresh red blood stains.

There are all kinds of debris inside the apartment, and there is only one trail to barely enter.

There is no need to register without the front desk. It is good to be in the area of ​​this apartment, but it doesn't have a strict accordance with the way of lazy apartment, just a scene of temporary construction. The first floor has many rooms that can't be opened, decorated into a variety of murder sites.

The second floor is the place that is really able to use, but the conditions are not good, just a small single room.

Before Baoxao arrived, the two people who have already dressed as a ghosts and Chen Kang Tuo have been ambush in advance.

Chen Kanguo is still unfinished, he is said: "I will reiterate our action plan again."

"First of all, you hide at the end of the 2nd floor. The room is patient. The room is the best condition, the most all kinds of rooms. And you can see some clues from the door, Bao Ge should not let go."

"Wait until Bao Ge came to the first floor, I will give him a door to kill. But I will definitely not be as shameful like fruit, this time I will interact with the mechanism arranged by the scene, manufacture more terrible results, You will definitely take the bag to you. "

"After such a bag, he will definitely calm down and slowly search. At this time, it will come to you."

"There are prior prior prior prior to the bed, you first hide in the cabinet, wait for the bag to explore the body, you will press the switch in the cabinet, let the body fraud. And in Bao Ge was scared. You suddenly rushed out from the cabinet and gave him two scared! "

"I think this should be scared to hop?"

Qiao Liang nodded: "I think it is also, if I think, if it is me, I may have scared."

Chen Kanguo's gameplay is equivalent to upgrading the degree of scout.

First of all, he will cooperate with the scene mechanism on the first floor and put Baoxu. Even if Ba Xu stands, it will be lightweight, thinking that a scene will only have a ghost, since Chen Kang Duo is already downstairs, then the search should be safe.

The result was found in the fake body in the room, and the fake body suddenly moved, first scared him, on this bones, Qiao Liang suddenly killed, it should be able to play a good spiritual damage!

Two people are shining, they are ready.


After a while, Baoxao arrived.

He walked through the messy hall of the lazy apartment and started to go inside.

The structure of this surmarine lazy apartment is relatively special. After the entrance is coming in, it is a corridor. I will see the stairs to the 2nd floor.

In other words, you must take all the rooms all over again to the 2nd floor.

Mainly there are too many roads. There are too many choices for tourists. It is not visible to all rooms.

Baosao is very cautious.

The door of these rooms is close, some are unshailed, and the situation outside the door is different. Some stack of debris, some are filled with blood.

He took the previous clue, simply looked at it, just tick it with a red circle, within this range, there are two rooms in the 1, 2 layers.

It seems that I want to get the next clue, I have to search these four rooms once.

The position of these four rooms is just a position at the farthest staircase. The first floor is at the entrance of the hall, not far, and the room in the 2nd floor is to climb from the stairs to the end of the corridor.

Baixu saw the situation in the two rooms, a blood, a blood, no blood.

He already has a hunch, there is definitely a room is organic, and even a person in charge of a ghost is hidden in the room.

But what is the specific room?

According to commonly managed, the general bridges of horror film are most dangerous, and there is a safe place in the room.

But it is also said that Chen Kang Tu uses this to lead him to hook?

Baoxu considered to thirteen, and finally selected to push the blood.

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