Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1649 As long as there is a dream (at the end of the month, additional monthly tickets)

From that day, the protagonist has lived on the life of the trash, and found it in the trash can.

Sometimes his shoes are stolen to walk on the road barefoot, sometimes it will be robbed, he hits the resistance. There is no police to take a dispute between the tramp.

But even so, he has always remembered his mother's teachings. To be a kind person, don't hurt others, so good stone will have been entry into force and protect him.

Until that day, the two stranders mistakenly contramed this stone wearing a value of money, and joined the stone to take the stone. The protagonist chased, and I have been chasing the underground passage and killed two people in the fierce fight.

Since then he joined the gang, I finally done every task, gradually broke out.

He didn't know if the good stones would bless themselves, but they still always carry it.

The post-film movie is in a montage of the active activity of the protagonist at different stages.

That is, it is constructed along with a series of associated or irregular lenses, thereby manifesting the behavior of different time periods.

The protagonist receives the task execution task from the connector.

The protagonist publishes a task to the new hand.

The protagonist is ambushed by other gangs during the execution task, and fortunately escapes.

The protagonist is ambushed to other gang members who are performing tasks and rusade.

The protagonist is caught up by other gangs and powerful firepower, just like the dog's dog, rolling the bullets in the lower water ditch.

Under the protagonist, the hand was fired toward the enemy of the four sieves, and the gang members who fled and escaped.

The original protagonist saw the partner bleeding, dying, and he was also tortured, and his grief expression was revealed.

The lametles stand in the perspective of the perpetrators, and they looked at all in the face, even personally tortured those kidnapping.

Originally, the gang office used to interview him also became the protagonist private place, and that gang was replaced by the protagonist.

However, one day he made a huge mistake.

One of the skins of the hand grabs a batch of goods delivered to the wind logistics, and the result of the company's corporate army kills to the door, and put the whole gang.

The protagonist is fortunate to die, but how many hard work is destroyed once.

He barely gathered a lot of gangs left, and looked at the armed floating empties that were far from the wind logistics.

The huge Tenda Group LOGO brings a suffocating oppression.

This also makes him realize that even if you pay more, you are still just a mouse in the ditch. Occasionally, I can't change anything, I want to climb out from the ditch, he wants to find another way.

On the night of the defeat, he looked up again and looked at the vicked neon cloud.

The clouds that floats floating on the skyscraper seem to be like a talent, and the lower layer is completely separated from the upper layer.

The reason for this cloud is also very simple, just those who live in the upper level, people don't want to see. The underlying city underdeveloped dirty chaos.

They are traveling through the floating empty trucks, from the upper layer of a skyscraper to another skyscraper. For them, the entire world is a beautiful world floating on the cloud. I don't want to influence my own view of this city.

From that day, the protagonist will be determined, and at all costs will climb to the clouds to go to those skyscrapers to see the real sun.

Immediately, the movie uses a long space to show the powerful personal capabilities and execution of the protagonist.

Although the entire gang was picked up by Tengda Group, the protagonist once again organized the street blending with his ability to pass his own people, and played in Dongshan.

This time he is careful to expand his business, accumulate the necessary resources, while looking for a suitable target candidate.

He wants to find a plan to make a group of trendo challenges with a high similarity of height, and a look.

Just starting to know what he didn't know if he was looking for these people, thinking is to find an enormous umbrella in the upper rich business, and the result did not expect the protagonist to think more.

Because of the identity of the gang leader to find the umbrella, perhaps the business will expand quickly in a short period of time, but once the problem occurs, it will be abandoned immediately.

The big chess is also chess, and the protagonist thinks that he has become a chess.

Finally, after full preparation, the protagonist focused on a young man. This rich is an emerging rich, there is not much powerful forces, he is energetic, active, and adventurous.

The protagonist seems to have seen his shadow on this young man.

The protagonist is very clear, this kind of adventure, let this young rich can get another victory again and again, and this adventurous spirit will provide yourself with an excellent opportunity.

Using the young rich and safe awareness, the protagonist collected many related information, looking for a cosmetic doctor and a doctor doctor, constantly transforming his body, transforming his own body, getting closer to the rich business.

At the same time, the protagonist also imitates the young versatus walking and speaking, and even bought the most advanced vapsers until they have become the rich.

In fact, these two people are in the road, but their character is very different.

The young richest light is always a bright image, and it seems to be full of tolerant kindness and no shortage of adventure and firm persistent quality.

Now it is the protagonist of the gang leader, it is a fierce and spicy image, a uncomfortable desperate.

One day, on the way to the rich, the floating car fails to cause a car accident. However, he still participated in the meeting in peace and sound and talked at the meeting, and successfully contributed to the contract.

Just sitting on the floating car after the meeting, he gently touched his chest.

Follow the rhythm of the film get pleasure. Replacing the protagonist of the rich, starting the improvement of the big knife, on the one hand, continue to expand the company's business, on the other hand, it will continue to make a black money earned by the previous gang.

He has finally finally got rid of the underground ditch, and became the people above the cloud.

The protagonist becomes more and more unlike yourself, it is more like that wealth, and even the spectators will have an illusion, think this seems to be two actors play.

The protagonist can not only make the rich in the well, but even some new ideas, and develop new business, the company has further developed.

The protagonist pretending to be rich to begin frequently in various occasions, and he seems to be more and more accustomed to playing this role.

But soon, he encountered a new problem. Whenever he tried to enter a new field, he would find that Tengda Group was waiting there.

Whether you want to use everything in any business, he cannot use all business means to make any danger of Tenda Group's business.

In turn, Tengda Group wants to take away the business from his hand, but it is easy to justice.

In other words, as long as he makes a score in one aspect, Tengda Group will immediately come to pick a fruit. With Tenda Group, he can only eat some leftovers.

However, there is no wallless wall in the world, even if the protagonist is done, it is seamless, and it will eventually have an assembly day.

There is no direct depiction and process of the protagonist in the movie. But in many ways, there is a hint, such as the actor inadvertently stroking the chest, such as some of the protagonists in some omissions, or the protagonist in some problems in some problems, and there is still a subtle but Deadly Differences.

No one knows when the protagonist is exposed, and no one knows which partners or competitors have reported.

In short, a heavy rainy night, the protagonist is in the top of the skyscraper, and the rain is drinking red wine, looking out the rain outside the window.

Suddenly, I called, and there was fire between the gang. The other party seems to be prepared, and is a very important warehouse in the siege of the protagonist.

The protagonist is furious, with the bodyguards of their own company and the mercenaries that come to, and take the floating car to the bottom floor.

The bodyguards of the protagonist strong Ma Zhuang, the weapon is sufficient, and the gang of the gang can be said to be handed.

After arriving, the other party's gang members did not fight.

However, just sitting in the protagonist and drinking red wine, thinking that everything is spent. Suddenly discovered that densely lamelif enforcement units in the sky - Tengda Group's Enterprise Army. Slide all people, and the scene of the gun battle has also been recorded in full recording.

The iron movement is like a mountain, and these law enforcement units immediately fire to the gang members and bodyguards under the protagonist. The protagonist is indignant, but the difference between the two sides is too obvious.

Obviously, Tengda Group is to take all the strengths of the protagonist. Solve problems in the most appropriate way, and no fishing net fish is allowed.

The protagonist launched a floating car in the desperation, but the Law enforcement unit of Tengda Group was chasing, and more of the aids were coming.

The protagonist returns to the apartment in the top floor, takes out the most powerful weapons, and is responsive. With a clean and neat hand, several law enforcement units of Tenda Group were knocked.

But subsequent awards quickly arrived, facing the overwhelming law enforcement unit and drone, the protagonist felt despair.

He didn't want to die in these machines, so and fight, he came to the top floor of the rooftop, leap in despair.

He finally looked at the sky of the rainy night, and then fell, he clearly saw the clouds below the closer.

At this time, he does not need to play a rich, and it seems to change back to the wanderer. He felt that he was still the mouse in the ditch. Although I am lucky to climb to the cloud, I will always retrans back in the ditch one day, and I will not turn over.

His hand explored to the chest, want to take out the lucky stone, and finally look at it. But at this time, it has been surrounded by the air group, and he fell into a fireworks.

And the stone is through the cloud, and finally falls on the ground, completely crushing.

A stray man who was frozen from frozen shit with iron barrels. The tramp was shocked, he stretched his head and didn't see anything.

Because the rainstorm has given the stone's debris to the two net.

He looked up with confusion and looked at the sky, but there was still a cloud of clouds, can't see what happened to the upper part of the building, only seeing the faintness and shining.

Some disappointments have been disappointed again, tremble with fire.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the footsteps of the not far away, and rushed to the whole person to indent it into the garbage heap next to it.

Several young gang members are holding wine, drunk.

"I didn't expect that the little people like our lives can also do things for Tengda."

"Yeah, although some adventures have died a few brothers, we also got the gang of gangs."

"There will always be a few days of our brothers to get out of the world, becoming a real person!"

Several young gang members are drunk. One of them looked up to see the skyscrapers next to them.

"I don't know when we can also buy a luxury apartment on the top floor?"

Another gang member haha ​​laughed: "Dream! As long as there is a dream, we can climb to the top of the building sooner or later!"

The lens climbs from under topping, crossing the confusing streets and worn buildings, and crossing the clouds of the central center, eventually come to the sky.

The whole city lights are clear, a bustling scene.

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