Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1657, laughter, laughter, playing GG

September 26, Thursday.

Shengyun Group Headquarters Meeting Room.

The bosses including Nie Yunsheng, Lu Xiaoping, and Zheng Hao.

It is just that the expression on each face is incomparable.

Because from yesterday, online public opinion has once again reversed.

Originally they have basically reached their goals with "my property", and the overall public opinion trend is very beneficial.

But now, everything has changed.

Lu Xiaoping is interpreting "the future of your choice" with a hot topic on the Internet.

Yesterday, Qiao Nihe sent out this initiative in the video, soon triggered the enthusiastic response of everyone. Regardless of the major film review websites or video websites, or for microblogging and other public social platforms, everyone is interpreting from their own angles and understanding, interpreting the connotation of "The future" game and movies.

Many of them are discussions related to "My Property" movies and the anti-Relie Union.

"That is to say, the situation is reversed, just starting everyone to think that" your choice of the future "movie and games are all the bureaus of the public opinion battle of the anti-anti-anti-Randing League, but now it is not that the total is not. Put the anti-Three Alliance as its own opponent. "

"Yes, I always want to win the anti-reactionarity alliance too simple, so the total goal is to position in Tengda Group itself."

"Instead, it is the case of the invisible will of the incomplete will to the intention of the power of the Returning Union.

"From this point, the anti-Tongren alliance is also in the general. They really put it into a movie that makes a piece of income and reputation, but the views of this movie and the summary of the general It is exactly consistent. In fact, it has always been a perfect cooperation. "

"You can see a paradox of the anti-Three League: If you don't play in the way, then they stand in the opposite side of ordinary consumers, will never win. But if they play in the way, in turn It turned into Tengda's helper and comrades. "

"In fact, it can be analyzed: that invisible will, which is the capital of the proliferation. It has already been home to the company's company, so when Tengda Group has developed, it constitutes a threat and challenge, it The primary goal is to suppress Tenda Group, whether through a commercial means or a means of public opinion. Once the anti-Three union is lost, this invisible will will abandon them quickly, and seek to live in Tengda Group. "

"So, the film surface of the anti-Three Alliance" My Property "is attacking Tengda Group, but in-depth analysis, I found their own situation and problem, and more than Tengda Group should be serious. It is actually criticizing themselves. "

"And the general is the opportunity to block the enemy, through a game and a movie, plus the external movie to cooperate. Point out the existence and harm of this invisible will. Although no one is currently available Clearly say how this problem is solved, but it is the first step in recognizing the problem. "

"Hey, from this point, the anti-Miped Union is really unobstructed by the wisdom of a person."

"Yeah, the business warfare is fighting, the public opinion war is also playing. The most important thing is that when the anti-Tong League is also concentrated in these very skin-looking, the has always seen a deeper layer, which has been consciously uses this battle. To do more than a more much ambitious goal, the pattern of both parties is really not only a layer. "

"Therefore, it is true that it is the wonders who can not be out of the world, not only in just 4 years, Tengda will become a big thing in business, but it is a real business genius, but it is more difficult to be worthy of other business geniuses. Have an ultra high view. "

"Other commercial genius is a huge wealth when you build a giant company. It is a kind of self-satisfaction. It is a kind of natural superiority like Zheng Hao. It is considered that it should be enjoyed. This step is a kind of vigilance, feeling unprecedented crisis. "

"Yes, the other companies can actually be seen as a host that is completely parasitic by the invisible will. The front of the boss is the company's president, mastering the power of the company, looking at the power of personal wealth Accumulation and growth, enjoy the material enjoyment of huge wealth to themselves. But don't know the decisions made by themselves, actually the options made of the invisible will. "

"After a kingdom, it is in the moment, it has been destined to have the decline."

"Only like , always stay vigilant, always look at the leader of the longevity, future business leaders. The people who really control the company are the owner of capital."

"I have a very important discovery, that is, after I propose this issue, I actually solve a hazard of the unresolved question, is the danger of monopoly."

"The Anti-Randing Union has been inducing everyone to vigilance against Tengda, and the reason is that Tengda Group has a monopoly trend in increasing industries, and monopoly natural is not good. So to resist."

"But after the presence of this invisible will, we think that the monopoly is not good."

"I think this is the key to the power after the monopoly, who is in the hand? Take electricity as an example, our country's grid can cover remote rural, and high voltage transmission technology has always been the world. The power supply has been stable, rest assured The situation is less and less. And the power industry in some countries is private, theoretical is fully competitive. But there will be snow and high-cost electricity, and the power facilities are lost for a long time, and even different areas. The grid cannot be shared between the grid. "

"Which one is better?"

"Similarly, the excuse to attack Tenda is nothing more than Tengda Group. However, we carefully think about it, if Tenda has won the total market share, it is still able to provide the best quality to everyone. Service, and can also make greater results through resource allocation, then this result is not good? "

"And revealed that the company did not reach a monopoly, but they have a heart to make money, improve profits, and have not provided good service. Although competition is sufficient, all companies in the industry are the same."

"Do you have this so-called full competition industry?"

"So it is meaningless from monopoly or non-monopoly to discuss. Good companies are not monopolized, which will not fully distribute resources in all regions, will inevitably cause huge development and imbalance. After the corporate monopoly, will change the sharp depression, trigger More disaster. "

"Therefore, the key is what kind of company is the company, the representative is the will of the capital or the will of the people?"

"The key issue now is that we have to work hard and have to curb the shadow brought by the invisible will on the Tenda Group. As long as Tenda Group still stands on the side of ordinary consumers, even other garbage on the market. How is the company rushed again? In turn, if a day Tenda Group is no longer standing on the consumer, it is parasitic by the invisible will. So Tengda Group, whether it is a small, regardless of How much market status is occupied, it should be resolutely destroyed! "

"It's too right, before, everyone tangled in the market status and monopoly trend, in fact, these companies that were retroled by the anti-Three League were biased. Talking about the nature, do not talk about the nature, talk about market status, It is a rogue. "

"Everyone's interpretation is very good. I feel that this discussion should be more extensive in the future, and often read often."

"I announced the official establishment of 'elective" today. Everyone comes to this study and interpretation, so better guidance reality makes the right choice! "

There are still a lot of discussions, but Lu Xiaoping is the most concerned with the part of these companies that reflects the Reliad League.

Even netizens have spontaneously set up a new discipline "election". In short, it is to study the "you choose the future" game and film and the relevant derivatives.

Under the call of Qiao's wet, netizens can say that it is an eight-fairy sea, each showing.

There is a research game detail, with a movie egg. There are also some cases in conjunction with the reality, such as the relevant content of the Sadda Group and the Commercial Warfare Battle of the Returned Union.

In short, all the contents with this topic can be included in the research category of e-learning.

Everyone is recognized is that the two sides of the war in this last war is the general and the invisible will of the Sunda Group.

As for the anti-Three Alliance?

The host that is abandoned by the invisible will, which is actually not qualified to make Tenda enemies.

Because until they have already completely lost, they still don't realize their true problems. It is also looking for a way to attack the enemy Tengda Group, so there will be a bitter movie that is bitter and bitter movie for Tenda.

Not only that, before the anti-Daman Alliance All the brains are thinking of the heads of the Tengda Group do not attack.

Because in front of the whole direction of the whole direction, the attack angle that the anti-Three union thinks is too weak.

This is as if they have a lot of a needle to take a lot of a needle to Tengda Group, and they have a blood, and feel that they have fruitful.

I can turn again, and I have a face of "I", I will take the big chopper to myself.

Obviously no one will take this group of people holding the needle as the enemy of Tengda.

I have sent a lot of comments, Lu Xiaoping sighed and threw the phone on the table.

This time is the real mountain is exhausted.

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