Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1662, maybe I don't have me to be better?

October 20, Sunday.

Unknown restaurant.

Today is the days of Tenda Group. The person in charge of all departments gathered together, while eating snacks, drinking tea, waiting for the total arrival.

Although the 20th of each month is the day of the fixed chart, today's person in charge, the gathering of everyone felt a different unusual atmosphere.

It is the most important thing in these person in charge, so for the current situation, it is not particularly known, and the Huang Sibo sitting around him.

"Yellow brother, you all said that this time may have an important thing to announce, why? Is this not a regular dinner?"

Since the "future" game and movie have been successful, the novels whose synonymous novels are also high.

For the readers, it can be said to be a very successful transformation from a novel author. There are even many people who persuade him, or don't write a novel, or have a few good games!

So that the flying is still in a very entangled state, he feels that he can make such a game, mainly because of the general guidance. I have no strength, but on the other hand, he feels slowly to feel the happiness in making games, and feel that it has always been a game producer to write a novel, and it seems that it is not bad.

Especially in the special atmosphere of Tengda Group, it is possible to grow rapidly under the guidance of, let him feel that the current state is very good!

Just this time it looks a very regular person who gave him a unusual atmosphere, so I wanted to find the answer in Huang Sbo.

Huang Sbo as one of the veteran of Tenda Group, and the earliest number of employees with the total. He is obviously more sensitive than the wind direction.

He drunk the tea and said: "After the" you choose the future "game and movie success, I haven't been there for more than half a month."

"Even if I arrived at the company, I stayed in a quiet office in the president, rarely shouted the responsible person of the department, explained work or questions."

"This time, although it seems to be a regular dinner, the patriaries have come to come, and they must be announced."

Yu Fei suddenly: "Oh, is this the summary of the situation you often say?"

"That is to say, the summary of the next period of time, I want to open up new business, or in depth of the company?"

Huang Sbo shook slightly: "I think things are not so simple."

"It is indeed that the next phase of the next phase is always in advance when it is in the Savory, but this time the total response is abnormal."

"After each success, the total will soon be able to give the next stage plan. But this time, the total thinking is very long, and did not ask the person in charge, this shows that the total thinking is very likely. Not a business problem, but some more and more complicated issues. "

"And the dinner of this person in charge, the general may announce the next stage of the plan."

"This plan may be very bizarre, very unexpected, to be mentally prepared in advance."

It nodded in flying, which has a wake-up understanding for the current situation.

He carefully combed the work of the Tenda gaming department in recent months, and also guess what brand new plan will be given.

Everyone is talking, I am always there.

Responsible people have gotten up, but the balance is to show their hands to sit down.

Since the reason, I've got a little, I found that the total expression is a bit serious, and I haven't seen it for some time. I always seem to have a bit, I don't know if it is his illusion.

It may be that it is indeed a very complicated issue, so how much energy is spent?


The responsible people listened seriously, although there is a little thing in the mouth, everyone knows that this is certain! Otherwise I will send a notice? There is no need to engage in such a big battle.

said: "The first thing. In the next two months, it is until the end of December, our departments should engage in a negative profit."

"That is to say, trying to make a way to send users, expand the production scale, layout new industries, etc., so that the profits of this department becomes a negative value."

"If you do not affect the company's cash flow, you will be as low as possible to the lowest possible, and the turnover rate is highest!"

"Every year later, you must have such an activity. Everyone should always remember that Tenda's account does not need to stay with so many funds!"

"Because the book is lying on the book represents that we are causing a huge resource waste, all departments must keep this."

"Every department will not only make money, but also to spend money!"

"The second thing. From today, everyone should try to get used to it, so that the work will be successfully advanced. Let Tenda Group can continue to develop along the previous route."

"Because I will come back to the company two months."

"And from January next year, I will leave Jingzhou."

"I may go anywhere in this world, for a year, but I will not be back for another year later."

"So you have to get used, my company does not exist."

His remark, responsible people in an uproar.

In fact, many people have been in charge of the psychological preparation well in advance, Pei always think this is definitely a major matter announcement, but then either how they prepare themselves, I can not even think of the total Pei would say such words!

The negative profit activities although a little strange, but the corporate culture and corporate values ​​Tengda Group, the idea is also to understand. People in charge of their own can come up with a variety of interpretations.

For example, to pay attention to social responsibility, to wealth back to the community, we should always pay attention to cash flow ratio, to ensure that the speed of development of the company and so on.

For the people in charge, the department how much to spend much money, originally from the overall consideration of the total Pei. Now instead of their own departments to spend money, although it will be balanced in terms of efficiency and inconvenience. But for the people responsible for it, which is obviously gives them more rights, let them in dealing with this sector, even more handy.

The key is the second point.

Pei always turned to leave Tengda Group!

First two months, not to the company, the next year the state will leave Beijing, he would not even come back a year later.

How you can do it?

Although Tengda Group is now a business covering various fields, stretching across the country and even overseas development of giant companies. But people still think the company is responsible for growing up under the wings of the total Pei, Pei did not have the backbone corporation would not it?

Just like a building the dump situation.

Although the work of all departments Tengda Group in the implementation of their own, we usually pay up report on the work, I do not know the total Pei looked in the end did not see. But every crucial moment, Pei always always come out, against all the odds, to turn the tide, let Tengda Group went the right way up.

Pei always do is work of policy makers, this is the most important work.

All are company-wide can be replaced, with the exception of PEI can not always be replaced!

It's like the empire to flourish, the prime of life, the emperor suddenly announced that henceforth will ignore the affairs of state, buried Cultivation is a faithful minister can not accept.

Huang Sibo ignorant particular force, he raised his hand and asked blankly: "? Pei total, you mean you want to retire."

These words are not his own letter.

Twenties founder, decided to retire to achieve financial freedom was by no means uncommon, but the founder of the company generally will choose to retire after re-sell.

But mostly because these people think the company under his leadership has been difficult to go further, not greater development, it might as well have served its purpose, to achieve financial freedom in advance, go the other direction to find the meaning of life.

If a company has evolved into a large number of giants, all the fields are all war, and they are unleading, and they are deeply supported by all customers. In this case, which founder will retire?

The company is the heart of this founder! In the premise of broad development prospects, how can the founder will assure the company to others to operate?

What's more, the so-called realization of freedom of wealth is retired. This is obvious to completely cut work and life.

Only think that work is to make money, it will be so thinking about talents who enjoy life.

For those goals that will be deemed to have struggle, even the highest meaningful people they exist, they all have been dry until they don't move, and even after the retirement, they will also maintain the company. control.

From any aspect, always wants to retire, it is very unreasonable!

Yan Qian shook his head: "It is not necessary to retire, just in the case of not necessarily, it will not interfere with the company's specific business."

Saying straightforward is the corpse, still sitting in the president, but there is nothing to do.

I heard this, the responsible people relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, as long as the total is still the president of Tengda Group, then everyone has a constant bone. When you encounter key questions, you will always feel that someone will give yourself.

Yu Fei is the most important, he slowly raised his hand: "But if you are not in Beijing, I will encounter problems in the company's department business, what should I do?"

Yan Qian smiled: "You can ask Huang Sibo or other person in charge, there is a problem that there is a problem that is difficult to solve, and the person in charge will discuss it. Will discuss a relatively reliable conclusion."

"There is no need to pursue everything is good, and it is important for it now, it is important to enter, but more importantly, it is not forgotten!"

"Maybe there is no blend, can you make the Tenda Group more developed?"

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