September 5th, Sunday.

Touching the fish net coffee for the Handong University store.

Qiao Liang looked at the smile of smiling, the words stopped, stop, stop, forgetting.

Yan Qian smiled: "If you want to say something, you don't matter, I am a designer who is good at listening to others."

Joe Liang's mouth slightly picked, my heart thinks silently, um, this is not doubtful.

Last Qiao Liang said some of his own views, the game quickly updated, and the changed place was heated with his proposed local height, and the degree of coincidence was as high as 99%.

Only the only problem is that all are retrofit!

Qiao Liang wants to let Yan Qian enhance other cold doors, and the results are cutting hot arms;

Qiao Liang wants to let Yan Qian reduce the difficulty of the previous scene, and the result is the difficulty of the scenes in the back of the scene.

I've been right, he is really a designer who is good at listening to others, but listening to suggestions, it seems that it must be modified according to the proposal ...

For three days, Qiao Liang is simply in a hot in the water.

The balance adjustment of "back is the shore" forced him to continue to suffer, because the weapon that is good at it is not easy to use, can only continue to develop new weapons.

Moreover, the difficulty of the back scene is increased, and the progress of the game of Qiao Liang has been in a period of time. Even the scene can be easily brushed, and now the color of the soul is also greatly reduced. If you accident, you will turn your car.

In short, the original gaming experience becomes very bad!

However, afterwards, Qiao Liang thoughtfully thought of it. I felt that I can't never blame, and I blamed myself too much.

Just say that the firewood and the cricket don't say it is, I hope to strengthen other cold doors.

This is likely to cause a misunderstanding.

Therefore, Qiao Liang has already set up ideas. This time, it must be struggling in front of the bail, indicating his attitude!

"Some, I can ask some opinions as a game experience official, should I ask for some comments?" Qiao Liang asked.

Yan Qian smiled nodded: "Of course you can."

"That's good."

Qiao Liang was construed: "The balance of the previous time is adjusted, I personally feel that there may be less suitable ..."

"Well? Why do you say this?" Yu Qian asked, "After the last adjustment, the balance is really true?"


Qiao Liang did not turn over the bend.

If you consider from the use of weapons, balance is really better. The existence of the firewood and crickets is too strong, and other weapons are too cold.

Now, the firewood and crickets are also garbage as other weapons, which is very balanced.

"Hey, the balance is really better, but ... the weapons used by the weapons are also very good, this ..." Job is very confused.

Yan Qian said: "Weaken hot weapons, relatively unveiled weapons. Relativity, you should understand? Almost this truth."

Qiao Liang: "?"

God is relatively good!

Yan Qian continued: "Because the current" back is the shore ", there are dozens of weapons in this game, and the balance of the cold doors is done well."

"If you want to enhance the cold door weapon, you have to enhance dozens, and there may be some too strong weapons after enhancement, which is a serious damage to balance."

"And hot weapons actually only two or three kinds, as long as they cut these two three kinds of all, is it equivalent to enhancing the remaining dozens of weapons?"

"And to maximize the balance of other weapons is not destroyed, it is a very perfect solution."

Qiao Liang: "??"

It's so reasonable ... a ghost!

Qiao Liang suffers from the heart: "Torr, do you have to do this! Can you see what is easy to use. As the saying goes, it is not enough to weaken, good games are cold, no brain cut!"

"Which is only weakened and does not enhance, isn't it hurting the difficulty of the level?" Yu Qian immediately pointed out the mistake of Qiao Laowhe.

Qiao Liang: "... However, this is difficult to add a game!"

Yan Qian smiled: "It is indeed, this is increasing the difficulty of game."

"But the game is difficult, is it a bad thing?"

Qiao Liang stunned.

Of course it is a bad thing!

I play this game every day, I haven't cleared it now, I have been smashed every day. It's hard to find a simple play, and the result is a whole cut for two days, and I have to slowly explore and continue to abuse.

Is this not a bad thing?

Didway Qiao Liang protests, Yan Qian grab steps: "Qiao is wet, you think carefully, the game is difficult, is it a bad thing for your high-end professional players, is it really a bad thing?"

"The difficulty of the game is like the ceiling of the venue. Suppose you and other players are jumping with the athlete, if the ceiling is very low, then you jump up all the" ', hit the ceiling, and no one can jump Higher. "

"You can now improve the ceiling, you can easily divide the winning."

"The difficulty is, which is equivalent to providing a bigger stage like this high-end professional player. You have a bigger space to save the sweat, show talents, and do something that other players can't do."

"This is a bad thing?"

In the face of the summation of the summary, Qiao Liang hit, and then did not help but pan.

Hey, even the general agreement, is it a high-end professional player?

This is very embarrassed!

Qiao Liang's face was compressed and smiled. "Oh, it is not, I am just a little bit hard than other players, seriously ..."

Yan Qian smiled: "Qiao Lao wet, you are too self-modest, like you really strong, of course, it is worth a higher challenge."

"Reduce the difficulty? That is an insult to you really hard-core players! Increase the difficulty, let the game challenge, that is the biggest sincerity for hard players!"

Qiao Liang looked at his screen, and looked at it and read it, he was very serious, and the mood suddenly got up.


Why is it special to find me to play such a difficult game?

Not because of my gaming IQ, the operation is to persist in special trust!

Thinking here, Qiao Liang did not feel that the firewood and the knife were cut by the cut.

As a high-end professional player, it should be proficient in all weapons, only adding one or two best weapons, it is indeed a little outstanding expectation!

After adjusting the mentality, Joe Liang feels that this game seems to be so persuaded.

But Qiao Liang is thinking about another thought, you can stick to it now, because there is a total of being encouraged behind it!

Other players, how can this treatment?

This is a very serious design loophole!

Qiao Liang said to this point: "The general, say this, I have a new suggestion."

"The game is a good game, but I feel that it is too difficult to stick to the player! I am also in your own encouragement to stick to the present, and slowly understand the fun of the game."

"So, is this idea to solve it?"

Yan Qian thought for two seconds: "This is good, I can arrange people immediately."

Qiao Liang did not help but attache.

It is not a matter of, two seconds, I thought of a good solution?

Yan Qian said: "When you can add a link in the game, when the player has opened the plot, he wrote a epitaph. As an encouragement, every death, this sentence will be displayed on the screen, give yourself Drum. "



Qiao Liang faintly feels like, but it is unclear between it.

Yan Qian looked at the table: "Well, the time is almost the same. This time is hard, let's go eat!"

"Ah, ok!"

Qiao Liang is still thinking about this "epitaph" is not right. When I heard that I have to eat, I will forget this in an instant.

It can be full!




Two people get off at Ming Yun private kitchen entrance.

Looking at Qiao Ni wet, I went to the eyes of the food, and I couldn't help but happiness in my heart.

Poor Qiao is old and wet is played with himself, hey, I am really a wicked person.

But when I see the situation around Ming Yun private prince, I am very happy to be happy.

Since the Ming Yun private kitchen, this is still the first time.

In short, it is difficult.

Yan Qian bought a villa that commercial and residential use, with other homes completely separated, there is a separate area, and the vehicle has a separate entrance.

This is the reason why there are several villas don't sell.

However, now, the commercial and residential dual-use villa area near Ming Yun privately, the parking space is full of luxury cars, which is the kind of one less in Beijing.

And not only a luxury car, and some people are taxi.

Because now Ming Yun private kitchen is not only a big boss, there are also some ordinary working class. They only have a good time to run over Sunday, enjoy the food and the services here.

There is still not much people, but compared with the last time, the difference is obvious.

When Qiao was wet, Ming Yun private kitchen did not have other guests at all, it looked very cold, only service is busy.

This time, in addition to the outside parking space stopped, the guests inside the villa have also changed significantly.

I only put four or five tables in the hall, I was very far away, and I was full of people.

The diners are talking to their whispers and enjoy the food seriously.

Everyone is very consciously did not take out the mobile phone, and the atmosphere of the entire hall looks harmonious and natural.

Of course, due to the small seats of Ming Yun private kitchen, even if they are full, the hall is still empty, and they are particularly exciting, all are full of unlike the landlords that are waiting in line outside.

Yan Qian looked in his eyes and hurt.

In his opinion, this group of guests is so annoying, they are not to send money, it is to grab money!

And the Qiao Liang after is as secret.

When I last time, I saw that I was cold and clear, I thought it was a total of my own industries, specialized in entertainment, eating and drinking.

As a result, now is not such a thing, so many guests, so fire, this year has to make a lot of money?

Although the dishes in this place are really delicious, how do I always do so remote private kitchen fire?

I can only feel silently in my heart. It seems that I am not just the game is good, the real business wonderful, that is, no matter which field, I can call the wind!

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