Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 272, Ma Yixian's Suggestions

I sent Joe's wet, and Yan Qian returned to Shenhua Haojing, first to the end of the Terminal in Tengda turned into a circle.

At present, the business of the end of the Chinese network has stabilized, and most people are in a self-entertainment state.

Although the traffic of the website is slow, but the overall, it is still terrible, and there is no sign of improvement in the short term.

In many web forums, the word of mouth in the end of the Chinese network is not good. Most of the authors will see it here as a quite pothoish website, and it is extremely not recommended to come here to mix.

Only those authors that have not worried about this point will regard the finish Chinese network as their preferred because of this dot.

Therefore, the editors are basically only two things.

Review scatter, or entertain yourself.

Of course, some people including Zhu Xing'an are written "back is the shore" official plot, and another form of self-entertainment.

However, because the official novel "turned back" has been put on the homepage, it is also sent to the fancy, if Zhu Xingqian is good, the ability to compress is strong, saying that it is too late to be sprayed.

The reasons for the readers are also very simple, the plot is scattered, messy, nothing cool, people can see a mist.

After all, this stuff is said to be a novel, but it is better to say that the game's story is designed, which is not in line with most readers for the expectation of the online novel.

I am used to this, spray it, anyway, this plot is started for game service.

In addition to the end of the Chinese network, Ma Yisheng is also engaged in the TPDB website.

Seeing the summary, Ma Yun hurriedly poured water and personally reported the recent work.

Five minutes later.

Although Ma Yixun has been trying to beautify the achievements of the Terminal Chinese Network, but Qian is accurately Get to this website still very popular.


"The work of the end of the Chinese network is fruitful, the TPDB website is also very good."

"Don't be too urgent, so continued to keep it."

Yan Qian is very satisfied with the staff of the horse.

Although the horse has a strong business quality, under the reasonable application of the total, it is hard to make his business qualities completely, and have to say that this is a big victory.

From the end of the network, this website has been continuous loss, the reader is very small, and there are not a few indiscriminate authors, which reflects the master's ability to work.

, this is also a minority in our own employees to make people feel relieved!

Seeing that I have a good mood today, the horse is hesitating, don't know if it is always considered.

Considering the thirteen, he decided to open.

"Head, about the end of the Chinese network, I have an idea. Or say, suggestion."

"Oh? Talk." Yu Qian is very surprising, but it is not a big strange.

Although the awareness of the network novel is seriously deviated, he is no problem with the intellectual level of this person.

The CEO for the end of the Chinese network has been so long. He has some own opinions on the development of the website, which is very normal.

Ma Yun said: "Torr, I consider it. The biggest problem in the end of the Chinese network is that middle author revenue is always."

"The underlying author's income is due to the presence of full, so it can also be guaranteed."

"But once the base author wants to go up, walk to the ranks of the middle author, thinking that it is basically impossible to rely on the manuscript, and full-time."

"Because the current readers in our website are too few, it is impossible to produce enough subscriptions, even if these authors write a good book, it will be limited by the website ceiling, it is difficult to really fire."

Yan Qian nodded.

That's right, this is the problem I have already thought of.

The reason why I don't know, it's not to see the website more burn some money ...

But since the horse is coming out, Yan Qian can't be installed. It can only be loaded with the nod to nod to the statement.

After all, smart and wise, I can't even understand this, it is too fake.

Ma Yun continued: "So, I think of a way to improve this."

"We should raise the income of the middle author, and there may be the top authors. If the current subscription reader is not enough, then we will pay for this income to make this income."

"Suppose, there have been a good book on our website. Its actual level is equivalent to the fine level of infinite Chinese network, then we will pay for this author's draft fee."

"This, some underlying authors are not worried that we are buried in our website, will be more self-motivated."

Yan Qian silent for a moment: "It is reasonable. However, if this book does not reach the quality level, how to judge?"

Ma Yun said: "On the one hand, through the data of the website, such as the number of subscribers, including voting, click, etc., including voting, click, etc. on the other hand."

"This thing can only be made by me."

This problem is not a horse, and it is discovered today.

But I think of this solution and encourage courage to come out, not an easy task.

Until at this time, there are still some small bars, very afraid of being angry.

Because he is very clear, this suggestion is a bit bold because the discretion of the self-requested discretion is too big.

Suppose a boutique author's monthly cashle is 10,000, and only hundreds of full-time in the end of the Chinese network, that means that this 10,000 pieces must be completed by the website.

If there are ten, twenty authors have reached the quality level, then the fees that need to be added each month have reached more than 100,000, 20,000, or even more.

These money are all made by Ma Yun.

Although it is also necessary to refer to the website of the website, but the website is now the reader, is it a very simple thing to do in the data?

So in the final analysis, or the horse is decided to give these money.

If people think about it, he fully arranges your relatives and friends to engage in a small, medium translation, one book, and then operate through the dark box, put these contributions to their pockets.

Therefore, this problem proposed by Ma Yun is objective, but this suggestion is somewhat not suitable.

This is an over-idealization plan. Once the performer has a little private heart, it may seriously run, and even a counter-effect.

If the management has a dot corrupt event, it is completely stinking to the name of the website, which is a great risk.

However, Ma Yixun also can't think of something else.

Readers too little, the bottom reader can't take a written fee, which has been seriously damaging the enthusiasm of the work-on authors, which is a problem that must be solved.

Therefore, regardless of the general acceptance or not, he has to make recommendations in the scalp.

Yu Qian did not answer immediately, but a little consideration.

Let Ma Yun to manage these money?

That can also be considered.

, mainly trust him to see the vision of the web.

Ma Yun wrote to write a web writing, enough to explain that he looks at the network version has a major problem, in this case, he feels that it can become a boutique, of course, it will not go.

In other words, even if these books are picked up, the recommended bits are full, and the festival is issued in accordance with the boutique, nor does it affect the end of the Chinese network.

At the same time, the end of the Chinese network can also have an additional large cost!

This is a rumor that is eager to spend money, it can be said that it is in the snow!

After considering risks and revenue, Yu Qian immediately nodded: "Okay, no problem."

"In addition to signing the full-duty of the authors, I will give you two million, you will spend it first."

The horse is a group, hurriedly said: "The balance, two million is a bit too much!"

"There are not a few authors that have achieved a boutique on the website, I think it is enough to be 20 million every month."

: "It doesn't matter!"

"The boutique author gives more money and there is no hurt. Our website may wish to buy horse bones, give the author's money, this is not a bad thing."

"You don't want too much. Since I decided to make up the full manuscript fee, I will wish to make more than a point, let them have a stronger belonging to the end of the Chinese network."

Yu Qian is not worried about it.

Anyway, the books selected by the horse are a bunch of garbage, even if more money is given more money?

The book is not good, attracting not to readers, then these money is equivalent to playing water drift, and Yan Qian is happy.

Moreover, there is still a month to settle, and Yan Qian can't wait to spend more money.

Two million people look too much in Ma Yun, but Yan Qian can't hate more.

Ma Yun is very moving.

Sure enough, the sum is always, and it is always so atmospheric!

It's a good job to buy a horse!

If you can give more the author who have strength to the boutique, then the end of the Chinese website is stronger than the competitiveness of other small websites. Over time, it may form a benign circulation!

Let Ma Yisheng moved that always trust yourself!

These two million, which is equivalent to throwing it to Ma Yun.

What trust is this!

Can a general leader, can you have this kind of power?

This is not to spread the genus, is it still a person?

Ma Yunshou shot chest: "You can rest assured, I must try my best, filter out a group of strength boutique, absolutely don't let this money white flowers!"

The surface smiles, in the heart.

As long as you do our best, my money must be white.

If you don't say, are you a good employee I am really heavy?

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